21 research outputs found

    3D-microfibers improve the shear modulus of hydrogel composites

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    A major challenge in the field of biofabrication is to manufacture a construct soft enough to elicit optimal cell behavior while possessing the mechanical properties required to withstand the complex in-vivo mechanical environment [1]. Hydrogels that were reinforced with polycaprolactone (PCL) fibers arranged in box structures, obtained by melt electrospinning writing (MEW), showed a synergistic increase in the compressive Young’s modulus [2], however, collapsed in-vivo, possibly due to shear stress. Here, we used MEW to produce specifically designed PCL fibers to stabilize an existing structure and subsequently improve the shear modulus of hydrogel-fiber composites. Instrument parameters affecting fabrication of these fibers were studied and stabilizing fibers used for shear testing (fiber diameter = 13.16 ± 0.11 μm) were made with an amplitude of 500 μm, wavelength of 400 μm, and collector velocity of 400 mm/min, at a height of 20 layers (330 m) (Figure 1A). The stabilizing fibers were embedded in 5, 10, and 15 wt.% polyacrylamide and a frequency sweep test (0.05 – 500 rad/s, 0.01% strain, n = 5) was performed to measure the complex shear modulus of the hydrogel-fiber composites. To correspond the direction of the stabilizing fibers with the torque of the rheometer, stabilizing fibers were printed in a specific architecture (Figure 1B). Stabilizing fibers increased the complex shear modulus by 148%, 127%, and 165%, when embedded within a 5%, 10%, and 15% polyacrylamide hydrogel, respectively (Figure 1C). This study highlights the capacity of MEW to increase shear properties of matrix-fiber composites through inclusion of stabilizing fibers. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Entwicklung des Melt Electrospinning Writing zur Erzeugung biomimetischer Strukturen

