495 research outputs found

    Research, education and transfer: a partnership for the preservation of migratory beach birds and their habitats in the Estuary of the River Gallegos (South Patagonia, Argentina)

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    [Resumo] As aves praieiras migratorias son moi sensibles aos cambios de hábitat por mor da súa dependencia a un limitado número de sitios durante as súas longas migracións, onde se concentran en grandes cantidades nun momento dado. Requiren, daquela, de estratexias de manexo do hábitat caso da protección das áreas críticas e, especialmente, dunha concienciación por parte das comunidades e dos dirixentes políticos en particular. Neste contexto preséntanse as estratexias e as accións de conservación emprendidas durante os últimos dez anos no esteiro do río Gallegos, ambiente dun gran valor para estas especies, mais que está a sufrir fortemente o impacto da acelerada urbanización da costa. A meta perseguida foi modificar a tendencia no uso da costa e mellorar a relación do ser humano co seu contorno. Traballouse mediante unha articulación coas administracións gobernamentais, os sectores educativos, particulares e ONG locais e internacionais. Entre os resultados cómpre salientar a creación de dúas áreas protexidas (provincial e urbana), a promulgación da Lei provincial de conservación das zonas húmidas e das aves praieiras, o recoñecemento como sitio de importancia internacional pola Rede Hemisférica de Reservas para Aves Praieiras e, finalmente, a declaración como un sitio AICA/IBA.[Abstract] Migrant shorebirds are very sensitive to habitat changes, due to their dependence on a limited number of sites during their long migrations, where they concentrate in large numbers at a given moment. Thus, they require habitat management strategies, like the protection of critical areas and, especially, raising the awareness of the communities and in particular of the political decision-makers. In this context, the strategies and conservation actions taken during last ten years in the Gallegos river estuary are presented. This environment is of great value for these species, but it was being heavily impacted by the accelerated urbanization of the coast. The aim pursued was to modify the trend in the use of the coast and to improve the relationship between man and his environment. The work was carried out by means of an articulation with the governmental administrations, education sectors, individuals, and local and international NGOs. Among the results, the creation of two protected areas (provincial and urban), the enacting of a provincial Law of Conservation of Wetlands and Shorebirds, the recognition as Site of International Importance by the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network, and its declaration as AICA/IBA Site stand out

    Fast and efficient algorithms for sparse semiparametric bi-functional regression

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    A new sparse semiparametric model is proposed, which incorporates the influence of two functional random variables in a scalar response in a flexible and interpretable manner. One of the functional covariates is included through a single-index structure, while the other is included linearly through the high-dimensional vector formed by its discretised observations. For this model, two new algorithms are presented for selecting relevant variables in the linear part and estimating the model. Both procedures utilise the functional origin of linear covariates. Finite sample experiments demonstrated the scope of application of both algorithms: the first method is a fast algorithm that provides a solution (without loss in predictive ability) for the significant computational time required by standard variable selection methods for estimating this model, and the second algorithm completes the set of relevant linear covariates provided by the first, thus improving its predictive efficiency. Some asymptotic results theoretically support both procedures. A real data application demonstrated the applicability of the presented methodology from a predictive perspective in terms of the interpretability of outputs and low computational cost.Comment: 33 pages, 6 figures, 10 table

    Variable selection in functional regression models: a review

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    Despite of various similar features, Functional Data Analysis and High-Dimensional Data Analysis are two major fields in Statistics that grew up recently almost independently one from each other. The aim of this paper is to propose a survey on methodological advances for variable selection in functional regression, which is typically a question for which both functional and multivariate ideas are crossing. More than a simple survey, this paper aims to promote even more new links between both areas.Comment: 22 page

    A kkNN procedure in semiparametric functional data analysis

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    A fast and flexible kkNN procedure is developed for dealing with a semiparametric functional regression model involving both partial-linear and single-index components. Rates of uniform consistency are presented. Simulated experiments highlight the advantages of the kkNN procedure. A real data analysis is also shown.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, 6 table

    Sparse semiparametric regression when predictors are mixture of functional and high-dimensional variables

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    This paper aims to front with dimensionality reduction in regression setting when the predictors are a mixture of functional variable and high-dimensional vector. A flexible model, combining both sparse linear ideas together with semiparametrics, is proposed. A wide scope of asymptotic results is provided: this covers as well rates of convergence of the estimators as asymptotic behaviour of the variable selection procedure. Practical issues are analysed through finite sample simulated experiments while an application to Tecator's data illustrates the usefulness of our methodology.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figures, 5 table

    Automatic and location-adaptive estimation in functional single-index regression

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    This paper develops a new automatic and location-adaptive procedure for estimating regression in a Functional Single-Index Model (FSIM). This procedure is based on kk-Nearest Neighbours (kkNN) ideas. The asymptotic study includes results for automatically data-driven selected number of neighbours, making the procedure directly usable in practice. The local feature of the kkNN approach insures higher predictive power compared with usual kernel estimates, as illustrated in some finite sample analysis. As by-product we state as preliminary tools some new uniform asymptotic results for kernel estimates in the FSIM model.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figures, 4 table

