4 research outputs found

    Closure Theorems at Triangles in the Sphere of WALLACE-SIMSON Theorem

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    Smatra se ([4]) da je Wallace-Simsonov teorem jedan od najljepših na području geometrije trokuta. Osobitu važnost ima u ravninskoj kinematici ([2,5]) gdje na način koji ne nalazimo nigdje drugdje u literaturi potiče raspravu o nekim klasičnim, ali i novim teoremima. Rad se bavi nekim istaknutim točkama i krivuljama koje nastaju zrcaljenjem točke na stranicama trokuta.The WALLACE-SIMSON theorem is considered ([4]) as one of the most beautiful theorems in the field of Geometry of triangles. Especially its importance for plane kinematics ([2,5]) is the starting point for discussing some classical but also new theorems in the sphere of the WALLACE-SIMSON theorem so far not found in any literature. The paper deals with some characteristic points and curves, if we reflect a point at the sides of a triangle