11 research outputs found

    Colaboración entre profesionales y padres de niños con discapacidad intelectual: Experiencias y expectativas de los padres

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    Con el fin de contribuir a precisar la noción de colaboración que actualmente se menciona con tanta frecuencia para designar las relaciones entre profesionales y padres de niños con discapacidad, en este artículo se presenta una investigación que aborda el punto de vista de los padres, tratando de recoger sus experiencias y sus deseos, identificando las dificultades que confrontan y los medios utilizados para superar o atenuar dichas dificultades. Dado que esta investigación aún está en curso, sólo se presentan los resultados obtenidos durante la fase exploratoria, es decir, el análisis de los testimonios escritos y publicados por los padres de familia

    Correlation Between Metabolic Syndrome, Periodontitis and Reactive Oxygen Species Production. A Pilot Study.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with an increased risk of periodontitis even if the mechanism is unknown. Since both MetS and periodontitis are characterized by an alteration of inflammation status, the aim of this pilot study was to determine if differences in ROS metabolism of phagocytes isolated from (A) patients with MetS, (B) patients with both MetS and mild periodontitis, (C) healthy subjects and (D) normal weight subjects with mild periodontitis, were present. METHODS: ROS metabolism was studied by a Chemiluminescence (CL) technique: the system was made up of luminol (100 nmol/L) and cells (1 × 105) in the presence or absence of stimulus constituted by opsonized zymosan (0.5 mg). The final volume (1.0 mL) was obtained using modified KRP buffer. ROS production was measured at 25°C for 2 h, using an LB 953 luminometer (Berthold, EG & G Co, Germany). All the experiments were performed in triplicate. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS: All results are mean ± standard deviation (SD). The group of means was compared by the analysis of variance "(ANOVA)". A value of p < 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Results showed that basal ROS production (both from PMNs and from PBMs) of groups A, B and D was increased with respect to that obtained from group C (p <0.05). CONCLUSION: These results are congruent with literature data, although the actual clinical relevance of the phenomenon remains to be evaluated

    Effects of azelaic, sebacic and dodecanoic acids on insulin release

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    info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedComm. 35th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes - Brussels (Belgium), 29.09.199

    Partenariat entre professionnels et parents d’enfants avec une déficience intellectuelle : Expériences et attentes des parents

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    Afin de contribuer à préciser la notion de partenariat si largement évoquée aujourd’hui pour désigner les rapports entre les parents d’enfants handicapés et les professionnels, la recherche présentée, dans cet article, étudie le point de vue des parents, tente d’inventorier leurs expériences et leurs souhaits, identifie les difficultés qu’ils rencontrent et les moyens trouvés pour dépasser ou atténuer ces difficultés. Étant donné que cette recherche est en cours, nous ne présenterons comme résultats que ceux de la phase exploratoire, c’est-à-dire l’analyse des témoignages écrits et publiés par les parents eux-mêmes.In order to contribute to clarifying the idea of partnership so widely used today to describe the relationships between parents of handicapped children and professionals, the research presented in this article studies the parents’ point of view, in an attempt to make an inventory of their experiences and their wishes, identify the difficulties they encounter and the means found to overcome or alleviate these difficulties. Since this research is still in progress, we will present the results of this exploratory phase, analyzing testimonials that are written and published by the parents themselves.Con el fin de contribuir a la precisión de la noción de cooperación que actualmente se evoca con tanta frecuencia para designar las relaciones entre los profesionistas y los padres de familia que tienen niños minusválidos, presentamos en este artículo una investigación que aborda el punto de vista de los padres de familia, tratando de inventariar sus experiencias y sus esperanzas, identificando las dificultades que confrontan y los medios utilizados para rebasar o atenuar dichas dificultades. Dado que esta investigación aun está en curso, sólo presentamos los resultados obtenidos durante la fase exploratoria, es decir, el análisis de los testimonios escritos y publicados por los padres de familia

    Effectiveness of the Transoral Endoscopic Vertical Gastroplasty (TOGa\uae): a good balance between weight loss and complications, if compared with gastric bypass and biliopancreatic diversion

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    The effectiveness of restrictive procedures has been inferior to that of malabsorbitive ones. Recent variants of restrictive procedures, i.e., gastric banding and sleeve gastrectomy, confirm the strive for more efficacious solutions with less complications. We investigated the balance between effectiveness and complications for a new restrictive procedure, a Transoral Endoscopic Vertical Gastroplasty (TOGa\uae