    Resistência à ferrugem da folha em cultivares e linhas de trigo do Paraguai

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    Leaf rust (LR) of bread wheat (Triticum aestvium L.), caused by the fungus Puccinia triticina Eriks, is one of the most important diseases in Paraguay, the Southern Cone and worldwide. The economic importance of the disease is clear considering that two or more fungicide applications are necessary to control it in susceptible cultivars. The best strategy for the management of this disease is through genetic resistance. This research was conducted in Uruguay aiming to postulate the LR resistance genes present in 102 lines and wheat cultivars from Paraguay, and to study their field resistance. The presence of 18 major resistance genes expressed at the seedling stage (Lr1, Lr2, Lr3a, Lr3bg, Lr3ka, Lr9, Lr10, Lr11, Lr16, Lr17, Lr23, Lr24, Lr26, Lr27+Lr31, Lr28, Lr30, Lr42) was postulated based on the reaction to different races of the pathogen. The adult plant resistance gene Lr34 was confirmed in 26% of the materials, based on the molecular marker csLV34. This study also allowed differentiating materials with field resistance that can be explained by the seedling resistance and those with adult plant resistance. Knowledge of the resistance genes present in the germplasm of breeding programs is of paramount importance to establish strategies in order to achieve effective and long-lasting resistance based mainly on the combination of race-non-specific minor genes.La roya de la hoja (HR) del trigo pan (Triticum aestvium L.), causada por el hongo Puccinia triticina Eriks, es una de las enfermedades más importantes en Paraguay, en el Cono Sur y a nivel mundial. La importancia económica de la enfermedad es clara cuando se considera que son necesarias dos o más aplicaciones de fungicidas para su control en cultivares susceptibles. La mejor estrategia para el manejo de esta enfermedad es a través de la resistencia genética. Esta investigación fue llevada a cabo en Uruguay con el objetivo de postular los genes de resistencia a HR presentes en 102 líneas y cultivares de trigo de Paraguay y estudiar su resistencia a campo. La presencia de 18 genes mayores de resistencia expresados en plántula (Lr1, Lr2, Lr3a, Lr3bg, Lr3ka, Lr9, Lr10, Lr11, Lr16, Lr17, Lr23, Lr24, Lr26, Lr27+Lr31, Lr28, Lr30, Lr42) fue postulada con base en la reacción frente a distintas razas del patógeno. El gen de resistencia de planta adulta Lr34 fue confirmado en 26% de los materiales con base en el marcador molecular csLV34. Este estudio permitió también diferenciar aquellos materiales cuya resistencia en el campo puede explicarse por su resistencia en plántula y aquellos que poseen resistencia de planta adulta. El conocimiento de los genes de resistencia presentes en el germoplasma de los programas de mejoramiento es de suma importancia para establecer estrategias que logren resistencia efectiva y de larga duración basadas principalmente en la combinación de genes menores de raza no específicos.A ferrugem da folha (HR) do trigo-pão (Triticum aestvium L.), causada pelo fungo Puccinia triticina Eriks, é uma das doenças mais importantes no Paraguai, no Cone Sul e no mundo. A importância econômica da doença é clara quando se considera que duas ou mais aplicações de fungicidas são necessárias para o controle da doença em cultivares suscetíveis. A melhor estratégia para o manejo desta doença é através da resistência genética. Esta pesquisa foi realizada no Uruguai, com o objetivo de postular os genes de resistência HR presentes em 102 linhas e cultivares de trigo do Paraguai e estudar sua resistência em campo. A presença de 18 principais genes de resistência expressos em plântulas (Lr1, Lr2, Lr3a, Lr3bg, Lr3ka, Lr9, Lr10, Lr11, Lr16, Lr17, Lr23, Lr24, Lr26, Lr27+Lr31, Lr28, Lr30, Lr42) foi postulada. com base na reação contra diferentes raças do patógeno. O gene de resistência de plantas adultas Lr34 foi postulado em 26% dos materiais com base no marcador molecular csLV34. Este estudo também possibilitou diferenciar aqueles materiais cuja resistência em campo pode ser explicada por sua resistência em plantulas e aqueles que apresentam resistência na planta adulta. O conhecimento dos genes de resistência presentes no germoplasma dos programas de melhoramento é de suma importância para o estabelecimento de estratégias que alcancem resistência efetiva e duradoura baseada principalmente na combinação de genes menores não específicos da raça

    Fast Algorithm for Impact Point Selection in Semiparametric Functional Models

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    [Abstract] A new sparse semiparametric functional model is proposed, which tries to incorporate the influence of two functional variables in a scalar response in a quite simple and interpretable way. One of the functional variables is included trough a single-index structure and the other one linearly, but trough the high-dimensional vector of its discretized observations. For this model, a new algorithm for impact point selection in the linear part and for the model estimation is proposed. This procedure is based on the functional origin of the linear covariates. Some asymptotic results will ensure the good performance of the method. The computational efficiency of the algorithm, without loss of predictive power, will be showed trough a simulation study and a real data application, by comparing its results with those obtained trough the standard PLS method.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; MTM2014-52876-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad; MTM2017-82724-RXunta de Galicia; ED431G/01 2016-2019Xunta de Galicia; ED431C2016-015Xunta de Galicia; ED481A-2018/19

    Efficient Votes Storage in a Non-Interactive Dining Cryptographers (NIDC) Protocol

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    This paper shows the behavior of a storage technique for anonymous data, based on parallel channels implementation. At the beginning, it was conceived to apply on electronic vote. However, it may be generalized to whatever situation that requires anonymity and demands very high level of security respect from loss of information. Furthermore, a formula mistake that was slipped in previous publications has been corrected here. Finally, results of simulations are shown, to analyze the behavior of the equations proposed.VI Workshop de Seguridad Informática (WSI).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI
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