206 research outputs found

    Optimization of Al/AlOx/AlAl/AlO_x/Al-Layer Systems for Josephson Junctions from a Microstructure Point of View

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    Al/AlOx/AlAl/AlO_x/Al-layer systems are frequently used for Josephson junction-based superconducting devices. Although much work has been devoted to the optimization of the superconducting properties of these devices, systematic studies on influence of deposition conditions combined with structural analyses on the nanoscale are rare up to now. We have focused on the optimization of the structural properties of Al/AlOx/AlAl/AlO_x/Al-layer systems deposited on Si(111) substrates with a particular focus on the thickness homogeneity of the AlOxAlO_x-tunnel barrier. A standard high-vacuum electron-beam deposition system was used and the effect of substrate pretreatment, different Al-deposition temperatures and Al-deposition rates was studied. Transmission electron microscopy was applied to analyze the structural properties of the Al/AlOx/AlAl/AlO_x/Al-layer systems to determine the thickness homogeneity of the AlOxAlO_x layer, grain size distribution in the Al layers, Al-grain boundary types and the morphology of the Al/AlOxAl/AlO_x interface. We show that the structural properties of the lower Al layer are decisive for the structural quality of the whole Al/AlOx/AlAl/AlO_x/Al-layer system. Optimum conditions yield an epitaxial Al(111) layer on a Si(111) substrate with an Al-layer thickness variation of only 1.6 nm over more than 10 μm\mu m and large lateral grain sizes up to 1 μm\mu m. Thickness fluctuations of the AlOxAlO_x-tunnel barrier are minimized on such an Al layer which is essential for the homogeneity of the tunnel current. Systematic variation of the Al-deposition rate and deposition temperature allows to develop an understanding of the growth mechanisms

    Correlating the nanostructure of Al-oxide with deposition conditions and dielectric contributions of two-level systems in perspective of superconducting quantum circuits

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    This work is concerned with Al/Al-oxide(AlOx_{x})/Al-layer systems which are important for Josephson-junction-based superconducting devices such as quantum bits. The device performance is limited by noise, which has been to a large degree assigned to the presence and properties of two-level tunneling systems in the amorphous AlOx_{x} tunnel barrier. The study is focused on the correlation of the fabrication conditions, nanostructural and nanochemical properties and the occurrence of two-level tunneling systems with particular emphasis on the AlOx_{x}-layer. Electron-beam evaporation with two different processes and sputter deposition were used for structure fabrication, and the effect of illumination by ultraviolet light during Al-oxide formation is elucidated. Characterization was performed by analytical transmission electron microscopy and low-temperature dielectric measurements. We show that the fabrication conditions have a strong impact on the nanostructural and nanochemical properties of the layer systems and the properties of two-level tunneling systems. Based on the understanding of the observed structural characteristics, routes are derived towards the fabrication of Al/AlOx_{x}/Al-layers systems with improved properties.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Multi-excitonic complexes in single InGaN quantum dots

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    Cathodoluminescence spectra employing a shadow mask technique of InGaN layers grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition on Si(111) substrates are reported. Sharp lines originating from InGaN quantum dots are observed. Temperature dependent measurements reveal thermally induced carrier redistribution between the quantum dots. Spectral diffusion is observed and was used as a tool to correlate up to three lines that originate from the same quantum dot. Variation of excitation density leads to identification of exciton and biexciton. Binding and anti-binding complexes are discovered.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figure

    Continuous transition between decagonal quasicrystal and approximant by formation and ordering of out-of-phase domains

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    The transformation between a quasicrystal and an orthorhombic approximant is studied at the nominal composition Al72.7Ni8.3Co19 by electron diffraction and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. A series of transition states indicating a continuous transformation is monitored. First, the material transforms to a single-oriented one-dimensional quasicrystal. In the course of this process out-of-phase domains are formed. The approximant results from ordering of these domains to a periodic structure

    Transmission electron microscopy investigation of segregation and critical floating-layer content of indium for island formation in InGaAs

