557 research outputs found

    Elecxit: The Cost of Bilaterally Uncoupling British-EU Electricity Trade

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    The UK’s withdrawal from the European Union could mean that it leaves the EU Single Market for electricity (Elecxit). This paper develops methods to study the longer-term consequences of this electricity market disintegration, and in particular the end of market coupling. Before European electricity markets were coupled, different market closing times forced traders to commit to cross-border trading volumes based on anticipated market prices. Interconnector capacity was often under-used, and power sometimes flowed from high- to low-price areas. A model of these market frictions is developed, empirically verified on 2009 data (before market coupling) and applied to estimate the costs of market uncoupling in 2030. A less efficient market and the abandonment of some planned interconnectors would raise generation costs by €560m a year (1.5%) compared to remaining in the Single Electricity Market. Sixty percent (€300m) of these welfare losses occur in Great Britain

    Business models for active buildings

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    Active Buildings that allow users to adjust their demands on the grid to the needs of the energy system could greatly assist the transition to net zero, but will not be widely adopted unless the businesses involved can make money from doing so. We describe the construction, flexibility and information supply chains of activities needed to make these buildings work. Drawing on the results of an expert workshop, we set out four possible business models deserving further investigation. Developers may find it profitable to build or upgrade energy-efficient buildings with the monitoring and control equipment needed to adjust demand and energy storage as required, selling them soon after completion. Aggregators monitor the state of the building and communicate with the energy system to adjust the building’s demand while maintaining comfort levels, in return for suitable payments. Energy service companies may sell energy-as-a-service and own the equipment instead of a consumer who wishes to minimize their upfront costs, and the idea of an active, energy-efficient, building may be attractive to the tenants of the new group of all-inclusive rental companies, and hence to those companies. Our discussion shows that each is an evolution of an existing (successful) business model, but that further work will be needed to evaluate their profitability when applied to Active Buildings

    Heterogeneous–Homogeneous Catalytic Partial Oxidations Investigated by Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometry

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    Heterogeneous catalytic reactions are often insufficiently described by surface reaction steps only; gas phase contributions are neglected. Surface and gas phase reaction steps can take place simultaneously and are coupled by exchange of energy and reaction intermediates. Catalytic partial oxidations are suspected to proceed via combined heterogeneous–homogeneous mechanisms because of high reaction temperatures and the diradical oxygen as reactant. Gas phase radicals are thought to be key intermediates, but there is little understanding of mechanistic details [1]. To study the mechanism of such reactions we have developed a Molecular Beam Mass Spectrometer (MBMS) equipped with a high temperature catalytic wall reactor

    A novel computer adaptive word list memory test optimized for remote assessment: Psychometric properties and associations with neurodegenerative biomarkers in older women without dementia

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    Introduction: This study established the psychometric properties and preliminary validity of the Stricker Learning Span (SLS), a novel computer adaptive word list memory test designed for remote assessment and optimized for smartphone use. Methods: Women enrolled in the Mayo Clinic Specialized Center of Research Excellence (SCORE) were recruited via e-mail or phone to complete two remote cognitive testing sessions. Convergent validity was assessed through correlation with previously administered in-person neuropsychological tests (n = 96, ages 55-79) and criterion validity through associations with magnetic resonance imaging measures of neurodegeneration sensitive to Alzheimer\u27s disease (n = 47). Results: SLS performance significantly correlated with the Auditory Verbal Learning Test and measures of neurodegeneration (temporal meta-regions of interest and entorhinal cortical thickness, adjusting for age and education). Test-retest reliabilities across two sessions were 0.71-0.76 (two-way mixed intraclass correlation coefficients). Discussion: The SLS is a valid and reliable self-administered memory test that shows promise for remote assessment of aging and neurodegenerative disorders

    Wii-Fit for Improving Gait and Balance in an Assisted Living Facility: A Pilot Study

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    Objectives. To determine the effects on balance and gait of a Wii-Fit program compared to a walking program in subjects with mild Alzheimer's dementia (AD). Methods. A prospective randomized (1 : 1) pilot study with two intervention arms was conducted in an assisted living facility with twenty-two mild AD subjects. In both groups the intervention occurred under supervision for 30 minutes daily, five times a week for eight weeks. Repeated measures ANOVA and paired t-tests were used to analyze changes. Results. Both groups showed improvement in Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Tinetti Test (TT) and Timed Up and Go (TUG) over 8 weeks. However, there was no statistically significant difference between the groups over time. Intragroup analysis in the Wii-Fit group showed significant improvement on BBS (P = 0.003), and TT (P = 0.013). The walking group showed a trend towards improvement on BBS (P = 0.06) and TUG (P = 0.07) and significant improvement in TT (P = 0.06). Conclusion. This pilot study demonstrates the safety and efficacy of Wii-Fit in an assisted living facility in subjects with mild AD. Use of Wii-Fit resulted in significant improvements in balance and gait comparable to those in the robust monitored walking program. These results need to be confirmed in a larger, methodologically sound study

    Platinum Group Metal-Doped Tungsten Phosphates for Selective C-H Activation of Lower Alkanes

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    Platinum group metal (PGM)-based catalysts are known to be highly active in the total combustion of lower hydrocarbons. However, through an alternative catalyst design reported in this paper by isolating PGM-based active sites in a tungsten phosphate matrix, we present a class of catalysts for selective oxidation of n-butane, propane, and propylene that do not contain Mo or V as redox-active elements. Two different catalyst concepts have been pursued. Concept A: isolating Ru-based active sites in a tungsten phosphate matrix coming upon as ReO3-type structure. Concept B: dilution of PGM-based active sites through the synthesis of X-ray amorphous Ru tungsten phosphates supported on SiO2. Using a high-throughput screening approach, model catalysts over a wide compositional range were evaluated for C3 and C4 partial oxidation. Bulk crystalline and supported XRD amorphous phases with similar Ru/W/P compositions showed comparable performance. Hence, for these materials, composition is more crucial than the degree of crystallinity. Further studies for optimization on second-generation supported systems revealed even better results. High selectivity for n-butane oxidation to maleic anhydride and propane oxidation to an acrolein/acrylic acid has been achieved

    The H1 Forward Proton Spectrometer at HERA

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    The forward proton spectrometer is part of the H1 detector at the HERA collider. Protons with energies above 500 GeV and polar angles below 1 mrad can be detected by this spectrometer. The main detector components are scintillating fiber detectors read out by position-sensitive photo-multipliers. These detectors are housed in so-called Roman Pots which allow them to be moved close to the circulating proton beam. Four Roman Pot stations are located at distances between 60 m and 90 m from the interaction point.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Nucl.Instr.and Method
