3,324 research outputs found

    On- and Off-Responses in the Inferior Colliculus of the Greater Horseshoe Bat to Pure Tones

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    1. The auditory threshold curve of averaged evoked potentials of the colliculus inferior in Rhinolophus /errum equinum to pure tone stimulation from 1 to 100 kHz is presented (Fig. 1). For pure tone frequencies lower than 14 ktIz thresholds steeply rise from 20 to 110 db. The steepness of the acoustical filter for 83.3 kHz signals and the frequency of the echoes heard by Greater Horseshoe Bats is accentuated by averaging methods. Because of averaging, evoked potentials thresholds are lowered by about 20 db compared to those obtained by non-averaging methods. 2. Prominent off-responses in evoked potentials appear for three stimulus frequency ranges: 3-10 kHz with a peak at 5 ktIz, 20-40 kHz with a peak at 20 kHz and 80.0-82.6 kHz with a peak at 81.5 kHz (Fig. 2). 3. It is unlikely that beat note frequencies play any role for echolocation. 4. The relevance of these results to echolocation in Horseshoe Bats is discussed, especially as to Doppler shift information contained in the constant frequency part of echoes

    Yield and quality of potato tubers: Effects of different intensity and kind of manuring (biodynamic or organic)

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    Biodynamic farming is the oldest organic farming movement in Germany. Since Dr. Rudolf Steiner’s “Course on Agriculture” held in 1924, the number of biodynamic farmers in Germany has grown continuously, with 1,317 farmers currently producing on 47,592 ha. One of the most distinctive aspects of biodynamic farming is the use of the so-called biodynamic preparations, which are applied in homeopathic doses. Biodynamic preparations are supposed to improve plant growth and food quality, minimising natural variations. This paper deals with investigations of influences of these preparations and increased manure application on potato yield and tuber quality. The results are drawn from extensive research on organic potato production carried out by several institutes of the University of Bonn, sponsored by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Bonn), and the Eden Foundation (Bad Soden)

    Das Ungesagte / Ungedachte : Ein Briefwechsel

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    "Die wichtigste, schwärendste Portion des Ungeschriebenen und sein entscheidender Einfluss auf die Springprozession des Schreibens liegt nach meinem Eindruck in dem, was dringend dran wäre, gedacht, gesagt und geschrieben zu werden, und was sich dem entzieht. Ist es zu schwer, zu sperrig, zu komplex? Womöglich sind ja die Arme unseres Geistes nicht kräftig genug, das eigentlich Benötigte zu stemmen.

    Kieler Meeresforschung zur Kaiserzeit: Zum Leben und Werk von Otto KrĂĽmmel (1854-1917)

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    150 years ago Otto Krümmel was born in Exin (Western Prussia, today Poland). He studied geography and geology at the universities of Göttingen, Leipzig and Berlin. In 2004, 150 years after his birth, the IFM-GEOMAR Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences in Kiel organized an exhibition presenting manuscripts, letters, books and some of the few personal items that have survived the times to the general public. Today only a few students of marine sciences are aware of the fact that it was Otto Krümmel who established oceanography (in the general framework of geography) as an academic discipline at the university of Kiel. Because of his early interests in marine sciences and publications he was appointed professor of geography in Kiel in 1884 . He joined V. Hensen’s Plankton-Expedition on board the „National“ and wrote the narrative and the geophysical parts of this first Kiel blue water enterprise. He became a member of the Royal Prussian Commission for Investigations in the German Seas and was one of the German representatives for ICES from 1899 onward. He did much of the planning for the construction of the research vessel „Poseidon“ and organized the annual monitoring cruises in the North Sea and the Baltic. Although mainly occupied with many duties as professor of geography at the university of Kiel for 27 years. Krümmel was head of the physical division of the new International Laboratory in Kiel. He developed new instruments as well, such as a new sampler and advanced aerometers. Furthermore he was one of the initiators of the GEBCO-Project (first edition of the General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans: Monaco 1904). So Krümmel was part of the international marine sciences network that developed at that time. Most of Krümmel’s more than one hundred publications are about marine matters, such as tides, ocean currents and morphology of the sea floor. His most important work „Handbuch der Ozeanographie“ (2 vols. 1907/11) remained a standard reference work for a long time

    Vermögenspreise und Konsum

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    The article illustrates how the integration of modern theory of finance and stochastic dynamic macroeconomic analysis provides a deeper understanding of the link between asset prices and consumption. It shows that this approach gives only a partial explanation for recent trends in US consumption. Comparing wealth effects in Anglo Saxon countries with continental Europe, the paper provides a perspective of the challenges for European monetary policy arising from wealth effects on consumption.Die Arbeit zeigt, dass die Integration von moderner Finanzmarkttheorie und stochastischer Makroanalyse ein präziseres Verständnis des Zusammenhangs zwischen Vermögenspreisentwicklung und Konsumverhalten ermöglicht, dass sie aber keine vollständige Erklärung für die Entwicklung von Konsum- und Anlagenverhalten in den USA liefert. Sie vergleicht die Vermögenseffekte in angelsächsischen Ländern mit jüngsten Erfahrungen in Kontinentaleuropa und untersucht, welche Herausforderungen sich für die europäische Geldpolitik in der näheren Zukunft ergeben
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