85 research outputs found

    Fokus Ostintegration: Grenzüberschreitende Dienstleistungserbringung in die neuen EU Länder

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    Diese Studie bietet einen detaillierten Überblick über die Internationalisierungsaktivitäten von Dienstleistungsunternehmen mit begrenztem Marktradius in der Grenzregion Österreichs zu den "neuen" EU-Mitgliedstaaten (NMS) auf Basis einer in Kooperation mit Statistik Austria durchgeführten Unternehmensbefragung. Die untersuchten Dienstleistungsunternehmen weisen hierbei eine ähnliche Internationalisierungsneigung auf wie in vergleichbaren Studien (13%). Diese unterscheidet sich jedoch relativ stark nach Sektoren und Unternehmensgröße. Der Großteil der Dienstleistungen wird über die temporäre Entsendung von Arbeitskräften erbracht. Mehr als die Hälfte der international tätigen Unternehmen erbringt Dienstleistungen auch auf den Märkten der NMS, das Potential der dynamischen Ökonomien Mittel- und Osteuropas als Absatz- und Bezugsmarkt wird jedoch noch nicht von allen Unternehmen realisiert. Die in einigen Sektoren geltenden reziproken Übergangsfristen für die Entsendung von Arbeitskräften spielen hierfür jedoch nur eine untergeordnete Rolle.Export of Services

    Effects of GnRH vaccination in wild and captive African Elephant bulls (Loxodonta africana) on reproductive organs and semen quality

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    OBJECTIVES: Although the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) is classified as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), in some isolated habitats in southern Africa, contraception is of major interest due to local overpopulation. GnRH vaccination has been promoted as a non-invasive contraceptive measure for population management of overabundant wildlife. We tested the efficacy of this treatment for fertility control in elephant bulls. METHODS: In total, 17 male African elephants that were treated with a GnRH vaccine were examined in two groups. In the prospective study group 1 (n = 11 bulls, ages: 8±36 years), semen quality, the testes, seminal vesicles, ampullae and prostate, which were all measured by means of transrectal ultrasound, and faecal androgen metabolite concentrations were monitored over a three-year period. Each bull in the prospective study received 5 ml of Improvac® (1000 μg GnRH conjugate) intramuscularly after the first examination, followed by a booster six weeks later and thereafter every 5±7 months. In a retrospective study group (group 2, n = 6, ages: 19±33 years), one examination was performed on bulls which had been treated with GnRH vaccine for 5±11 years. RESULTS: In all bulls of group 1, testicular and accessory sex gland sizes decreased significantly after the third vaccination. In six males examined prior to vaccination and again after more than five vaccinations, the testis size was reduced by 57.5%. Mean testicular height and length decreased from 13.3 ± 2.6 cm x 15.2 ± 2.8 cm at the beginning to 7.6 ± 2.1 cm x 10.2 ± 1.8 cm at the end of the study. Post pubertal bulls (>9 years, n = 6) examined prior to vaccination produced ejaculates with viable spermatozoa (volume: 8±175 ml, sperm concentration: 410-4000x106/ml, total motility: 0±90%), while after 5±8 injections, only 50% of these bulls produced ejaculates with a small number of immotile spermatozoa. The ejaculates of group 2 bulls (vaccinated >8 times) were devoid of spermatozoa. Faecal androgen metabolite concentrations measured in captive males decreased significantly after the fourth vaccination. None of the males entered musth during the treatment period. CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed a marked decrease in semen quality, testicle and secondary sex gland sizes following repeated GnRH vaccinations. After 2±4 years of continuous treatment every 5±7 months, the effects were similar to surgical castration.ISIScopu

    West-east Decline of Regional Economic Growth in 2003

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    In 2003, the Austrian economy continued on its very modest growth path for the third year in a row. As an annual average, value added rose by just 0.9 percent over the previous year (GDP: +0.7 percent). Regionally seen, growth was highest in the west and lowest in the east: In western Austria, businesses again managed a course of moderate growth (+1.6 percent). The south experienced a slight rally in mid-year, the forces of recovery, however, were too weak to invigorate the east (+0.5 percent). Growth was briskest in Upper Austria (+2.2 percent) and Salzburg (+2 percent). Carinthia achieved above-average growth (+1.5 percent) throughout the year, whereas Styria's economy did not pick up until the second half of the year. In the east, Burgenland (+1.4 percent) once again marked a higher growth rate but the revival did not exceed the previous year's pace. Vienna and Styria (+.3 percent) together ranked last in economic dynamics.Regionalwirtschaft; Bundesländer; Wirtschaftsbericht 2003; Österreich

    Innovations by the Manufacturing Sector in Vienna

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    Vienna's international role will largely depend on whether or not its manufacturing sector will be able to exploit the new opportunities that result from the opening of the East and the process of European integration. The formation of a competitive knowledge and organisation base and a movement toward flexible specialisation would greatly improve Vienna's economic structure. Whether this goal will be achieved will depend to a great extent on the innovative capacity of Vienna's manufacturing sector, a question that has been analysed with the help of WIFO's technology and innovation survey.Innovationen der Wiener Industrie; Innovations by the Manufacturing Sector in Vienna

    Regional Problems Caused by the Integration of CEECs into the EU

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    EU integration of CEE countries provides new development opportunities for all regions along EU's external frontier based on cross-border economic and regional policies. In the preparatory phase, an offensive structural policy should be supplemented by negotiations on administrative measures designed to cushion any negative consequences.Regional Problems Caused by the Integration of CEECs into the EU; Focusing on EU Eastern Enlargement

    Impacts of an EU Eastern Enlargement on Austria's Manufacturing. Eastern Opening Stimulates the Austrian Industry

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    Austria's manufacturing particularly profited from the reforms in its eastern neighbour countries. A rise in exports to the neighbouring CEECs increased the net production value by about ATS 14 billion. The effects of an EU eastern enlargement will be even more pronounced, provided that the structure of foreign trade in the CEECs will adjust to the EU average. If Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Hungary managed to achieve this adjustment by the year 2010, employment in the Austrian industry could rise by about 50,000.Impacts of an EU Eastern Enlargement on Austria's Manufacturing. Eastern Opening Stimulates the Austrian Industry; Focusing on EU Eastern Enlargement

    Räumliche Entwicklungsmuster der österreichischen Industrie

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    Räumliche Entwicklungsmuster der österreichischen Industrie