26 research outputs found

    Produção de serapilheira e aporte de nutrientes em areas de floresta atlântica em Santa Maria de Jetibá, ES

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    This study was accomplished on Espíndula Farm, Santa Maria de Jetibá (ES), with the objective of evaluating the litter and nutrients deposition in areas with different succession stadiums. Two areas were selected with different vegetable coverings, defined as: (SF) Secondary Forest, with about 25 ha of area, corresponding to an old area of cassava cultivation with about 50 years in process of ecological succession and where today there is a secondary forest and an Old Secondary Forest (OSF) corresponding to a forest area that has just been submitted to a selective wood extraction for use of the farm itself. In each one of vegetal areas, approximately 0.1 ha was delimited and in these ten conical collectors were randomized distributed. The litter collections were accomplished monthly from November 2003 to October 2005. After drying, the material was stratified and the total contributed and the contribution of the different fractions, and the nutritious addition were evaluated. It was not verified significant differences among the total of litter deposited among the areas, being the highest production values observed in the summer, 5.70 Mg ha-1 (SF) and 5.73 Mg ha-1(OSF), possibly due to the winds and rain mechanical action. The fraction of higher contribution was the foliar, corresponding to 74.62% for the SF area and 69.46% for the OSF area

    Cultivo de Calophyllum braziliense em várzea e terraço fluvial e seleção de espécies para a conversão agroflorestal.

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    O cultivo agroflorestal de Guanandi - Calophyllum braziliense nas várzeas e terraços fluviais do Vale do Paraíba é sustentável e representa baixo impacto ambiental na principal bacia hidrográfica da região Sudeste do Brasil. Este estudo de caso contém informações do Projeto desenvolvido na centenária Fazenda Coruputuba, em Pindamonhangaba, SP. Aborda aspectos ecofisiológicos do gênero Calophyllum que torna o guanandi apto ao cultivo sob inundação e contém uma seleção de espécies adaptadas aos dois ambientes: várzea inundável e terraço fluvial


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    La eliminación de vegetación ribereña y un uso intenso de terrazas en el Valle del Río Paraíba do Sul, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, han causado la degradación de la tierra y la lixiviación de nutrientes y sedimentos por la lluvia. En el año 2008, se introdujo el guanandi – Calophyllum braziliense (3x2m); árbol nativo resistente a inundaciones y productor de madera fina; después del corte de eucaliptos en las terrazas. En 2011 ha comenzado a conversión de agroforestería con un experimento en bloques al azar con 8 repeticiones de cada tratamiento: guanandi, guanandi + yuca (Manihot esculenta) y yuca en sistema agroforestal + guanandi (SAF). La yuca fue plantado entre las líneas de guanandi en filas dobles (0,8 x 0,8 m) y yucas en SAFs fue introducida: Musa sp. BRS Conquista entremezclado con palma juçara (Euterpe edulis), Cajanus cajan y árboles nativos: Croton urucurana, Schinnus terenbinthifolius, Zanthoxilylum rhoifolium, Inga sp., Pseudobombax grandiflorum, Erytrina sp. y Johannesia princeps entre las líneas de yuca. El objetivo de los árboles y arbustos fue reciclar nutrientes, aumentar las reservas de carbono del suelo y restaurar el bosque ribereño con la diversidad biológica. La variedad de yuca biofortificada (IAC06-01) se obtuvo por crianza clásica, contiene 1.400 UI de vitamina A. El rendimiento promedio de raíces en consorcio con guanandi fue 6.099 kg/ha y el SAF 4.940 kg/ha para una población de 5.555 plantas/ha, lo que significa un promedio de 1,10 y 0,89 kg raíces comerciales por planta. Sin embargo, en el SAF será la producción de plátanos, quinchoncho frijoles y frutas de juçara. Los SAFs pueden convertirse en una de las mejores opciones para diversificar los ingresos, alineando la producción de madera fina, leña y alimentos, reduciendo la cantidad de fertilizantes sintéticos que generan ingresos adicionales a los productores con la conservación del medio ambient

    Análise espectral de solos do litoral piauiense

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    O litoral do Piauí tem uma extensão de apenas 66km, e sua planície litorânea têm sofrido muita pressão para ocupação, que vem ocorrendo de forma desordenada. O conhecimento do recurso natural solo é fundamental para o ordenamento territorial responsável. São raros os trabalhos sobre os solos do Piauí em escala mais detalhada. O presente trabalho traz maior detalhamento de solos piauienses e tem como objetivo analisar a resposta espectral de solos representativos das diferentes paisagens do litoral piauiense na faixa do visível e do infravermelho (350 a 2500nm) e faz inferência para fins de classificação. Foi possível com a interpretação das curvas espectrais fazer associação a vários atributos dos solos e relacionar com a sua gênese e classificação. Os resultados indicam que essa metodologia pode ser eficiente em levantamentos de solos do litoral piauiense


