193 research outputs found

    Analytical description of interference between two misaligned and mismatched complete Gaussian beams

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    A typical application for laser interferometers is a precision measurement of length changes that result in interferometric phase shifts. Such phase changes are typically predicted numerically, due to the com- plexity of the overlap integral that needs to be solved. In this paper we will derive analytical representations of the interferometric phase and contrast (aka. fringe visibility) for two beam interferometers, both homodyne and heterodyne. The fundamental Gaussian beams can be arbitrarily misaligned and mismatched to each other. A limitation of the analytical result is that both beams must be detected completely, which can experimentally be realized by a sufficiently large single-element photodetector.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    First stage of LISA data processing: Clock synchronization and arm-length determination via a hybrid-extended Kalman filter

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    In this paper, we describe a hybrid-extended Kalman filter algorithm to synchronize the clocks and to precisely determine the inter-spacecraft distances for space-based gravitational wave detectors, such as (e)LISA. According to the simulation, the algorithm has significantly improved the ranging accuracy and synchronized the clocks, making the phase-meter raw measurements qualified for time- delay interferometry algorithms.Comment: 14 pages, Phys. Rev. D 90, 064016 (2014

    First stage of LISA data processing II: Alternative filtering dynamic models for LISA

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    Space-borne gravitational wave detectors, such as (e)LISA, are designed to operate in the low-frequency band (mHz to Hz), where there is a variety of gravitational wave sources of great scientific value. To achieve the extraordinary sensitivity of these detector, the precise synchronization of the clocks on the separate spacecraft and the accurate determination of the interspacecraft distances are important ingredients. In our previous paper (Phys. Rev. D 90, 064016 [2014]), we have described a hybrid-extend Kalman filter with a full state vector to do this job. In this paper, we explore several different state vectors and their corresponding (phenomenological) dynamic models, to reduce the redundancy in the full state vector, to accelerate the algorithm, and to make the algorithm easily extendable to more complicated scenarios.Comment: 12 page

    Vanishing tilt-to-length coupling for a singular case in two-beam laser interferometers with Gaussian beams

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    The omnipresent tilt-to-length coupling in two-beam laser interferometers, frequently a nuisance in precision measurements, vanishes for the singular case of two beams with identical parameters and complete detection of both beams without clipping. This effect has been observed numerically and is explained in this manuscript by the cancellation of two very different effects of equal magnitude and opposite sign. This paper was published in Applied Optics and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: [http://www.opticsinfobase.org/ao/abstract.cfm?URI=ao-54-5-1010]. Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law

    Sub-pm/Hz\mathrm{\mathbf{\sqrt{\rm Hz}}} non-reciprocal noise in the LISA backlink fiber

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    The future space-based gravitational wave detector Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) requires bidirectional exchange of light between its two optical benches on board of each of its three satellites. The current baseline foresees a polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber for this backlink connection. Phase changes which are common in both directions do not enter the science measurement, but differential ("non-reciprocal") phase fluctuations directly do and must thus be guaranteed to be small enough. We have built a setup consisting of a ZerodurTM^{\rm TM} baseplate with fused silica components attached to it using hydroxide-catalysis bonding and demonstrated the reciprocity of a polarization-maintaining single-mode fiber at the 1 pm/Hz\sqrt{\textrm{Hz}} level as is required for LISA. We used balanced detection to reduce the influence of parasitic optical beams on the reciprocity measurement and a fiber length stabilization to avoid nonlinear effects in our phase measurement system (phase meter). For LISA, a different phase meter is planned to be used that does not show this nonlinearity. We corrected the influence of beam angle changes and temperature changes on the reciprocity measurement in post-processing

    Interferometry for LISA and LISA pathfinder

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    The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is a joint ESA-NASA mission designed to observe gravitational waves in the frequency range between 10 -4 to 1 Hz, where ground-based detectors are limited by terrestrial noise. Sources in this frequency range include supermassive black holes and galactic binary stars. LISA consists of three identical spacecraft separated by 5 million kilometers carrying a total of six free flying proof masses in heliocentric drag-free orbit. The fluctuations in separation between two test masses located in different satellites will be measured by laser interferometry with picometer precision. LISA Pathfinder is a technology demonstration mission for LISA consisting of only two test masses in one single satellite. It will be launched in 2009, five years before LISA. We provide here an overview of the development of LISA and LISA Pathfinder with particular emphasis on the interferometry

    A brief comparison of optical pathlength difference and various definitions for the interferometric phase

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    To this paper we discuss that the phase readout in low noise laser interferometers can significantly deviate from the underlying optical pathlength difference (OPD). The cross coupling of beam tilt to the interferometric phase readout is compared to the OPD. For such a system it is shown that the amount of tilt to phase readout coupling depends strongly on the involved beams and their parameters, as well as on the detector properties and the precise definition of the phase. The unique single element photodiode phase is therefore compared to three common phase definitions for quadrant diodes. It is shown that neither phase definition globally shows the least amount of cross coupling of angular itDeutsches Zentrum fĂĽr Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR)/No 50 OQ 130

    Disturbances from Single Event Upsets in the GRACE Follow-On Laser Ranging Interferometer

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    The Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment - Follow On (GRACE-FO) satellite mission (2018-now) hosts the novel Laser Ranging Interferometer (LRI), a technology demonstrator for proving the feasibility of laser interferometry for inter-satellite ranging measurements. The GRACE-FO mission extends the valuable climate data record of changing mass distribution in the system Earth, which was started by the original GRACE mission (2002-2017). The mass distribution can be deduced from observing changes in the distance of two low-earth orbiters employing interferometry of electromagnetic waves in the K-Band for the conventional K-Band Ranging (KBR) and in near-infrared for the novel LRI. This paper identifies possible radiation-induced Single Event Upset (SEU) events in the LRI phase measurement. We simulate the phase data processing within the Laser Ranging Processor (LRP) and use a template-based fitting approach to determine the parameters of the SEU and subtract the events from the ranging data. Over four years of LRI data, 29 of such events were identified and characterized
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