43 research outputs found

    On mm-adic spaces

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    Two improvements on Tkačenko's addition theorem

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    summary:We prove that (A) if a countably compact space is the union of countably many DD subspaces then it is compact; (B) if a compact T2T_2 space is the union of fewer than N(R)N(\Bbb R) = \operatorname{cov} (\Cal M) left-separated subspaces then it is scattered. Both (A) and (B) improve results of Tkačenko from 1979; (A) also answers a question that was raised by Arhangel'ski\v{i} and improves a result of Gruenhage

    On some classes of Lindel\"of Sigma-spaces

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    We consider special subclasses of the class of Lindel\"of Sigma-spaces obtained by imposing restrictions on the weight of the elements of compact covers that admit countable networks: A space XX is in the class LΣ(κ)L\Sigma(\leq\kappa) if it admits a cover by compact subspaces of weight κ\kappa and a countable network for the cover. We restrict our attention to κω\kappa\leq\omega. In the case κ=ω\kappa=\omega, the class includes the class of metrizably fibered spaces considered by Tkachuk, and the PP-approximable spaces considered by Tkacenko. The case κ=1\kappa=1 corresponds to the spaces of countable network weight, but even the case κ=2\kappa=2 gives rise to a nontrivial class of spaces. The relation of known classes of compact spaces to these classes is considered. It is shown that not every Corson compact of weight 1\aleph_1 is in the class LΣ(ω)L\Sigma(\leq \omega), answering a question of Tkachuk. As well, we study whether certain compact spaces in LΣ(ω)L\Sigma(\leq\omega) have dense metrizable subspaces, partially answering a question of Tkacenko. Other interesting results and examples are obtained, and we conclude the paper with a number of open questions.Comment: 21 pages. to appear in Topology and its Application

    Continuous functions on products of topological spaces

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    On mm-adic spaces

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    On a condition for the pseudo radiality of a product

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    summary:A sufficient condition for the pseudo radiality of the product of two compact Hausdorff spaces is given

    On compact fibered spaces

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    AbstractA space X is called fibered if there exists a countable family γ of sets closed in X such that γ(x)=⋂{F:x∈F∈γ} is metrizable for each x∈X. In the paper we answer two problems of Tkachuk raised in [Topology Proc. 19 (1994) 321–334] about compact fibered spaces

    Some properties of C(X), I

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    AbstractBy a result of A.V. Arhangel'skiǐ and E.G. Pytkeiev, the space C(X) of the continuous real functions on X with the topology of pointwise convergence has tightness ω iff Xn is Lindelöf for every n ∈ ω. In this paper we describe other convergence properties of C(X) (e.g. the Fréchet-Urysohn properly) in terms of covering properties of X.In some cases the equivalence between these properties turn out to be dependent on the set theory we choose. Some open problems are also stated