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    En el año de 2011 se analizó el desempeño ambiental de la finca Coruputuba, en Pindamonhangaba, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. La metodología utilizada fué el sistema APOIA-NovoRural, con 62 indicadores de sustentabilidad en el contexto para el análisis de la implementación de los sistemas agroforestales con Calophyllum braziliense y Acacia mangium. Antes de la implementación de los sistemas agroforestales, la finca estuvo plantada con arroz en lo valle y eucalipto en las terrazas. Con el proyecto se logró sustituir 10 ha en el valle y 4 ha de terraza con Calophyllum, especie que ofrece una madera fina. Otra especie que se introdujo en la terraza fue la acacia (50 ha), sustituta del eucalipto. La finca aporta un valor agregado a la gestión dirigida a procesos de recuperación de la viabilidad económica y ambiental mediante el rescate de la vocación agrícola. Se fue reintroducido la Manihot esculenta, Maranta arundinaceae, Colocasia esculenta, Euterpe edulis, Musa sp., Cajanus cajan, y especies forestales en asociación con Calophyllum: Inga sp., Schinnus terebinthifolius, Alchornea triplinervia, Sesbania sp., repartidas entre 159 ha productivas y 50 ha para hábitats naturales de conservación. Las variables como efecto de los sistemas agroforestales estuvieron repartidas en suelos, caracteristicas productivas, apropiación y mejoramiento de las condicones de los trabajadores, aspectos ambientales y socioeconónicos que en conjunto arrojaron indices de desempeño para el sistema APOIA-NovoRural. Se encontraron contribuciones de los sistemas agroforestales para la sustentabilidad, destacándose la calidad del agua con índice (0,94) comparado con (0,85) obtenido en los sedimentos que drenan del cultivo de arroz; valores económicos (0,85) y de ecología del paisaje (0,77). El índice integrado medio, llegó a 0,79 en una escala de 0 a 10, con referencia de 0,70. La Finca Coruputuba estuvo entre los cinco valores más altos de desempeño ambiental de un universo de 178 casos

    Florística e fitossociologia em áreas de cerradão e mata mesofítica na estação Ecológica de Pirapitinga, MG

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the floristic and phytosociological parameters of the species present in areas of mesophytic forest and dense woodland in the Pirapitinga Ecological Station, Minas Gerais state, Brazil. For the survey of floristic and phytosociological parameters, a total of 108 plots of 100 m2 were implanted, where all individuals with circumference at ground height (CGH) ≥ 16 cm were sampled in areas of dense woodland and mesophytic forest. The following parameters were calculated: frequency, density, dominance, values of importance and cover, Shannon and evenness indices, and floristic similarity by the Sorensen index. In both study areas, a total of 1,716 individuals of 67 species, 60 genera, and 35 families were sampled. The richest families were Vochysiaceae and Fabaceae. The dense woodland area presented the highest species richness (67) and the highest density, while the mesophytic forest area presented the greatest species development

    Retranslocação de nutrientes em espécies florestais na Amazônia Brasileira

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    Internal retranslocation is an important mechanism for nutrient conservation in plants, which depends on different factors. However, there are little data about this subject, especially on tropical forest species. This study aimed to evaluate the macronutrient retranslocation dynamic and the influence of ecological (P: pioneer x NP: non-pioneer) and phenological (ND: non-deciduous x D: semideciduous/deciduous) characteristics on the macronutrient content of leaves of five tree species on monospecific plantations in the Brazilian Amazon: Acacia mangium Willd., Parkia decussata Ducke, Dipteryx odorata (Aublet) Willd., Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D. Don and Swietenia macrophylla King. Photosynthetically active green leaves and senescent leaves (leaf litter) were collected. Retranslocation was estimated through an equation proposed by Attiwill, Guthrie and Leuning (1978). The pioneer species presented higher foliar contents of N; the non-pioneer species presented higher contents of K, Ca and S; and the results were inconclusive for P and Mg. The deciduous species presented higher foliar contents of K and of P, whereas the foliar contents of N, Ca, Mg and S were virtually identical between the phenological groups. The internal retranslocation of foliar nutrients in pioneer and non-deciduous species was higher than that of nonpioneer and deciduous species. © 2016, Eduem - Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringa. All rights reserved

