144 research outputs found

    All in One: Informationsbudget an der Universität Regensburg: Umsetzung, Strukturen und Geschäftsprozesse

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    In den wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen wird derzeit der Übergang vom Bibliotheks- zum Informationsbudget gefordert. Die neue und große Herausforderung besteht darin, zu wissen, welche Gebühren für das Publizieren anfallen. An den Hochschulen sind diese Kosten oft nicht bekannt und nur schwer zu ermitteln, da die Zahlungen bisher nicht oder nur teilweise zentral von den Bibliotheken verwaltet werden. Wie es gelingen kann, diese Zahlungen zu identifizieren und zu erfassen, soll im vorliegenden Beitrag am Beispiel der Universität Regensburg aufgezeigt werden. Dazu werden zunächst elementare Überlegungen zu einem Informationsbudget und dessen Realisierung präsentiert. Anschließend wird die konkrete Umsetzung einer zentralen Verwaltung von Publikationsgebühren mit Unterstützung der Universitätsleitung beschrieben. Schließlich wird der Geschäftsprozess der zentralen Rechnungsbearbeitung vorgestellt, der die Aufnahme der Gebühren- und Rechnungsdaten in das institutionelle Repositorium als zusätzliche Metadaten zu den Publikationen beinhaltet. Abschließend werden erste Analysen zum Informationsbudget 2022 aufgezeigt und ein Ausblick auf die zukünftige Entwicklung des Informationsbudgets gegeben

    Dynamical Casimir Effect in a Designed Leaky Cavity

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    The phenomenon of particle creation within a resonantly vibrating lossy cavity is investigated for the example of a massless scalar field at finite temperature. Leakage is provided by insertion of a dispersive mirror into a larger ideal cavity. Via the rotating wave approximation we demonstrate that for the case of parametric resonance the exponential growth of the number of created particles and the strong enhancement at finite temperatures are preserved in the presence of reasonable losses. The relevance for experimental tests of quantum radiation via the dynamical Casimir effect is addressed.Comment: 1 figur

    Toward microbioreactor arrays : a slow-responding xxygen sensor for monitoring of microbial cultures in standard 96-well plates

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.In this study, a slow-responding chemo-optical sensor for dissolved oxygen (DO) integrated into a 96-well plate was developed. The slow response time ensures that the measured oxygen value does not change much during plate transport to the microplate reader. The sensor therefore permits at-line DO measurement of microbial cultures. Moreover, it eliminates the necessity of individual optical measurement systems for each culture plate, as many plates can be measured successively. Combined with the 96-well format, this increases the experimental throughput enormously. The novel sensor plate (Slow OxoPlate) consists of fluorophores suspended in a polymer matrix that were placed into u-bottom 96-well plates. Response time was measured using sodium sulfite, and a t90 value of 9.7 min was recorded. For application, DO values were then measured in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae cultures grown under fed-batch–like conditions. Depending on the DO sensor’s response time, different information on the oxygenation state of the culture plate was obtained: a fast sensor variant detects disturbance through sampling, whereas the slow sensor indicates oxygen limitation during incubation. A combination of the commercially available OxoPlate and the Slow OxoPlate enables operators of screening facilities to validate their cultivation procedures with regard to oxygen availability.BMBF, 02PJ1150, Plattformtechnologien für automatisierte Bioprozessentwicklung (AutoBio

    In Vitro Characterization of a Tissue Renin-Angiotensin System in Human Nucleus Pulposus Cells.

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    Low back pain is a clinically highly relevant musculoskeletal burden and is associated with inflammatory as well as degenerative processes of the intervertebral disc. However, the pathophysiology and cellular pathways contributing to this devastating condition are still poorly understood. Based on previous evidence, we hypothesize that tissue renin-angiotensin system (tRAS) components, including the SARS-CoV-2 entry receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), are present in human nucleus pulposus (NP) cells and associated with inflammatory and degenerative processes. Experiments were performed with NP cells from four human donors. The existence of angiotensin II, angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AGTR1), AGTR2, MAS-receptor (MasR), and ACE2 in human NP cells was validated with immunofluorescent staining and gene expression analysis. Hereafter, the cell viability was assessed after adding agonists and antagonists of the target receptors as well as angiotensin II in different concentrations for up to 48 h of exposure. A TNF-α-induced inflammatory in vitro model was employed to assess the impact of angiotensin II addition and the stimulation or inhibition of the tRAS receptors on inflammation, tissue remodeling, expression of tRAS markers, and the release of nitric oxide (NO) into the medium. Furthermore, protein levels of IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, and intracellular as well as secreted angiotensin II were assessed after exposing the cells to the substances, and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) levels were evaluated by utilizing Western blot. The existence of tRAS receptors and angiotensin II were validated in human NP cells. The addition of angiotensin II only showed a mild impact on gene expression markers. However, there was a significant increase in NO secreted by the cells. The gene expression ratios of pro-inflammatory/anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-6/IL-10, IL-8/IL-10, and TNF-α/IL-10 were positively correlated with the AGTR1/AGTR2 and AGTR1/MAS1 ratios, respectively. The stimulation of the AGTR2 MAS-receptor and the inhibition of the AGTR1 receptor revealed beneficial effects on the gene expression of inflammatory and tissue remodeling markers. This finding was also present at the protein level. The current data showed that tRAS components are expressed in human NP cells and are associated with inflammatory and degenerative processes. Further characterization of the associated pathways is warranted. The findings indicate that tRAS modulation might be a novel therapeutic approach to intervertebral disc disease

    Literatur der Archäologie: Materialität und Rhetorik im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert