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    We have investigated InGaAs layers grown by molecular-beam epitaxy on GaAs(001) by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and photoluminescence spectroscopy. InGaAs layers with In-concentrations of 16, 25 and 28 % and respective thicknesses of 20, 22 and 23 monolayers were deposited at 535 C. The parameters were chosen to grow layers slightly above and below the transition between the two- and three-dimensional growth mode. In-concentration profiles were obtained from high-resolution TEM images by composition evaluation by lattice fringe analysis. The measured profiles can be well described applying the segregation model of Muraki et al. [Appl. Phys. Lett. 61 (1992) 557]. Calculated photoluminescence peak positions on the basis of the measured concentration profiles are in good agreement with the experimental ones. Evaluating experimental In-concentration profiles it is found that the transition from the two-dimensional to the three-dimensional growth mode occurs if the indium content in the In-floating layer exceeds 1.1+/-0.2 monolayers. The measured exponential decrease of the In-concentration within the cap layer on top of the islands reveals that the In-floating layer is not consumed during island formation. The segregation efficiency above the islands is increased compared to the quantum wells which is explained tentatively by strain-dependent lattice-site selection of In. In addition, In0.25Ga0.75As quantum wells were grown at different temperatures between 500 oC and 550 oC. The evaluation of concentration profiles shows that the segregation efficiency increases from R=0.65 to R=0.83.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, 1 table, sbmitted in Phys. Rev.

    Carbon‐film‐based Zernike phase plates with smooth thickness gradient for phase‐contrast transmission electron microscopy with reduced fringing artefacts

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    Phase plates (PPs) in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) improve the contrast of weakly scattering objects under in-focus imaging conditions. A well-established PP type is the Zernike (Z)PP, which consists of a thin amorphous carbon (aC) film with a microscaled hole in the centre. The mean inner potential of the aC film is exploited to shift the phase of the scattered electrons while the unscattered electrons in the zero-order beam propagate through the hole and remain unaffected. However, the abrupt thickness increase at the hole edge induces an abrupt change of the phase-shift distribution and leads to fringing, that is, intensity oscillations around imaged objects, in TEM images. In this work, we have used focused-ion-beam milling to fabricate ZPPs with abrupt and graded thickness profiles around the centre hole. Depending on the thickness gradient and inner hole radius, graded-ZPP-TEM images of an aC/vacuum interface and bundles of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) show strongly reduced fringing. Image simulations were performed with ZPP-phase-shift distributions derived from measured thickness profiles of graded ZPPs, which show good agreement with the experimental images. - Fringing artefacts, that is, intensity oscillations around imaged objects, are strongly reduced for Zernike phase plates with a graded thickness profile around the centre hole. - Focused-ion-beam milling is used to fabricate graded Zernike phase plates with specific inner hole radius and thickness gradients. - The phase-shift distribution is obtained from measured thickness profiles around the centre hole. - Image simulations based on experimentally measured thickness/phase-shift distributions show good agreement with experimental Zernike phase-plate TEM images

    Analyzing contrast in cryo-transmission electron microscopy: Comparison of electrostatic Zach phase plates and hole-free phase plates

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    Phase plates (PPs) are beneficial devices to improve the phase contrast of life-science objects in cryo-transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The development of the hole-free (HF) PP, which consists of a thin carbon film, has led to impressive results due to its ease in fabrication, implementation and application. However, the phase shift of the HFPP can be controlled only indirectly. The electrostatic Zach PP uses a strongly localized and adjustable electrostatic potential to generate well-defined and variable phase shifts between scattered and unscattered electrons. However, artifacts in phase-contrast TEM images are induced by the presence of the PP rod in the diffraction plane. We present a detailed analysis and comparison of the contrast-enhancing capabilities of both PP types and their emerging artifacts. For this purpose, cryo-TEM images of a standard T4-bacteriophage test sample were acquired with both PP types. Simulated images reproduce the experimental images well and substantially contribute to the understanding of contrast formation. An electrostatic Zach PP was used in this work to acquire cryo-electron tomograms with enhanced contrast, which are of similar quality as tomograms obtained by HFPP TEM