7 research outputs found

    Avaliação de parâmetros cardiovasculares, ventilatórios e hemogasométricos de coelhos anestesiados com isofluorano ou sevofluorano e submetidos à ventilação espontânea ou controlada a volume

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    The volume-controlled mechanical ventilation and spontaneous ventilation, through haemogasometric, cardiovascular and spirometry variables were evaluated. Twenty-eight rabbits were distributed into two groups: GIVC (isoflurane and volume-controlled ventilation), GIVE (isoflurane and spontaneous ventilation), GSVC (sevoflurane and volume-controlled ventilation) and GSVE (sevoflurane and spontaneous ventilation). Induction was performed by mask with isoflurane (GIVE and GIVC) or sevoflurane (GSVE and GSVC) at 1.5 MAC in 100% oxygen. To maintain anesthesia, MAC was reset to 1. In GIVC and GSVC groups, rocuronium was administered at a dose of 0.6 mg/kg followed by its continuous infusion (0.6 mg/kg/h). In GSVE and GIVE, 0.9% NaCl was administered instead of rocuronium. Controlled ventilation was started by adjusting the capnometry in order to obtain values between 35 and 45 mmHg. Parameters were measured 60 minutes after induction of anesthesia (M0), 15 minutes after the bolus of rocuronium or 0.9% NaCl (M15) and every fifteen minutes (M30, M45 and M60). Hypercapnia and acidosis was evident in GIVC, GSVC and GSVE. We concluded that the volume-controlled mechanical ventilation was not able to maintain normocapnia in rabbits, producing acidosis in them, especially when using sevoflurane. The use of isoflurane showed greater stability than the sevoflurane anesthetic in the species studied.Avaliaram-se as ventilações mecânica controlada a volume e espontânea, por meio das variáveis hemogasométricas, cardiovasculares e ventilométricas. Distribuíram-se 28 coelhos nos grupos: GIVC (isofluorano e ventilação controlada a volume), GIVE (isofluorano e ventilação espontânea), GSVC (sevofluorano e ventilação controlada a volume) e GSVE (sevofluorano e ventilação espontânea). Induziu-se por máscara, com isofluorano (GIVE e GIVC) ou sevofluorano (GSVE e GSVC) a 1,5 CAM, em oxigênio a 100%. Para manutenção anestésica, reajustou-se para 1 CAM. No GIVC e no GSVC, administrou-se rocurônio, na dose de 0,6mg/kg, seguida de infusão contínua na mesma dose de 0,6mg/kg/h. No GIVE e no GSVE, foi administrado NaCl 0,9% em vez de rocurônio. Iniciou-se a ventilação controlada ajustando-a de maneira a obter capnometria entre 35 e 45mmHg. Mensuraram-se os parâmetros 60 minutos após a indução anestésica (M0), 15 minutos após o bolus de rocurônio ou NaCl 0,9% (M15) e a cada 15 minutos (M30, M45 e M60). Evidenciou-se hipercapnia e acidose em GIVC, GSVC e GSVE. Concluiu-se que a ventilação mecânica controlada a volume não foi capaz de manter a normocapnia em coelhos, gerando acidose, principalmente quando se utilizou sevofluorano. O uso do isofluorano demonstrou maior estabilidade anestésica que o sevofluorano nesta

    Public Space in Late Antique Ostia: Excavation and Survey by the University of Kent 2008-2011

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    This article presents the work of the University of Kent section of the Late Antique Ostia Project, which since 2008 has studied the evolution of public space in the central area of the city, in conjunction with the Humboldt University of Berlin. This research has sought to detect and document Late Antique remains within a clearance-excavated classical site using minimally invasive methods. It has demonstrated that Ostia saw a level of investment in secular public buildings that surpassed other cities in Italy outside of Rome. Thus, Russell Meiggs' view that the construction of Portus led to the demise of Ostia, in terms of its political and economic vitality, now seems unlikely. Until the mid fifth century, Ostia was still significant as a center of political representation that followed the urban fashions of the age, which now came from the eastern Mediterranean rather than from Rome. English summaries of the work of the Berlin team are provided by its director, Axel Gering; that work is published in greater detail in a parallel report in Römische Mitteilungen

    32V - 89C8

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