20 research outputs found

    Effects of soil biota on plant diversity effects

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    'nutrient' has two treatments:fertilized vs. unfertilized. 'micro' has two treatments: sterilized vs. unsterilized soil. 'comp' means species composition. 'id'means species identity. 'state' means whether the plant is alive or dead. 'shoot'means shoot dry weight. 'root' means root dry weight

    Effect of proportion of donor soil added on total plant community biomass.

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    <p>Soil was mixed in a proportion of 1∶1 or 1∶5 donor∶receptor soil. Significance between proportions within donor soil origin: ns = non significant, (*) <i>P</i> = 0.05, ** <i>P</i><0.01, *** <i>P</i><0.001.</p

    Total plant community biomass in relation to soil treatments.

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    <p>Treatments are arable top soil (organic) or soil from the lower layer (mineral) mixed with a 1∶1 (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0021943#pone-0021943-g001" target="_blank">Fig. 1a</a>) or 1∶5 (<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0021943#pone-0021943-g001" target="_blank">Fig. 1b</a>) proportion of donor soil from early (E1 and E2), mid (M1 and M2) or late (L1 and L2) successional restoration grasslands or without donor soil (None). Bars are means ±1 SE, N = 6 for donor soils and N = 12 for ‘none’. Bars not sharing the same letter are significant different at <i>P</i><0.05 with capital letters indicating main effect of donor soil, small case letters indicate effect of donor×receptor soil.</p

    Biotic soil characteristics of unmixed field soils at the start of the experiment.

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    <p>For nematodes abundances are given for their total and per feeding group (bacterial, plant, fungal feeders, omni- and carnivores).</p

    Soil ergosterol concentration (mg/kg soil dw) at the end of the main experiment in relation to the origin and proportion of donor and receptor soil.

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    <p>Significant differences of donor soil addition compared to no addition (none) within receptor soil and its proportion are indicated by * (organic 1∶1), ♦(mineral 1∶1) ° (organic 5∶1), + (mineral 5∶1) with significance P<0.01 for double symbols and P<0.001 for triple symbols and P = 0.06 for (*). Horizontal dotted lines indicate the ergosterol concentrations in the receptor soils without added donor soils.</p

    RDA diagram of plant species shoot biomass in relation to initial soil characteristics of the 26 soil treatments (24 mixtures and unmixed mineral and organic arable soil).

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    <p>Fine dotted arrows are abiotic and coarse dotted arrows are biotic characteristics. <i>Hr</i> = <i>Hypochaeris radicata</i>, <i>Fo</i> = <i>Festuca ovina</i>, <i>Cr</i> = <i>Campanula rotundifolia</i>, <i>Am</i> = <i>Arnica montana</i>, <i>Ns</i> = <i>Nardus stricta</i>, <i>Ad</i> = <i>Antennaria dioica</i>. bf = bacterial feeders, pf = plant+root-hair feeders, hf = fungal feeders, ca/om = carnivores+omnivores, total nema = all nematodes.</p

    Biotic soil characteristics of the soils at the start of the experiment, for nematodes abundances are given for their total and per feeding group (bacterial, plant, fungal feeders, omni- and carnivores).

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    <p>Biotic soil characteristics of the soils at the start of the experiment, for nematodes abundances are given for their total and per feeding group (bacterial, plant, fungal feeders, omni- and carnivores).</p

    Codes of field sites, time since abandonment and plant association.

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    <p>Field age = years since abandonment. Lat. = Latitude (°N), Long. = Longitude (°E).</p>1<p>According to Schaminée <i>et al.</i><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0021943#pone.0021943-Schamine1" target="_blank">[38]</a>.</p

    Simpson's evenness index (SIEI) and plant species proportional shoot biomass in response to soil treatments.

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    <p>Numbers above the bars are SIEI values. Treatments as in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0021943#pone-0021943-g001" target="_blank">Fig. 1a</a>. Bars not sharing the same letter are significantly different for SIEI at <i>P</i><0.05 (donor soil main effect).</p

    Soil legacies of winter cover crop mixtures

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    Excel data file with legacy effects of a two year rotation (2014-2015), including winter cover crop monocultures and mixtures. Contains variable description, experimental design, data on winter cover crop biomass and N, soil organic matter, mineral N, potential N mineralisation, plant feeding nematode abundance, biomass of response plants Avena sativa and Cichorium endivia