36 research outputs found


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    Introduction. In order to understand peacebuilding, it is necessary to reflect on violence and conflict, which have been present in the history of Colombia and the particular case of the territory of San Martin de Los Llanos (Meta), where the inhabitants have been victims of this scourge that has historically permeated the daily lives of citizens for generations. However, the most worrying aspect is the impact on vulnerable populations. That is why it is urgent and necessary to think of strategies promoting protective environments to build peace scenarios.  Objectives. Contribute to the processes of interpretation of social phenomena through the implementation of protective environments and spaces for training and artistic creation with the community of San Martin (Meta) to make visible the reflection and reconciliation of the victims of the armed conflict from a plural, non-exclusive perspective, allowing dialogue and symbolic reparation. Method. The research was based on the qualitative paradigm, with an interpretative, hermeneutic epistemological approach, which allowed to identify from the promotion and projection of protective environments from the artistic creation and cultural manifestations with the population of San Martin (Meta) the construction of peace cultures from the organization of sustainable communities, from strategies such as entrepreneurship expressed in their cultural and artistic traditions as an opportunity for peace. Results. It was found from the collective voices of the victims of the conflict that a culture of peace and protective environments can be created, from their artistic and cultural expressions, recognizing from the historical memory the causes and consequences of the conflict of which the territory and its inhabitants of Sanmartinero in the department of Meta have been victims. All this is from its inhabitants’ collective strength, organizing themselves as a sustainable community from entrepreneurship, showing the world their artistic and cultural expressions and traditions. Conclusions. It is necessary to implement strategies that promote protective environments that resignify the sense of security of the inhabitants of San Martin Meta, through artistic and cultural expressions. In addition, the strengthening and confidence of the community will be nurtured by the collaborative and cooperative work through the organization of a cooperative based on the principles of cooperatives and entrepreneurship in order to let the country and the world know that the San Martin territory is a context of peace without forgetting the past so that painful acts of violence are not repeated.&nbsp

    Servicios de Infraestructura TI – Zentyal Server

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    Zentyal es un software de tipo servidor basado en Ubuntu GNU / Linux, diseñado para controlar la infraestructura de red de cualquier empresa o institución. Este documento tiene como objetivo orientar y demostrar los diferentes servicios ofrecidos por Zentyal, como DHCP, DNS, Controlador de Dominio, Proxy, Cortafuegos, Servidor de Archivos, Servidor de impresión y VPN. Zentyal ofrece dos versiones para implementar: la comercial que brinda soporte y la versión de desarrollo que se puede implementar sin costo y sin límite de tiempo.Zentyal is a server type software based on Ubuntu GNU/Linux, made to control the network infrastructure to any company or institution. This document aims to guide and demonstrate the different services offered by Zentyal, such as DHCP, DNS, Domain Controller, Proxy, Firewall, File Server, Print Server and VPN. Zentyal offers two versions to implement: the commercial one giving support and the development version that we can implement without cost and without a time limit

    Measurement of dry matter intake and residual feed intake under grazing conditions of lactating heifers during a complete lactation

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    Dry Matter Intake (UMI) of 30 lactating heifers fed pasture grazed in situ was estimated with the n-alkane technique during weeks 3, 7, 11, 15, 18, 24, 29 and 34 of lactation, in the dairy farm of Lincoln University (Season 1997-1998). Dry matter digestibility (DMD) of pasture consumed by individual heifers was evaluated simultaneously using this technique. Metabolizable Energy Intake (MEl) of individual heifers was calculated from DMI and DMD. Milk production, liveweight and live weight change were measured for the same time periods as was DMI. Based on these measurements the Metabolizable Energy Requirements (MER) of each heifer were calculated using the predictive equations of AFRC (1993). The individual heifer Residual Feed Intake (RFI = MEl - MER) was derived for each period of lactation. The relationships between DMI, DMD and pasture availability highlight the strong animal x feed interaction presented in a seasonal pasture based dairy system. Comparisons of DMI estimated with alkanes with intake predicted by five different equations showed that predictive equations underestimated DMI by 12-25% from the measured intake of lactating heifers under New Zealand grazing conditions. Total MER estimated with two different maintenance costs (0.49 and 1.0 MJ of ME/kg 0.75) was calculated and RFI was derived using both values. Using a low maintenance cost the mean RFI calculated of 30 heifers was positively high for most part of the lactation. In contrast using the high maintenance cost, RFI results were near to zero. The conclusion drawn from these data was that DMI is underestimated under grazing conditions mainly as an effect of the underestimation of maintenance costs. Predictive models for DMI, RFI and Gross Efficiency (GEf) were derived and analyzed. DMI and GEf showed that although there was variation between animals, they could be predicted under grazing conditions. In contrast across lactation RFI showed a large variation both between animals and within an animal, making its prediction a non-accurate process

    The Cosmic-Ray Dominated Midplane of Protoplanetary Disks:The Solar System Connection

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    De chemie van het prille zonnestelsel In zijn proefschrift probeert Germán Chaparro Molano de chemische omstandigheden van het prille zonnestelsel vast te leggen. Dit doet hij door modellen van de chemische evolutie van protoplanetaire schijven te analyseren en te vergelijken met onze huidige kennis van de chemische samenstelling van hemellichamen binnen ons zonnestelsel, zoals kometen. Om dit te kunnen bereiken zijn consistente stralings- en hydrodynamische modellen van protoplanetaire schijven nodig. Met de modellen kunnen de lokale temperatuur, dichtheid en het stralingsveld worden bepaald van de omgeving waar de gas- en stofchemie plaatsvindt. Het gedeelte van de protoplanetaire schijf waar de planeten (en kometen) gevormd worden, valt samen met het middenvlak dat gedomineerd wordt door kosmische straling. Daarom richtte Chaparro zijn aandacht ook op het begrijpen van de rol van fotochemische processen die afhankelijk zijn van kosmische straling.

    Approaching some bioethical matters of anatomic and clinical pathology

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    24 páginasLab exams whose goal is to help give a precise diagnosis and treatment for the patient are becoming more and more sophisticated. In light of technological and efficiency criteria, it is frequently forgotten that they involve a human being and that his/her dignity should have some priority over technological considerations. The passive and conformist attitude assumed at times by health professional that works in these areas can be the cause of regrettable harm to patients. This is the warning call the authors would like to make in order to promote a solid bioethical education for people working in labs as well as for pathologists.Cada vez son más sofisticados los exámenes de laboratorio cuya finalidad es ayudar a un acertado diagnostico y tratamiento del paciente. Al ser considerados solamente bajo criterio de técnica y eficiencia, con frecuencia se olvida que implican a la persona y que su dignidad debe abrirse paso frente a los desafíos-tecnológicos.La actitud pasiva y conformista que a veces asume el profesional de la salud que labora en estas áreas puede ser la causa de lamentables daños a pacientes. Es este el llamado de atención que quieren hacer los autores para una sólida formación en bioética para laboristas y patólogos