816 research outputs found

    The Role of Institutional and Structural Differences for City-Specific Arrangements of Urban Migration Regimes

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    In recent years, an increasing influx of migrants to Europe has led to a heated public discourse about integration capacities within receiving countries such as Germany. During this period, German society, with its changeful immigration history, is again challenged to provide policy responses and foster migrant integration, especially in urban areas. The efforts of cities along that path, however, vary greatly. Complementing locality approaches on immigration and integration policies, which are focused on metropolises and the U.S.-American context, this article is an empirical application for understanding institutional and structural conditions for local variations in integration strategies in Germany by presenting a comparative analysis of four mid-sized cities. The particular research interest lies on discourses from interviews with local authorities and civil society actors. Our analysis reveals city-specific streamlines: For instance, discourses at a center of the ‘knowledge society’ focused on a strong municipal power structure that allowed communally-financed, sustainable projects to evolve from a historically-grounded commitment to welcome migrants and from high financial capacities at its disposal. In another case, discourses revolved around a city’s financially constraints, which were equalized by compensatory civil society networks. In other cities, progress was associated with spontaneous local happenings or individual innovative leadership. These street-level patterns create a degree of locality within the global migration discourse, since they emerge from the interplay of financial, economic, and demographic features; historical concepts; or local events. We therefore contend that urban planning initiatives would profit from considering place-specific institutions that influence integration stakeholders, which are regime-makers and foster institutional, migration-led changes

    Biosynthesis of fucoxanthin and diadinoxanthin and function of initial pathway genes in Phaeodactylum tricornutum

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    The biosynthesis pathway to diadinoxanthin and fucoxanthin was elucidated in Phaeodactylum tricornutum by a combined approach involving metabolite analysis identification of gene function. For the initial steps leading to β-carotene, putative genes were selected from the genomic database and the function of several of them identified by genetic pathway complementation in Escherichia coli. They included genes encoding a phytoene synthase, a phytoene desaturase, a ζ-carotene desaturase, and a lycopene β-cyclase. Intermediates of the pathway beyond β-carotene, present in trace amounts, were separated by TLC and identified as violaxanthin and neoxanthin in the enriched fraction. Neoxanthin is a branching point for the synthesis of both diadinoxanthin and fucoxanthin and the mechanisms for their formation were proposed. A single isomerization of one of the allenic double bounds in neoxanthin yields diadinoxanhin. Two reactions, hydroxylation at C8 in combination with a keto-enol tautomerization and acetylation of the 3′-HO group results in the formation of fucoxanthin

    Contingent Valuation of Mining Land Reclamation in East Germany

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    Large parts of East German landscapes are formed by lignite mining activities. The mining pits destroy vast areas of the existing cultural landscapes. These areas have to be made re-accessible to society through extensive reclamation projects after mining has been finished. For an appraisal of the social benefits that need to be compared to the costs of these projects the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) is the method of choice. The CVM measures the willingness to pay of households for such a project. This paper reports the findings of a Con-tingent Valuation study assessing the social utility created by a reclamation project north of the city of Cottbus in Brandenburg, Germany. The goal of the study is threefold. Firstly, the affected population's aggregate willingness to pay for the planned reclamation project is cal-culated; it amounts to 2.7 mil. Euro per year. Secondly, the determinants of this willingness to pay are analyzed. Apart from the expected positive impact of income on willingness to pay we find that it is also influenced by people's recreational activities, their general attitudes to-wards public spending and by their concerns about the economic situation. Thirdly, the study explores methodological specifics of an application of the CVM to Germany, especially in East Germany, by focusing on the appropriate design of the willingness to pay question which is an important feature still controversially discussed in the literature.contingent valuation;

    Neue Medien als Inhalt und Mittel der universitären Lehrerausbildung. Ergebnisse eines Modellvorhabens im Rahmen der Initiative ‹BIG-Bildungswege in der Informationsgesellschaft›

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    Die Autoren präsentieren Ergebnisse aus dem BIG-Modellvorhaben "Neue Medien und Lehramtsstudium", insbesondere den Rahmenplan und das Lehrangebot mit computerbasierten Medien. Sie geben Empfehlungen für Universitäten, die Veranstaltungsangebote zur Verwendungen von neuen Medien und zu Medienerziehung im Lehramtstudium planen. (DIPF/Orig.)

    Gleichheit und Freiheit

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    Ute Gerhard unterstreicht, dass das Recht auf Gleichheit, die Anerkennung der Menschen als Gleiche, bei aller Anerkennung gleicher Freiheit immer erst der Konkretisierung oder einer Verständigung darüber bedarf, wie viel Gleichheit oder in welcher Hinsicht Gleichheit herzustellen ist. Laut Ulrike Ackermann ist Ungleichheit Ausdruck von sozialer Differenzierung und Bedingung für Vielfalt und damit Innovationskraft für gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt. Für Jasper von Altenbockum besteht die Herausforderung der Freiheit im Widerstreit zwischen Dezentralisierung und Zentralisierung; zwar werde gerne die befreiende Kraft des Kleinteiligen beschworen, doch am Ende siege die Nivellierung der Provinz (Anm. d. Red.)

    Metropole / Global City

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    Städte einer bestimmten Größenordnung und Bedeutung werden als Metropolen oder Global Cities bezeichnet. Ihnen wird ein Bedeutungsüberschuss innerhalb des Landes bzw. auf globaler Ebene zugeschrieben. Die Abgrenzung zu anderen Termini ist jedoch nicht immer eindeutig, zumal damit häufig normative Zuschreibungen einhergehen

    Alcohol consumption and social inequality at the individual and country levels—results from an international study

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    Background: International comparisons of social inequalities in alcohol use have not been extensively investigated. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship of country-level characteristics and individual socio-economic status (SES) on individual alcohol consumption in 33 countries. Methods: Data on 101 525 men and women collected by cross-sectional surveys in 33 countries of the GENACIS study were used. Individual SES was measured by highest attained educational level. Alcohol use measures included drinking status and monthly risky single occasion drinking (RSOD). The relationship between individuals' education and drinking indicators was examined by meta-analysis. In a second step the individual level data and country data were combined and tested in multilevel models. As country level indicators we used the Purchasing Power Parity of the gross national income, the Gini coefficient and the Gender Gap Index. Results: For both genders and all countries higher individual SES was positively associated with drinking status. Also higher country level SES was associated with higher proportions of drinkers. Lower SES was associated with RSOD among men. Women of higher SES in low income countries were more often RSO drinkers than women of lower SES. The opposite was true in higher income countries. Conclusion: For the most part, findings regarding SES and drinking in higher income countries were as expected. However, women of higher SES in low and middle income countries appear at higher risk of engaging in RSOD. This finding should be kept in mind when developing new policy and prevention initiative

    A methodological framework for measuring social innovation

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    "This paper introduces a methodological framework to develop dimensions for measuring social innovation capacities of spatial units. The framework is designed to ensure the compatibility of these dimensions with theoretical concepts as well as innovative practices. Therefore, theoretical top-down strategies have been combined with an empirical bottom-up strategy. From the top-down perspective, we assess opportunities and limits of existing metrics of technological-economic innovation in the light of theoretical requirements of social innovation. As an interim result we present measurement dimensions for social innovation at the national level. Within the framework of the bottom-up strategy, we start our analysis from the local level. In qualitative case studies in four German cities, we investigate whether these dimensions are of significance for the innovative practice. In order to study the innovation process in the context of innovative practice we look at the example of the integration of migrants and discuss systemic determinants of social innovativeness. Finally, these systemic implications have been used to modify the measurement dimensions and to adjust them to the local level." (author's abstract
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