19 research outputs found

    Dying, death, and bereavement theoretical perspectives and other ways of knowing

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    xx, 412 p. : il.; 23 cm

    Green Tea Modulates Cytokine Expression in the Periodontium and Attenuates Alveolar Bone Resorption in Type 1 Diabetic Rats - Table 1

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    <p>Abbreviations: At, annealing temperature; bp, amplicon size in base pairs; Mt, melting temperature.</p><p>Green Tea Modulates Cytokine Expression in the Periodontium and Attenuates Alveolar Bone Resorption in Type 1 Diabetic Rats - Table 1 </p

    Distance (double arrow) between the ABC (black dotted line) and CEJ (blue dotted line) of the first molar distal root (a) and photomicrographs of the interdental space between the 1<sup>st</sup> and 2<sup>nd</sup> maxillary molars in the control group (b-e) and diabetic group (f-i) at 90 days.

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    <p>In the control group, the mean ABC-CEJ distance was 271.6±25.7 μm, demonstrating that the integrity of the junctional epithelium (blue arrows) and the alveolar bone (AB) was maintained. In the Diab H2O subgroup, the ABC-CEJ distance was longer than that in the other groups due to junctional epithelium extension (black arrow) and extensive bone loss (double arrow), corresponding to severe inflammation and enhanced osteoclastic activity (red circle). In the Diab Green Tea subgroup, the increases in the ABC-CEJ distance (double arrow) and bone loss (AB) were smaller than those in the Diab H2O subgroup, demonstrating the alleviation of inflammation and osteoclastic activity (red arrow). In the graph: two-way AVONA followed by Tukey’s test (different letters = p<0.05), n = 5 animals/group. In the photomicrographs: PDL = periodontal ligament; c = cementum; HE; 10X and 40X objectives.</p

    Photomicrographs of cells immunostained for the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and RANKL, the anti-inflammatory cytokines OPG and IL-10 and the transcriptional activator of osteoblast differentiation RUNX-2 at 90 days.

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    <p>a-h) The Diab H2O rats exhibited more immunostaining for the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and RANKL. Immunostaining is evident around osteoclastic cells (red arrow), showing their intensive resorptive activities. i-p) The rats in the Diab H2O subgroup exhibited markedly fewer immunostained cells for anti-inflammatory cytokines than those in the other groups. q-t) The number of cells that stained positive for RUNX-2 was markedly lower in the Diab H2O subgroup than in the other subgroups. In the photomicrographs: 15 microscopic fields (5 fields/histological section) of the periodontal ligament surrounding the distal root of the first molar were examined. Immunohistochemical staining was performed using the standard streptavidin-biotin peroxidase complex method with a 100X objective.</p

    Clinical data for diabetic and normoglycemic rats for the entire experimental period.

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    <p>a) The diabetic rats exhibited greater fluid intake than the non-diabetic rats throughout the experimental period. b) The control group exhibited a higher body weight than the diabetic group (means of 362.4± 15.0 and 222.9±9.5, respectively) throughout the experimental period. c) The glycemic index was within the normal range in the control group, but the diabetic group exhibited a glycemic index that was compatible with diabetes. Two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test (different letters = p<0.05); n = 5 animals/group.</p

    Schematic of potential cellular pathways mediating the effects of green tea.

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    <p>a) Green tea catechins may alter gene expression by inhibiting DNMT activity, resulting in reactivation of methylation-silenced genes such as Foxp3 and increased IL-10 expression. b) Catechins may stimulate upregulation of HDAC activity, thereby repressing gene transcription by promoting DNA winding, limiting the accessibility of certain DNA regions to the transcription factor NF-ĸB.</p

    Green Tea Modulates Cytokine Expression in the Periodontium and Attenuates Alveolar Bone Resorption in Type 1 Diabetic Rats - Table 1

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    <p>Abbreviations: At, annealing temperature; bp, amplicon size in base pairs; Mt, melting temperature.</p><p>Green Tea Modulates Cytokine Expression in the Periodontium and Attenuates Alveolar Bone Resorption in Type 1 Diabetic Rats - Table 1 </p

    Number of cells immunostained for the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α (a) and RANKL (b), the anti-inflammatory cytokines OPG (c) and IL-10 (d) and the transcriptional activator of osteoblast differentiation RUNX-2 (e).

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    <p>In the control group, the number of cells that stained positive for the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and RANKL was significantly lower than that in the diabetic group (715.1±107.3 cells/mm<sup>2</sup> and 1305±111 cells/mm<sup>2</sup> for the control and diabetic groups, respectively). However, in the Diab Green Tea subgroup, the number of cells that stained positive for both pro-inflammatory cytokines was significantly lower than that in the Diab H2O subgroup at 30 and 90 days (1141±71 cells/mm<sup>2</sup> and 1653±104 cells/mm<sup>2</sup> for the Diab Green Tea and Diab H2O subgroups, respectively). Furthermore, the number of cells that stained positive for the anti-inflammatory cytokines and RUNX-2 was significantly lower in the Diab H2O subgroup than in the other subgroups. In contrast, in the Diab Green Tea subgroup, the number of cells that stained positive for OPG and RUNX-2 was similar and the number of cells that stained positive for IL-10 was increased compared with those in the Ctr H2O subgroup at 30, 60 and 90 days of treatment, suggesting that green tea has a beneficial role in the reduction of periodontal disease in diabetic rats. In the graph: two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s test (different letters = p<0.05); n = 5 animals/group.</p

    Experimental design and time schedules for the experimental subgroups and respective control subgroups.

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    <p>Diabetes was induced on day 0, and blood glucose was measured on day 7. STZ or citrate buffer dosing was initiated at 1 week before (day -7) the initial treatment with green tea or water (day 0), and histomorphometric and immunohistochemical analyses were performed on days 15, 30, 60 and 90.</p