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    In order to mimic the extracellular matrix for tissue engineering, recent research approaches often involve 3D printing or electrospinning of fibres to scaffolds as cell carrier material. Within this thesis, a micron fibre printing process, called melt electrospinning writing (MEW), combining both additive manufacturing and electrospinning, has been investigated and improved. Thus, a unique device was developed for accurate process control and manufacturing of high quality constructs. Thereby, different studies could be conducted in order to understand the electrohydrodynamic printing behaviour of different medically relevant thermoplastics as well as to characterise the influence of MEW on the resulting scaffold performance. For reproducible scaffold printing, a commonly occurring processing instability was investigated and defined as pulsing, or in extreme cases as long beading. Here, processing analysis could be performed with the aim to overcome those instabilities and prevent the resulting manufacturing issues. Two different biocompatible polymers were utilised for this study: poly(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) as the only material available for MEW until then and poly(2-ethyl-2-oxazoline) for the first time. A hypothesis including the dependency of pulsing regarding involved mass flows regulated by the feeding pressure and the electrical field strength could be presented. Further, a guide via fibre diameter quantification was established to assess and accomplish high quality printing of scaffolds for subsequent research tasks. By following a combined approach including small sized spinnerets, small flow rates and high field strengths, PCL fibres with submicron-sized fibre diameters (fØ = 817 ± 165 nm) were deposited to defined scaffolds. The resulting material characteristics could be investigated regarding molecular orientation and morphological aspects. Thereby, an alignment and isotropic crystallinity was observed that can be attributed to the distinct acceleration of the solidifying jet in the electrical field and by the collector uptake. Resulting submicron fibres formed accurate but mechanically sensitive structures requiring further preparation for a suitable use in cell biology. To overcome this handling issue, a coating procedure, by using hydrophilic and cross-linkable star-shaped molecules for preparing fibre adhesive but cell repellent collector surfaces, was used. Printing PCL fibre patterns below the critical translation speed (CTS) revealed the opportunity to manufacture sinusoidal shaped fibres analogously to those observed using purely viscous fluids falling on a moving belt. No significant influence of the high voltage field during MEW processing could be observed on the buckling phenomenon. A study on the sinusoidal geometry revealed increasing peak-to-peak values and decreasing wavelengths as a function of decreasing collector speeds sc between CTS > sc ≥ 2/3 CTS independent of feeding pressures. Resulting scaffolds printed at 100 %, 90 %, 80 % and 70 % of CTS exhibited significantly different tensile properties, foremost regarding Young’s moduli (E = 42 ± 7 MPa to 173 ± 22 MPa at 1 – 3 % strain). As known from literature, a changed morphology and mechanical environment can impact cell performance substantially leading to a new opportunity of tailoring TE scaffolds. Further, poly(L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone-co-acryloyl carbonate) as well as poly(ε-caprolactone-co-acryloyl carbonate) (PCLAC) copolymers could be used for MEW printing. Those exhibit the opportunity for UV-initiated radical cross-linking in a post-processing step leading to significantly increased mechanical characteristics. Here, single fibres of the polymer composed of 90 mol.% CL and 10 mol.% AC showed a considerable maximum tensile strength of σmax = 53 ± 16 MPa. Furthermore, sinusoidal meanders made of PCLAC yielded a specific tensile stress-strain characteristic mimicking the qualitative behaviour of tendons or ligaments. Cell viability by L929 murine fibroblasts and live/dead staining with human mesenchymal stem cells revealed a promising biomaterial behaviour pointing out MEW printed PCLAC scaffolds as promising choice for medical repair of load-bearing soft tissue. Indeed, one apparent drawback, the small throughput similar to other AM methods, may still prevent MEW’s industrial application yet. However, ongoing research focusses on enlargement of manufacturing speed with the clear perspective of relevant improvement. Thereby, the utilisation of large spinneret sizes may enable printing of high volume rates, while downsizing the resulting fibre diameter via electrical field and mechanical stretching by the collector uptake. Using this approach, limitations of FDM by small nozzle sizes could be overcome. Thinking visionary, such printing devices could be placed in hospitals for patient-specific printing-on-demand therapies one day. Taking the evolved high deposition precision combined with the unique small fibre diameter sizes into account, technical processing of high performance membranes, filters or functional surface finishes also stands to reason.Um biomimetische extrazelluläre Matrices für das Tissue Engineering herzustellen, bedienen sich aktuelle Forschungsansätze oftmals der Produktion von Faser-Konstrukten durch additive Fertigung oder Elektrospinn-Verfahren. Das sogenannte Melt Electrospinning Writing (MEW) kombiniert Vorteile beider Techniken und weist dadurch ein hohes