    Modificações na cobertura vegetal influenciam os atributos químicos do solo na Amazônia brasileira

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    Forest plantations may minimize the effects of deforestation in the Amazon. However, there are differences among species in terms of their influences on soil recovery. The effects of monospecific plantations of Acacia mangium, Dipteryx odorata, Jacaranda copaia, Parkia decussata,and Swietenia macrophylla, and areas of pasture and native forest on the chemical soil attributes of the Brazilian Amazon were evaluated. One bulked soil sample was collected per plot (0.00-0.05, 0.05-0.10, and 0.10-0.30 m; three plots of 128 m2) in each area. No significant differences in most of the soil attributes were observed among the forest plantations. However, soil K+ and P were higher in the Swietenia macrophylla plantations, while higher values of Ca2+, sum of bases, and pH occurred in Jacaranda copaia plantations. In the native forest, the pH, and P content were lower, whereas the soil organic matter (SOM) content, soil organic carbon (SOC) content, cation exchange capacity (CEC), N content, H+Al content, and Al3+ content were higher than in the plantations. The lowest values of SOM, SOC, CEC, K+, Mg2+, N, H+Al, and Al3+ occurred in the pasture. None of the forest species led to the return of the original soil chemical attributes of the native forest. However, S. macrophylla and J. copaia plantations presented the highest positive edaphic influences. © 2017, Eduem - Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringa. All rights reserved


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    The residual herbicides in the soil can be influenced by several factors, including soil compaction. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of soil compaction on selectivity of diclosulam to soybean, as well as the carryover effect on the corn in succession. The experiment was carried out in clay and sandy soil. The experimental design was in a randomized block with four replicates. The treatments were arranged in a 3x3 factorial scheme, where A factor was level of compaction (0 - no compaction, 10 and 20%) and the B factor doses of diclosulam (0, 25.2 and 50.4 g ai ha-1) applied in pre-emergence of soybean. After soybean harvested, the columns were opened and corn and cucumber were seeding. The analyzes carried out on soybean were chlorophyll a fluorescence, shoot dry matter (SDM) and NPK content at 90 days after germination (DAG). For corn: chlorophyll a fluorescence transient was performed at 15, 30 and 45 DAG. For corn and cucumber: plant height, root length, SDM and root dry mass at 45 DAG. The herbicide residue quantification was performed by LC-MS/MS at 94 days after application. Data were submitted to ANOVA (p ≤ 0.05) and the means were compared by Tukey at 5%. Soybeans plants in both soils showed no difference in growth parameters and NPK content but photosynthesis parameters was impaired. There was no corn crop carryover regardless of soil compaction. There was a reduction of cucumber plants being aggravated in soils with compaction. No diclosulam residue was detected in solutions evaluated by LC-MS/MS.O residual do herbicida no solo pode ser influenciado por diversos fatores incluindo a compactação do solo. O objetivo foi avaliar a influência dos níveis de compactação do solo na seletividade do herbicida diclosulam para a soja e efeito carryover no milho semeado em sucessão. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados com 4 repetições. Os tratamentos em esquema fatorial 3x3, o fator A compactação (0, 10 e 20%) e o fator B as doses do herbicida diclosulam (0; 25.2 e 50.4 g i.a. ha-1) aplicado em pré-emergência. Após 90 dias da semeadura da soja, foi realizada coleta das plantas, abertura das colunas e semeados milho e pepino. Foram realizadas na soja as análises: fluorescência da clorofila a, massa seca da parte aérea (MSPA) e conteúdo de NPK das folhas aos 90 dias após a germinação (DAG). Para milho: fluorescência da clorofila a aos 15, 30 e 45 DAG. Para milho e pepino: estatura de plantas, comprimento das raízes, MSPA e massa seca da raiz aos 45DAG. A quantificação do resíduo do diclosulam por LC-MS/MS foi realizada aos 94 dias após aplicação do herbicida. Os dados foram submetidos à ANOVA (p ≤ 0,05) e comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5%. A soja em ambos os solos, não apresentou diferença nos parâmetros de crescimento e conteúdo de NPK, porém houve prejuízo nos parâmetros fotossintéticos. Não houve carryover causado a cultura do milho, independente da compactação do solo. Houve redução das plantas de pepino sendo agravado em solos compactados. Não foi detectado resíduo do diclosulam nos solos avaliados por LC-MS/MS