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    Seit der Einführung des Konzepts einer »Archäologie des Wissens« ist wiederholt versucht worden, den Begriff der Archäologie für eine allgemeine Kulturtheorie zu funktionalisieren. Umfangreich erschienen in der Folge die Archäologien, als deren Gegenstände nicht einmal mehr die Gegenwart oder die Zukunft undenkbar sind. Daneben musste sich, wie alle Kulturwissenschaften, das institutionelle Fach Archäologie mit dem prägenden Einfluss sprachlicher Bedingungen auf die Gewinnung von Erkenntnissen auseinandersetzen. Dies verweist auf eine zentrale Problematik, die eng an der Kombination von Archäologie und Germanistik in der konzeptionellen Gestaltung des Forschungskollegs Morphomata orientiert ist, nämlich das wechselseitige Verhältnis visuell wahrgenommener und literarisch vermittelter Form sowie ihre Bezüge zu einer ihnen zugrunde liegenden Vorstellung. Der vorliegende Sammelband will über Fallbeispiele aus den Blickwinkeln der Fachdisziplinen der Archäologie und der Literaturwissenschaften Veränderungen und Persistenzen in der Erschließung von Antike deutlich machen. Im Zentrum der Beiträge stehen erstens die Verwendung des Begriffs »Archäologie« außerhalb des aus heutiger Sicht dafür charakteristischen Feldes der Ausgrabung und deutenden Erfassung überlieferter materialer Fundstücke, zweitens die dichterische Darstellung archäologischer Tätigkeit im modernen Sinne der sich ausbildenden Fachdisziplin und drittens Literatur als Medium der Formulierung und Systematisierung generierter Wissensbestände bzw. intersubjektiver Diskursivität der Archäologie

    Анализ современных технологий систем поддержания пластового давления при разработке нефтяных месторождений

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    Анализ геологических особенностей строения пластов, состава добываемых флюидов, типов вод, применяемых в системах поддержания пластового давления. Анализ современных методов поддержания пластового давления.Analysis of the geological features of the structure of reservoirs, the composition of the produced fluids, the types of water used in the systems for maintaining reservoir pressure. Analysis of modern methods of maintaining reservoir pressure

    Celecoxib alleviates nociceptor sensitization mediated by interleukin-1beta-primed annulus fibrosus cells.

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    PURPOSE This study aims to analyze the effect of pro-inflammatory cytokine-stimulated human annulus fibrosus cells (hAFCs) on the sensitization of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) cells. We further hypothesized that celecoxib (cxb) could inhibit hAFCs-induced DRG sensitization. METHODS hAFCs from spinal trauma patients were stimulated with TNF-α or IL-1β. Cxb was added on day 2. On day 4, the expression of pro-inflammatory and neurotrophic genes was evaluated using RT-qPCR. Levels of prostaglandin E2 (PGE-2), IL-8, and IL-6 were measured in the conditioned medium (CM) using ELISA. hAFCs CM was then applied to stimulate the DRG cell line (ND7/23) for 6 days. Then, calcium imaging (Fluo4) was performed to evaluate DRG cell sensitization. Both spontaneous and bradykinin-stimulated (0.5 μM) calcium responses were analyzed. The effects on primary bovine DRG cell culture were performed in parallel to the DRG cell line model. RESULTS IL-1ß stimulation significantly enhanced the release of PGE-2 in hAFCs CM, while this increase was completely suppressed by 10 µM cxb. hAFCs revealed elevated IL-6 and IL-8 release following TNF-α and IL-1β treatment, though cxb did not alter this. The effect of hAFCs CM on DRG cell sensitization was influenced by adding cxb to hAFCs; both the DRG cell line and primary bovine DRG nociceptors showed a lower sensitivity to bradykinin stimulation. CONCLUSION Cxb can inhibit PGE-2 production in hAFCs in an IL-1β-induced pro-inflammatory in vitro environment. The cxb applied to the hAFCs also reduces the sensitization of DRG nociceptors that are stimulated by the hAFCs CM

    Dynamical Casimir Effect in a Leaky Cavity at Finite Temperature

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    The phenomenon of particle creation within an almost resonantly vibrating cavity with losses is investigated for the example of a massless scalar field at finite temperature. A leaky cavity is designed via the insertion of a dispersive mirror into a larger ideal cavity (the reservoir). In the case of parametric resonance the rotating wave approximation allows for the construction of an effective Hamiltonian. The number of produced particles is then calculated using response theory as well as a non-perturbative approach. In addition we study the associated master equation and briefly discuss the effects of detuning. The exponential growth of the particle numbers and the strong enhancement at finite temperatures found earlier for ideal cavities turn out to be essentially preserved. The relevance of the results for experimental tests of quantum radiation via the dynamical Casimir effect is addressed. Furthermore the generalization to the electromagnetic field is outlined.Comment: 48 pages, 8 figures typos corrected & references added and update

    Electrons in High-Tc Compounds: Ab-Initio Correlation Results

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    Electronic correlations in the ground state of an idealized infinite-layer high-Tc compound are computed using the ab-initio method of local ansatz. Comparisons are made with the local-density approximation (LDA) results, and the correlation functions are analyzed in detail. These correlation functions are used to determine the effective atomic-interaction parameters for model Hamiltonians. On the resulting model, doping dependencies of the relevant correlations are investigated. Aside from the expected strong atomic correlations, particular spin correlations arise. The dominating contribution is a strong nearest neighbor correlation that is Stoner-enhanced due to the closeness of the ground state to the magnetic phase. This feature depends moderately on doping, and is absent in a single-band Hubbard model. Our calculated spin correlation function is in good qualitative agreement with that determined from the neutron scattering experiments for a metal.Comment: 21pp, 5fig, Phys. Rev. B (Oct. 98