Applikationspotential auf. Daher bestand das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit in der Weiterentwicklung und Erforschung des MEW. Für diesen Zweck wurde eine neuartige Forschungsanlage konzipiert und gebaut, welche mit einzigartiger Verfahrenspräzision und Prozesskontrolle die Fertigung von hochqualitativen Konstrukten ermöglichte. Auf Basis dessen konnten die durchgeführten Studien das Verständnis des elektrohydrodynamischen Druckvorgangs und der untersuchten Prozessparameter vertiefen und letztendlich zur Ausweitung des Verfahrens auf neue medizinisch relevante Thermoplaste beitragen. Um eine reproduzierbare Herstellung von Scaffolds zu ermöglichen, wurde eine häufig auftretende Prozessinstabilität erforscht und als pulsing, oder in stark ausgeprägten Fällen als long beading, klassifiziert. Durch Prozessanalyse konnte zudem eine Methode zur Vermeidung dieser Instabilität entwickelt werden. Dafür wurden zwei unterschiedliche biokompatible Polymere verwendet: Poly(ε-Caprolacton) (PCL) als bis dahin einziger verfügbarer MEW Werkstoff, sowie erstmalig Poly(2-Ethyl-2-Oxazolin). Die aufgestellte Hypothese umfasst eine universelle Abhängigkeit der pulsing Instabilität zu involvierten Massenströmen, welche durch Anpassung des angelegten Prozessdruckes und der elektrischen Feldstärke reguliert werden kann. Um ein optimales Prozessergebnis für nachfolgende Forschungsarbeiten zu erzielen, wurde zusätzlich ein Leitfaden zur quantitativen Bewertung des Grades der Instabilität bereitgestellt. Durch Kombination kleiner Spinndüsen, kleiner Schmelze-Flussraten und hoher elektrischen Feldstärken, konnten erstmalig PCL Fasern mit sub-mikron Durchmessern (fØ = 817 ± 165 nm) zu präzisen Scaffolds verarbeitet werden. Diese wurden anschließend durch materialwissenschaftliche Analytik charakterisiert. Dabei wurde eine molekulare Vorzugsorientierung und isotrope Kristallausrichtung entlang der Faser beobachtet, welche durch den hohen Verstreckungsgrad des erstarrenden Polymerstrahls erklärt werden konnte. Resultierende sub-mikron Fasern konnten zwar für einen akkuraten Druckvorgang verwendet werden, jedoch erwiesen sich die Strukturen als instabil und daher nicht geeignet für die Handhabung bei Zellkulturstudien. Aus diesem Grund wurde ein Beschichtungsansatz mittels hydrophilen und vernetzbaren Sternmolekülen für Substratflächen herangezogen. Während solche modifizierten Oberflächen bekanntermaßen Zelladhäsion verhindern, konnten gedruckte sub-mikron Scaffolds auf der Oberfläche haften und so für biologische Studien verwendet werden. Durch das gezielte Ablegen von Fasern unterhalb der kritischen Translationsgeschwindigkeit (CTS) des Kollektors, konnten sinusförmige Faserstrukturen erzeugt werden. Analog zu rein viskosen Fluiden, welche durch ein bewegliches Band aufgesammelt werden, schien dieser Vorgang dem sogenannten buckling zu unterliegen und daher phänomenologisch nicht oder nur geringfügig vom elektrischen Feld abhängig zu sein. Zudem konnte eine durchgeführte Studie die direkte Abhängigkeit der Fasergeometrie mit der Kollektorbewegung belegen. Unabhängig vom Prozessdruck, führte eine verminderte Kollektorgeschwindigkeit sc in den Grenzen CTS > sc ≥ 2/3 CTS zu erhöhten Amplituden bzw. Spitze-zu-Spitze Werten und verkürzten Wellenlängen. Durch das kontrollierte Ablegen der Fasern bei Geschwindigkeiten von 100 %, 90 % 80 % und 70 % CTS konnten zudem Scaffolds mit unterschiedlichen mechanischen Eigenschaften hergestellt werden. Speziell der Zugmodul wurde dadurch etwa um eine halbe Größenordnung moduliert (Es = 42 ± 7 MPa bis 173 ± 22 MPa bei 1 – 3 % Dehnung). Dies ist in Kombination mit der Strukturierung für maßgeschneiderte TE Scaffolds von großem Interesse, da zelluläre Systeme sensibel auf ihre Umgebung reagieren können. Des Weiteren wurden Poly(L-Lactid-co-ε-Caprolacton-co-Acryloylcarbonat) und Poly(ε-Caprolacton-co-Acryloylcarbonat) (PCLAC) Copolymere hinsichtlich deren MEW Verarbeitbarkeit untersucht. Solche Kunststoffe können nach dem Druckvorgang mit UV-Strahlung radikalisch vernetzt werden und dadurch deutlich erhöhte mechanische Eigenschaften ausbilden. Für Fasern aus 90 mol.% CL und 10 mol.% AC wurden beispielsweise maximale Zugfestigkeiten von σmax = 53 ± 16 MPa ermittelt. MEW gedruckte sinusförmige Faserstrukturen aus PCLAC wiesen darüber hinaus ein biomimetisches Spannungs-Dehnung-Verhalten auf, vergleichbar zu Sehnen- und Ligamentgewebe. Eine Untersuchung der Zellviabilität von L929 murinen Fibroblasten im Eluattest, sowie eine lebend/tot-Färbung von humanen mesenchymalen Stammzellen auf den Scaffolds, ergab vielversprechende Resultate und damit ein relevantes Anwendungspotential solcher Strukturen als Implantat. Neben genannten Vorteilen, weist MEW als Verfahren bislang allerdings geringe Produktionsgeschwindigkeiten auf. Diese sind daher in den Fokus aktueller Forschungsvorhaben gerückt. Einen Ansatz hierfür bieten Spinndüsen mit hohem Innendurchmesser und erhöhter Austragsrate, wobei die optimierte elektrische Feldstärke, sowie ein Verstrecken durch die Kollektorbewegung, zu den erwünschten dünnen Fasern führen können. Dadurch kann die abwärtslimitierte Düsengröße des FDM Verfahrens überwunden werden. Visionär gedacht, könnte eine solche Anlage direkt in Krankenhäusern zur Fertigung von patienten- und defektspezifischen Implantaten eingesetzt werden. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht die hohe Präzision, zusammen mit dem Drucken von Mikro-Fasern, einen technischen Einsatz zur Herstellung von Membranen, Filtern oder funktionalen Oberflächenbeschichtungen

