75 research outputs found

    Features of Electronic States in the Vicinity of Band Gap and Atomic Structure of Ta- and Nb-Doped Li7La3Zr2O12

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    Received: 25.04.2024. Revised: 05.05.2024. Accepted: 05.05.2024. Available online: 06.05.2024.Li7La3Zr2O12 is one the most promising materials for Li-conducting solid electrolytes. The incorporation of Ta5+ and Nb5+ into the Zr4+ sites stabilizes its cubic structure and significantly enhances Li-conductivity, due to the formation of Li vacancies. In this research, we have studied the band gap features of Ta and Nd-doped Li7La3Zr2O12. Our findings indicate that Nb ions are present not only in the +5 valence state, but also in the +4 state, leading to the formation of oxygen vacancies. In the case of the Tadoping, such an effect was not observed. This could be the reason for the approximately one order of magnitude higher lithium conductivity observed in the case of the Ta doping, in comparison to the Nb doping.This work (except NMR measurements and NMR data analysis) was funded by the Russian Science Foundation (grant no. 22-73-00261), https://rscf.ru/en/project/22-73-00261/.This work was performed using equipment of the Shared Access Center “Composition of Compounds”. NMR measurements and NMR data analysis were performed by Germov A.Yu. in M.N. Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (topic “Function”)

    NMR study of magnetic nanoparticles Ni@C

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    The 61Ni, 13C NMR spectra of carbon encapsulated nickel nanoparticles have been obtained. It has been shown that the cores of the particles consist of metallic nickel with face-centered cubic structure, nickel carbide Ni3C and carbon-nickel solid solution. The carbon shell of nanoparticles is a highly defective structure and close to an amorphous glassy-like carbon. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, UB RAS: 18-10-2-37.The study was performed within the state assignments of the Mikheev Institute of Metal Physics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences: state program «Function» No АААА-А19-119012990095-0; state program «Magnit» No АААА-А18-118020290129-5 and state program «Alloys». The research also was supported by the project of the complex program of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences № 18-10-2-37

    The biosocial event : responding to innovation in the life sciences

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    Innovation in the life sciences calls for reflection on how sociologies separate and relate life processes and social processes. To this end we introduce the concept of the ‘biosocial event’. Some life processes and social processes have more mutual relevance than others. Some of these relationships are more negotiable than others. We show that levels of relevance and negotiability are not static but can change within existing relationships. Such changes, or biosocial events, lie at the heart of much unplanned biosocial novelty and much deliberate innovation. We illustrate and explore the concept through two examples – meningitis infection and epidemic, and the use of sonic ‘teen deterrents’ in urban settings. We then consider its value in developing sociological practice oriented to critically constructive engagement with innovation in the life sciences

    Magnetic Nanocomposite Materials Based on Fe3O4 Nanoparticles with Iron and Silica Glycerolates Shell: Synthesis and Characterization

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    Novel magnetic nanocomposite materials based on Fe3O4 nanoparticles coated with iron and silica glycerolates (MNP@Fe(III)Glyc and MNP@Fe(III)/SiGlyc) were obtained. The synthesized nanocomposites were characterized using TEM, XRD, TGA, VMS, Mössbauer and IR spectroscopy. The amount of iron and silica glycerolates in the nanocomposites was calculated from the Mössbauer spectroscopy, ICP AES and C,H-elemental analysis. Thus, it has been shown that the distribution of Fe in the shell and core for MNP@Fe(III)Glyc and MNP@Fe(III)/SiGlyc is 27:73 and 32:68, respectively. The synthesized nanocomposites had high specific magnetization values and a high magnetic response to the alternating magnetic field. The hydrolysis of shells based on Fe(III)Glyc and Fe(III)/SiGlyc in aqueous media has been studied. It has been demonstrated that, while the iron glycerolates shell of MNP@Fe(III)Glyc is resistant to hydrolysis, the silica glycerolates shell of MNP@Fe(III)/SiGlyc is rather labile and hydrolyzed by 76.4% in 24 h at 25 °C. The synthesized materials did not show cytotoxicity in in vitro experiments (MTT-assay). The data obtained can be used in the design of materials for controlled-release drug delivery. © 2023 by the authors.22-23-20032; Russian Science Foundation, RSFThe work was financially supported by the Russian Science Foundation and the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region (project no. 22-23-20032)

    Investigation of Magnetic Nanoparticles Fe0.6Co0.4@C by NMR Method

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    Nanoparticles Fe0.6Co0.4@C were synthesized by the gas-phase method, part of the sample was annealed to increase magnetization. NMR spectra of 59Co were obtained. Analysis of the data obtained showed that after annealing, the spectrum corresponds to an ordered alloy with a BCC lattice.Работа выполнена в рамках проекта РНФ № 21-72-0007


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    Simple binary compound CuO has a temperature range of multiferroic state (230 – 213 K) [1] and can be used as a basic compound for new functional materials. 63,65Cu have both magnetic and quadrupole moments and are useful for NMR and NQR investigation of the charge and magnetic ordering.Работа выполнена в рамках государственного задания МИНОБРНАУКИ России (тема «Функция», № АААА-А19-119012990095-0) и гранта Президента РФ МК-6094.2021.1.2


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    Nanoparticles Fe0.5Co0.5 were synthesized by the gas-phase method, part of the sample was annealed. The NMR spectra of 59Co and NGR 57Fe have been obtained, and the magnet-ization and effective surface of the nanoparticles have been measured. The 59Co NMR spectra are inhomogeneously broadened lines.Работа выполнена в рамках государственных тем «Функция» № АААА-А19-119012990095-0, «Магнит» No АААА-А18-118020290129-5 и «Сплавы» № АААА-А19-119070890020-3)


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    NMR spectra Fe3C iron carbide in the long-range magnetic order region in the temperature range 4.2-350 K. were obtained and analyzed. Hyperfine fields for two nonequivalent positions of iron atoms in the structure (Pnma) of this compound and their evolution with decreasing temperature are determined.Работа выполнена в рамках гос. тем «Функция» Г.р. № 122021000035-6 и «Магнит» Г.р. № 122021000034-9