18 research outputs found

    Geometry and procedure for benchmarking SFF and hybrid fabrication process resolution

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    ABSTRACT Since the advent of SFF and RP a number of SFF benchmarking geometries and methodologies have been developed and employed with some similarities but limited standardization. Minimal information has been published in regard to a standard method of measuring the resolution limits or capabilities of SFF and SFF-based hybrid processes. In an effort to benchmark resolution limits of SFF and Hybrid Fabrication processes, several benchmarking geometries were developed to capture the resolution capabilities, specifically hole size and rod size range, of multiple hybrid fabrication path steps and a hybrid path as a whole. These useful geometries are shared with the SFF community and procedures for their use are described in this paper

    The Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH)

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    The Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) had a Special Observing Period (SOP) that ran from November 16, 2018 to February 15, 2019, a period chosen to span the austral warm season months of greatest operational activity in the Antarctic. Some 2200 additional radiosondes were launched during the 3-month SOP, roughly doubling the routine program, and the network of drifting buoys in the Southern Ocean was enhanced. An evaluation of global model forecasts during the SOP and using its data has confirmed that extratropical Southern Hemisphere forecast skill lags behind that in the Northern Hemisphere with the contrast being greatest between the southern and northern polar regions. Reflecting the application of the SOP data, early results from observing system experiments show that the additional radiosondes