    Fibre pulsing during melt electrospinning writing

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    Additive manufacturing with electrohydrodynamic direct writing is a promising approach for the production of polymeric microscale objects. In this study we investigate the stability of one such process, melt electrospinning writing, to maintain accurate placement of the deposited fibre throughout the entire print. The influence of acceleration voltage and feeding pressure on the deposited poly(ε-caprolactone) fibre homogeneity is described, and how this affects the variable lag of the jet drawn by the collector movement. Three classes of diameter instabilities were observed that led to poor printing quality: (1) temporary pulsing, (2) continuous pulsing, and (3) regular long bead defects. No breakup of the electrified jet was observed for any of the experiments. A simple approach is presented for the melt electrospinning user to evaluate fibre writing integrity, and adjust the processing parameters accordingly to achieve reproducible and constant diameter fibres

    Permanent hydrophilization and generic bioactivation of melt electrowritten scaffolds

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    Melt electrowriting (MEW) is an emerging additive manufacturing technology that direct-writes low-micron diameter fibers into 3D scaffolds with high porosities. Often, the polymers currently used for MEW are hydrophobic thermoplastics that induce unspecific protein adsorption and subsequent uncontrolled cell adhesion. Here are developed a coating strategy for MEW scaffolds based on six-arm star-shaped NCO-poly(ethylene oxide-stat-propylene oxide) (sP(EO-stat-PO)). This permanently hydrophilizes the PCL through the formation of a hydrogel coating and minimizes unspecific interactions with proteins and cells. It also provides the option of simultaneous covalent attachment of bioactive molecules through reaction with isocyanates before these are hydrolyzed. Furthermore, a photoactivatable chemical functionalization is introduced that is not dependent on the time-limited window of isocyanate chemistry. For this, photo-leucine is covalently immobilized into the sP(EO-stat-PO) layer, resulting in a photoactivatable scaffold that enables the binding of sterically demanding molecules at any timepoint after scaffold preparation and coating and is decoupled from the isocyanate chemistry. A successful biofunctionalization of MEW scaffolds via this strategy is demonstrated with streptavidin and collagen as examples. This hydrogel coating system is a generic one that introduces flexible specific and multiple surface functionalization, potentially for a spectrum of polymers made from different manufacturing processes

    Additive manufacturing of scaffolds with sub-micron filaments via melt electrospinning writing

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    The aim of this study was to explore the lower resolution limits of an electrohydrodynamic process combined with direct writing technology of polymer melts. Termed melt electrospinning writing, filaments are deposited layer-by-layer to produce discrete three-dimensional scaffolds for in vitro research. Through optimization of the parameters (flow rate, spinneret diameter, voltage, collector distance) for poly-ε-caprolactone, we could direct-write coherent scaffolds with ultrafine filaments, the smallest being 817 ± 165 nm. These low diameter filaments were deposited to form box-structures with a periodicity of 100.6 ± 5.1 μmand a height of 80 μm(50 stacked filaments; 100 overlap at intersections).Wealso observed oriented crystalline regions within such ultrafine filaments after annealing at 55 °C. The scaffolds were printed upon NCO-sP(EO-stat-PO)-coated glass slide surfaces and withstood frequent liquid exchanges with negligible scaffold detachment for at least 10 days in vitro

    Mechanical behavior of a soft hydrogel reinforced with three-dimensional printed microfibre scaffolds

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    Reinforcing hydrogels with micro-fibre scaffolds obtained by a Melt-Electrospinning Writing (MEW) process has demonstrated great promise for developing tissue engineered (TE) constructs with mechanical properties compatible to native tissues. However, the mechanical performance and reinforcement mechanism of the micro-fibre reinforced hydrogels is not yet fully understood. In this study, FE models, implementing material properties measured experimentally, were used to explore the reinforcement mechanism of fibre-hydrogel composites. First, a continuum FE model based on idealized scaffold geometry was used to capture reinforcement effects related to the suppression of lateral gel expansion by the scaffold, while a second micro-FE model based on micro-CT images of the real construct geometry during compaction captured the effects of load transfer through the scaffold interconnections. Results demonstrate that the reinforcement mechanism at higher scaffold volume fractions was dominated by the load carrying-ability of the fibre scaffold interconnections, which was much higher than expected based on testing scaffolds alone because the hydrogel provides resistance against buckling of the scaffold. We propose that the theoretical understanding presented in this work will assist the design of more effective composite constructs with potential applications in a wide range of TE conditions

    Mechanical behavior of a soft hydrogel reinforced with three-dimensional printed microfibre scaffolds

