17 research outputs found

    Enhancement of Immune Response Against Bordetella spp. by Disrupting Immunomodulation

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    Well-adapted pathogens must evade clearance by the host immune system and the study of how they do this has revealed myriad complex strategies and mechanisms. Classical bordetellae are very closely related subspecies that are known to modulate adaptive immunity in a variety of ways, permitting them to either persist for life or repeatedly infect the same host. Exploring the hypothesis that exposure to immune cells would cause bordetellae to induce expression of important immunomodulatory mechanisms, we identified a putative regulator of an immunomodulatory pathway. The deletion of btrS in B. bronchiseptica did not affect colonization or initial growth in the respiratory tract of mice, its natural host, but did increase activation of the inflammasome pathway, and recruitment of inflammatory cells. The mutant lacking btrS recruited many more B and T cells into the lungs, where they rapidly formed highly organized and distinctive Bronchial Associated Lymphoid Tissue (BALT) not induced by any wild type Bordetella species, and a much more rapid and strong antibody response than observed with any of these species. Immunity induced by the mutant was measurably more robust in all respiratory organs, providing completely sterilizing immunity that protected against challenge infections for many months. Moreover, the mutant induced sterilizing immunity against infection with other classical bordetellae, including B. pertussis and B. parapertussis, something the current vaccines do not provide. These findings reveal profound immunomodulation by bordetellae and demonstrate that by disrupting it much more robust protective immunity can be generated, providing a pathway to greatly improve vaccines and preventive treatments against these important pathogens

    Bordetella spp. block eosinophil recruitment to suppress the generation of early mucosal protection

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    Bordetella spp. are respiratory pathogens equipped with immune evasion mechanisms. We previously characterized a Bordetella bronchiseptica mutant (RB50DbtrS) that fails to suppress host responses, leading to rapid clearance and long-lasting immunity against reinfection. This work revealed eosinophils as an exclusive requirement for RB50DbtrS clearance. We also show that RB50DbtrS promotes eosinophil-mediated B/T cell recruitment and inducible bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (iBALT) formation, with eosinophils being present throughout iBALT for Th17 and immunoglobulin A (IgA) responses. Finally, we provide evidence that XCL1 is critical for iBALT formation but not maintenance, proposing a novel role for eosinophils as facilitators of adaptive immunity against B. bronchiseptica. RB50DbtrS being incapable of suppressing eosinophil effector functions illuminates active, bacterial targeting of eosinophils to achieve successful persistence and reinfection. Overall, our discoveries contribute to understanding cellular mechanisms for use in future vaccines and therapies against Bordetella spp. and extension to other mucosal pathogens.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2020/02Xunta de Galicia | Ref.ED481A-2018/23

    Blood or Serum Exposure Induce Global Transcriptional Changes, Altered Antigenic Profile, and Increased Cytotoxicity by Classical Bordetellae

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    The classical bordetellae sense and respond to a variety of environments outside and within their mammalian hosts. By causing inflammation and tissue damage, we reasoned that bordetellae are likely to encounter components of blood and/or serum during the course of a respiratory infection, and that detecting and responding to these would be advantageous. Therefore, we hypothesized that classical bordetellae have the ability to sense and respond to blood or serum. Blood or serum exposure resulted in substantial transcriptional changes in Bordetella bronchiseptica, including enhanced expression of many virulence-associated genes. Exposure to blood or serum additionally elicited production of multiple antigens not otherwise detectable, and led to increased bacterial cytotoxicity against macrophages. Transcriptional responses to blood/serum were observed in a Bvg− phase-locked mutant, indicating that the response is not solely dependent on a functional BvgAS system. Similar transcriptional responses to blood/serum were observed for the other classical bordetellae, Bordetella pertussis and Bordetella parapertussis. These data suggest the classical bordetellae respond to signals present in blood and serum by changing their behavior in ways that likely contribute to their remarkable success, via effects on pathogenesis, persistence and/or transmission between hosts

    Eosinophils and Bacteria, the Beginning of a Story

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    Eosinophils are granulocytes primarily associated with TH2 responses to parasites or immune hyper-reactive states, such as asthma, allergies, or eosinophilic esophagitis. However, it does not make sense from an evolutionary standpoint to maintain a cell type that is only specific for parasitic infections and that otherwise is somehow harmful to the host. In recent years, there has been a shift in the perception of these cells. Eosinophils have recently been recognized as regulators of immune homeostasis and suppressors of over-reactive pro-inflammatory responses by secreting specific molecules that dampen the immune response. Their role during parasitic infections has been well investigated, and their versatility during immune responses to helminths includes antigen presentation as well as modulation of T cell responses. Although it is known that eosinophils can present antigens during viral infections, there are still many mechanistic aspects of the involvement of eosinophils during viral infections that remain to be elucidated. However, are eosinophils able to respond to bacterial infections? Recent literature indicates that Helicobacter pylori triggers TH2 responses mediated by eosinophils; this promotes anti-inflammatory responses that might be involved in the long-term persistent infection caused by this pathogen. Apparently and on the contrary, in the respiratory tract, eosinophils promote TH17 pro-inflammatory responses during Bordetella bronchiseptica infection, and they are, in fact, critical for early clearance of bacteria from the respiratory tract. However, eosinophils are also intertwined with microbiota, and up to now, it is not clear if microbiota regulates eosinophils or vice versa, or how this connection influences immune responses. In this review, we highlight the current knowledge of eosinophils as regulators of pro and anti-inflammatory responses in the context of both infection and naïve conditions. We propose questions and future directions that might open novel research avenues in the future

    Use of Biopolymers in Mucosally-Administered Vaccinations for Respiratory Disease

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    Communicable respiratory infections are the cause of a significant number of infectious diseases. The introduction of vaccinations has greatly improved this situation. Moreover, adjuvants have allowed for vaccines to be more effective with fewer adverse side effects. However, there is still space for improvement because while the more common injected formulations induce a systematic immunity, they do not confer the mucosal immunity needed for more thorough prevention of the spread of respiratory disease. Intranasal formulations provide systemic and mucosal immune protection, but they have the potential for more serious side effects and a less robust immune response. This review looks at seven different adjuvants—chitosan, starch, alginate, gellan, β-glucan, emulsan and hyaluronic acid—and their prospective ability to improve intranasal vaccines as adjuvants and antigen delivery systems

    Novel Therapeutic Strategies Applied to Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections in Cystic Fibrosis

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is one of the most prevalent genetic diseases and a total of 1700 different genetic mutations can cause this condition. Patients that suffer this disease have a thickening of the mucus, creating an environment that promotes bacterial infections. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a ubiquitous bacterium, which is frequently found in the lungs of CF patients. P. aeruginosa is known for its high level of antibiotic resistance as well as its high rate of mutation that allows it to rapidly evolve and adapt to a multitude of conditions. When a CF lung is infected with P. aeruginosa, the decay of the patient is accelerated, but there is little that can be done apart from controlling the infection with antibiotics. Novel strategies to control P. aeruginosa infection are imperative, and nanotechnology provides novel approaches to drug delivery that are more efficient than classic antibiotic treatments. These drug delivery systems are offering new prospects, especially for these patients with special mucus conditions and bacterial characteristics that limit antibiotic use