89 research outputs found

    Realistic GUT Yukawa Couplings from a Random Clockwork Model

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    We present realistic models of flavor in SU(5) and SO(10) grand unified theories (GUTs). The models are renormalizable and do not require any exotic representations in order to accommodate the necessary GUT breaking effects in the Yukawa couplings. They are based on a simple clockwork Lagrangian whose structure is enforced with just two (one) vectorlike U(1) symmetries in the case of SU(5) and SO(10) respectively. The inter-generational hierarchies arise spontaneously from products of matrices with order one random entries.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Natural Fermion Hierarchies from Random Yukawa Couplings

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    The Standard Model of particle physics requires Yukawa matrices with eigenval- ues that differ by orders of magnitude. We propose a novel way to explain this fact without any small or large parameters. The mechanism is based on the observation that products of matrices of random order one-numbers have hierarchical spectra. The same mechanism can easily account for the hierarchical structure of the quark mixing matrix.Comment: 9 pages. v2: Extended and improved discussion on CKM matrix. References added. Matches published versio

    One-Loop Effective Action in Orbifold Compactifications

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    We employ the covariant background formalism to derive generic expressions for the one-loop effective action in field theoretic orbifold compactifications. The contribution of each orbifold sector is given by the effective action of its fixed torus with a shifted mass matrix. We thus study in detail the computation of the heat kernel on tori. Our formalism manifestly separates UV sensitive (local) from UV-insensitive (nonlocal) renormalization. To exemplify our methods, we study the effective potential of 6d gauge theory as well as kinetic terms for gravitational moduli in 11d supergravity.Comment: 30 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables, v2: appendix on zeta function regularization added, discussion of 6d example expanded, version to appear in JHE

    Effective theory for neutral resonances and a statistical dissection of the ATLAS diboson excess

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    We classify the complete set of dimension-5 operators relevant for the resonant production of a singlet of spin 0 or 2 linearly coupled to the Standard Model (SM). We compute the decay width of such states as a function of the effective couplings, and provide the matching to various well-motivated New Physics scenarios. We then investigate the possibility that one of these neutral resonances be at the origin of the excess in diboson production recently reported by the ATLAS collaboration. We perform a shape analysis of the excess under full consideration of the systematic uncertainties to extract the width Γtot\Gamma_{\rm tot} of the hypothetical resonance, finding it to be in the range 26 GeV <Γtot<<\Gamma_{\rm tot}< 144 GeV at 95\% C.L. We then point out that the three overlapping selections WWWW, WZWZ, ZZZZ reported by ATLAS follow a joint trivariate Poisson distribution, which opens the possibility of a thorough likelihood analysis of the event rates. The background systematic uncertainties are also included in our analysis. We show that the data do not require W ⁣ZW\!Z production and could thus in principle be explained by neutral resonances. We then use both the information on the width and the cross section, which prove to be highly complementary, to test the effective Lagrangians of singlet resonances. Regarding specific models, we find that neither scalars coupled via the Higgs-portal nor the Randall-Sundrum (RS) radion can explain the ATLAS anomaly. The RS graviton with all matter on the infrared (IR) brane can in principle fit the observed excess, while the RS model with matter propagating in the bulk requires the presence of IR brane kinetic terms for the gauge fields.Comment: 31 page

    Anomalous gauge couplings from composite Higgs and warped extra dimensions

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    We examine trilinear and quartic anomalous gauge couplings (AGCs) generated in composite Higgs models and models with warped extra dimensions. We first revisit the SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y effective Lagrangian and derive the charged and two-photon neutral AGCs. We derive the general perturbative contributions to the pure field-strength operators from spin 0, 1/2, 1 resonances by means of the heat kernel method. In the composite Higgs framework, we derive the pattern of expected deviations from typical SO(N) embeddings of the light composite top partner. We then study a generic warped extra dimension framework with AdS_5 background, recasting in few parameters the features of models relevant for AGCs. We also present a detailed study of the latest bounds from electroweak and Higgs precision observables, with and without brane kinetic terms. For vanishing brane kinetic terms, we find that the S and T parameters exclude KK gauge modes of the RS custodial [non-custodial] scenario below 7.7 [14.7] TeV, for a brane Higgs and below 6.6 [8.1] TeV for a Pseudo Nambu-Goldstone Higgs, at 95% CL. These constraints can be relaxed in presence of brane kinetic terms. The leading AGCs are probing the KK gravitons and the KK modes of bulk gauge fields in parts of the parameter space. In these scenarios, the future CMS and ATLAS forward proton detectors could be sensitive to the effect of KK gravitons in the multi-TeV mass range.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables. Minor typos fixed, some comments and references added. Matches JHEP versio

    Factorization of covariant Feynman graphs for the effective action

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    We prove a neat factorization property of Feynman graphs in covariant perturbation theory. The contribution of the graph to the effective action is written as a product of a massless scalar momentum integral that only depends on the basic graph topology, and a background-field dependent piece that contains all the information of spin, gauge representations, masses etc. We give a closed expression for the momentum integral in terms of four graph polynomials whose properties we derive in some detail. Our results can also be useful for standard (non-covariant) perturbation theory
