4 research outputs found


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je analizirati utjecaj tretmana preparatima klorheksidin diglukonata (CHX DG) na adheziju oralnih bakterija na legure nikal-titanija i čelika od kojih se izrađuju elementi ortodontskih naprava. Istraživanje je uključivalo tretman trima preparatima na bazi CHX DG jednakog udjela aktivne supstance od 0,12% (Perio Plus®, Curasept® i otopina CHX DG) na četiri bakterije; S. mutans, S. oralis, V. parvula i A. actinomycetemcomitans. Adhezijski učinak na ortodontskim žicama očitan je nakon 24 sata za S. oralis te nakon 72 sata za ostale bakterije. Dilucijskom metodom ispitivanja antibakterijskog djelovanja određena je minimalna baktericidna koncentracija preparata za pojedinu bakteriju. Tom koncentracijom preparata i bakterijama izlagani su slinom predtretirani ortodontski žičani lukovi. Komercijalni preparati, posebno Perio Plus®, pokazali su bolji učinak na inhibiciju adhezije svih bakterija na obje legure naspram otopine čistog CHX DG (p<0,05). A. actinomycetemcomitans je najviše bio inhibiran u adheziji preparatima CHX DG od svih bakterija. Na SS je veća inhibicija adherencije kod streptokoka, na NiTi kod A. actinomycetemcomitans. Inhibicija kod V. parvula je ovisna o preparatu. Zaključno, inhibicija adherencije bakterija ovisna je o preparatu CHX DG, leguri i bakteriji. CHX DG je djelotvoran za inhibiciju adhezije bakterija na ortodontske elemente te ga je preporučljivo koristiti za kemijsku kontrolu biofilma tijekom ortodontske terapije fiksnim napravama.The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of treatment with chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX DG) on the adhesion of oral bacteria to nickel-titanium and steel alloys which are the elements of orthodontic appliances . The study included treatment with three CHX DG-based solutions with an equal content of the active substance of 0.12% (Perio Plus®, Curasept® and CHX DG solution) on four bacteria; S. mutans, S. oralis, V. parvula and A. actinomycetemcomitans. The adhesive effect on orthodontic wires was registered after 24 hours for S. oralis and after 72 hours for other bacteria. The minimum bactericidal concentration of the solution for each bacteria was determined by the dilution method for testing the antibacterial activity. Saliva pre-treated orthodontic wire arches were exposed to minimal concentrations of the solution and bacteria. Commercially available preparations, especially Perio Plus®, showed a better effect on inhibiting the adhesion of all bacteria to both alloys versus a solution of pure CHX DG (p <0.05). A. actinomycetemcomitans was most inhibited in adhesion by CHX DG solution on all bacteria. On SS the inhibition of adherence was greater for streptococci and on NiTi for A. actinomycetemcomitans. Inhibition of V. parvula was treatment-dependent. In conclusion, inhibition of bacterial adhesion is dependent on CHX DG solutions, alloys and bacteria. CHX DG is effective in inhibiting bacterial adhesion to orthodontic elements and is recommended for chemical control of biofilm during orthodontic therapy with fixed appliances


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    Cilj istraživanja bio je analizirati utjecaj tretmana preparatima klorheksidin diglukonata (CHX DG) na adheziju oralnih bakterija na legure nikal-titanija i čelika od kojih se izrađuju elementi ortodontskih naprava. Istraživanje je uključivalo tretman trima preparatima na bazi CHX DG jednakog udjela aktivne supstance od 0,12% (Perio Plus®, Curasept® i otopina CHX DG) na četiri bakterije; S. mutans, S. oralis, V. parvula i A. actinomycetemcomitans. Adhezijski učinak na ortodontskim žicama očitan je nakon 24 sata za S. oralis te nakon 72 sata za ostale bakterije. Dilucijskom metodom ispitivanja antibakterijskog djelovanja određena je minimalna baktericidna koncentracija preparata za pojedinu bakteriju. Tom koncentracijom preparata i bakterijama izlagani su slinom predtretirani ortodontski žičani lukovi. Komercijalni preparati, posebno Perio Plus®, pokazali su bolji učinak na inhibiciju adhezije svih bakterija na obje legure naspram otopine čistog CHX DG (p<0,05). A. actinomycetemcomitans je najviše bio inhibiran u adheziji preparatima CHX DG od svih bakterija. Na SS je veća inhibicija adherencije kod streptokoka, na NiTi kod A. actinomycetemcomitans. Inhibicija kod V. parvula je ovisna o preparatu. Zaključno, inhibicija adherencije bakterija ovisna je o preparatu CHX DG, leguri i bakteriji. CHX DG je djelotvoran za inhibiciju adhezije bakterija na ortodontske elemente te ga je preporučljivo koristiti za kemijsku kontrolu biofilma tijekom ortodontske terapije fiksnim napravama.The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of treatment with chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX DG) on the adhesion of oral bacteria to nickel-titanium and steel alloys which are the elements of orthodontic appliances . The study included treatment with three CHX DG-based solutions with an equal content of the active substance of 0.12% (Perio Plus®, Curasept® and CHX DG solution) on four bacteria; S. mutans, S. oralis, V. parvula and A. actinomycetemcomitans. The adhesive effect on orthodontic wires was registered after 24 hours for S. oralis and after 72 hours for other bacteria. The minimum bactericidal concentration of the solution for each bacteria was determined by the dilution method for testing the antibacterial activity. Saliva pre-treated orthodontic wire arches were exposed to minimal concentrations of the solution and bacteria. Commercially available preparations, especially Perio Plus®, showed a better effect on inhibiting the adhesion of all bacteria to both alloys versus a solution of pure CHX DG (p <0.05). A. actinomycetemcomitans was most inhibited in adhesion by CHX DG solution on all bacteria. On SS the inhibition of adherence was greater for streptococci and on NiTi for A. actinomycetemcomitans. Inhibition of V. parvula was treatment-dependent. In conclusion, inhibition of bacterial adhesion is dependent on CHX DG solutions, alloys and bacteria. CHX DG is effective in inhibiting bacterial adhesion to orthodontic elements and is recommended for chemical control of biofilm during orthodontic therapy with fixed appliances