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    Reinforcing hydrogels with micro-fibre scaffolds obtained by a Melt-Electrospinning Writing (MEW) process has demonstrated great promise for developing tissue engineered (TE) constructs with mechanical properties compatible to native tissues. However, the mechanical performance and reinforcement mechanism of the micro-fibre reinforced hydrogels is not yet fully understood. In this study, FE models, implementing material properties measured experimentally, were used to explore the reinforcement mechanism of fibre-hydrogel composites. First, a continuum FE model based on idealized scaffold geometry was used to capture reinforcement effects related to the suppression of lateral gel expansion by the scaffold, while a second micro-FE model based on micro-CT images of the real construct geometry during compaction captured the effects of load transfer through the scaffold interconnections. Results demonstrate that the reinforcement mechanism at higher scaffold volume fractions was dominated by the load carrying-ability of the fibre scaffold interconnections, which was much higher than expected based on testing scaffolds alone because the hydrogel provides resistance against buckling of the scaffold. We propose that the theoretical understanding presented in this work will assist the design of more effective composite constructs with potential applications in a wide range of TE conditions

    Via precise interface engineering towards bioinspired composites with improved 3D printing processability and mechanical properties

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    Precise interface engineering in inorganic–organic hybrid materials enhances both the elastic moduli and toughness of a biodegradable composite, which is of relevance for load-bearing applications in bone tissue engineering. Tailor-made MgF2-binding peptide–polymer conjugates (MBC) are utilized as precision compatibilizers, having sequence-specific affinity for the surfaces of the inorganic MgF2 fillers to stabilize these particles and to contribute to the interactions with the continuous polymer matrix. The effects of the coupling agents are investigated in additively biomanufactured scaffolds from composites composed of MBC compatibilized magnesium fluoride nanoparticles (cMgF2) and poly(ε-caprolactone). Mechanical properties, degradation behavior, ion release kinetics and in vitro cell viability are positively influenced by the presence of the compatibilized nanoparticles cMgF2 compared to pure, non-compatibilized MgF2 (pMgF2). Mechanical tensile, compression and indentation experiments with single filaments as well as with scaffolds a reveal strong improvement of both elastic moduli and material toughness

    Out-of-Plane 3D-Printed Microfibers Improve the Shear Properties of Hydrogel Composites

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    One challenge in biofabrication is to fabricate a matrix that is soft enough to elicit optimal cell behavior while possessing the strength required to withstand the mechanical load that the matrix is subjected to once implanted in the body. Here, melt electrowriting (MEW) is used to direct-write poly(ε-caprolactone) fibers "out-of-plane" by design. These out-of-plane fibers are specifically intended to stabilize an existing structure and subsequently improve the shear modulus of hydrogel-fiber composites. The stabilizing fibers (diameter = 13.3 ± 0.3 µm) are sinusoidally direct-written over an existing MEW wall-like structure (330 µm height). The printed constructs are embedded in different hydrogels (5, 10, and 15 wt% polyacrylamide; 65% poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (pHEMA)) and a frequency sweep test (0.05-500 rad s-1 , 0.01% strain, n = 5) is performed to measure the complex shear modulus. For the rheological measurements, stabilizing fibers are deposited with a radial-architecture prior to embedding to correspond to the direction of the stabilizing fibers with the loading of the rheometer. Stabilizing fibers increase the complex shear modulus irrespective of the percentage of gel or crosslinking density. The capacity of MEW to produce well-defined out-of-plane fibers and the ability to increase the shear properties of fiber-reinforced hydrogel composites are highlighted

    Out-of-Plane 3D-Printed Microfibers Improve the Shear Properties of Hydrogel Composites

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    One challenge in biofabrication is to fabricate a matrix that is soft enough to elicit optimal cell behavior while possessing the strength required to withstand the mechanical load that the matrix is subjected to once implanted in the body. Here, melt electrowriting (MEW) is used to direct-write poly(ε-caprolactone) fibers "out-of-plane" by design. These out-of-plane fibers are specifically intended to stabilize an existing structure and subsequently improve the shear modulus of hydrogel-fiber composites. The stabilizing fibers (diameter = 13.3 ± 0.3 μm) are sinusoidally direct-written over an existing MEW wall-like structure (330 μm height). The printed constructs are embedded in different hydrogels (5, 10, and 15 wt% polyacrylamide; 65% poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (pHEMA)) and a frequency sweep test (0.05-500 rad s-1, 0.01% strain, n = 5) is performed to measure the complex shear modulus. For the rheological measurements, stabilizing fibers are deposited with a radial-architecture prior to embedding to correspond to the direction of the stabilizing fibers with the loading of the rheometer. Stabilizing fibers increase the complex shear modulus irrespective of the percentage of gel or crosslinking density. The capacity of MEW to produce well-defined out-of-plane fibers and the ability to increase the shear properties of fiber-reinforced hydrogel composites are highlighted