36 research outputs found

    Distribution of Complex and Core Lipids within New Hyperthermophilic Members of the Archaea Domain

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    Core and complex lipids of several new hyperthermophilic archaeal isolates were analyzed. The organisms belong to the Sulfolobales,Archaeoglobus, Pyrobaculum, and Methanococcus. A detailed structural investigation of complex lipids of Pyrobaculum species is reported. The different lipid structures are of help for a rapid and simple phylogenetic classification of the new isolates. They are in agreement with the classification based on other features

    Sulfolobus metallicus, sp. nov., a Novel Strictly Chemolithoautotrophic Thermophilic Archaeal Species of Metal-Mobilizers

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    Five new isolates of archaeal coccoid thermoacidophiles were obtained from Icelandic solfataric fields. They are strict chemolithoautotrophs gaining energy by oxidation of S° and sulfidic ores. The new strains grow between 50 and 75 °C and p H 1 and 4.5 and tolerate N a C l concentrations of up to 3.0%. The G C - content of their D N A is 38 m o l % . The new isolates resemble members of Sulfolobus in their morphology, their ability to oxidize reduced sulfur compounds and their GC-content. They are different in their strictly chemolithoautotrophic mode of life, their ore-leaching capacity, D N A / D N A hybridization and incomplete serological cross-reaction of R N A polymerase. Therefore, we describe here a new species, Sulfolobus metallicus. Type strain is Sulfolobus metallicus (Kra 2 3 ; D S M 6482)

    Growth by Aerobic Oxidation of Molecular Hydrogen in Archaea - a Metabolic Property so far Unknown for this Domain

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    Members of the genera Sulfolobus, Acidianus and Metallosphaera were found to be able to grow chemo-lithoautotrophically on H 2 / 0 2. Under these conditions, the strains grew between about 0.2 and 10 % 0 2 per vol. (opt: —1 % 0 2). The oxidation of H 2 by 0 2 was confirmed by the addition of D 2 as a tracer. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of H 2 oxidation by 0 2 among the Archaea