    Effect of Chlorhexidine Digluconate on Oral Bacteria Adhesion to Surfaces of Orthodontic Appliance Alloys

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    This study aimed to analyse the effect of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX DG) mouthwash on the adhesion of oral bacteria to orthodontic appliances. The interactions of four bacteria (S. mutans, A. actinomycetemcomitans, S. oralis, and V. parvula) with two alloys (stainless steel [SS] and nickel-titanium [NiTi]) and three CHX DG solutions (commercial products Curasept and Perio Plus, and pure CHX DG, all with 0.12% active substance) were tested. The adhesive effect on the orthodontic wires was evaluated after 24 h for S. oralis and after 72 h for the other bacteria. The minimum bactericidal concentration of the solution for each bacterial strain was determined using the dilution method to test the antibacterial action. Salivary-pretreated orthodontic archwires were exposed to minimal bactericidal concentrations of solution and bacteria. Commercial antiseptic products, especially Perio Plus, showed a better inhibition of bacterial adhesion to both alloys than pure CHX DG solution (p < 0.05). A. actinomycetemcomitans was most inhibited in the adhesion of all bacteria by the CHX DG products. A greater inhibition of streptococci adherence was observed on SS, while that of A. actinomycetemcomitans was observed on NiTi. V. parvula inhibition was product-dependent. Although there were differences between the strains and the tested agents, it can be concluded that Perio Plus most effectively inhibited the adhesion of all tested bacteria to the SS and NiTi alloys. A. actinomycetemcomitans was most sensitive to all tested agents, while S. mutans showed the highest resistance. The effectiveness of the tested agents was better on NiTi alloys

    Effect of Chlorhexidine Digluconate on Oral Bacteria Adhesion to Surfaces of Orthodontic Appliance Alloys

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    This study aimed to analyse the effect of chlorhexidine digluconate (CHX DG) mouthwash on the adhesion of oral bacteria to orthodontic appliances. The interactions of four bacteria (S. mutans, A. actinomycetemcomitans, S. oralis, and V. parvula) with two alloys (stainless steel [SS] and nickel-titanium [NiTi]) and three CHX DG solutions (commercial products Curasept and Perio Plus, and pure CHX DG, all with 0.12% active substance) were tested. The adhesive effect on the orthodontic wires was evaluated after 24 h for S. oralis and after 72 h for the other bacteria. The minimum bactericidal concentration of the solution for each bacterial strain was determined using the dilution method to test the antibacterial action. Salivary-pretreated orthodontic archwires were exposed to minimal bactericidal concentrations of solution and bacteria. Commercial antiseptic products, especially Perio Plus, showed a better inhibition of bacterial adhesion to both alloys than pure CHX DG solution (p A. actinomycetemcomitans was most inhibited in the adhesion of all bacteria by the CHX DG products. A greater inhibition of streptococci adherence was observed on SS, while that of A. actinomycetemcomitans was observed on NiTi. V. parvula inhibition was product-dependent. Although there were differences between the strains and the tested agents, it can be concluded that Perio Plus most effectively inhibited the adhesion of all tested bacteria to the SS and NiTi alloys. A. actinomycetemcomitans was most sensitive to all tested agents, while S. mutans showed the highest resistance. The effectiveness of the tested agents was better on NiTi alloys