29 research outputs found

    Ultra-flat twisted superlattices in 2D heterostructures

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    Moire-superlattices are ubiquitous in 2D heterostructures, strongly influencing their electronic properties. They give rise to new Dirac cones and are also at the origin of the superconductivity observed in magic-angle bilayer graphene. The modulation amplitude (corrugation) is an important yet largely unexplored parameter in defining the properties of 2D superlattices. The generally accepted view is that the corrugation monotonically decreases with increasing twist angle, while its effects on the electronic structure diminish as the layers become progressively decoupled. Here we found by lattice relaxation of around 8000 different Moire-superstructures using high scale Classical Molecular Simulations combined with analytical calculations, that even a small amount of external strain can substantially change this picture, giving rise to more complex behavior of superlattice corrugation as a function of twist angle. One of the most surprising findings is the emergence of an ultra-flat phase that can be present for arbitrary small twist angle having a much lower corrugation level than the decoupled phase at large angles. Furthermore, Moire-phase maps evidence that the state with no external strain is located in the close vicinity of a triple Moire-phase boundary, implying that very small external strain variations can cause drastic changes in the realized superlattice morphology and corrugation. This renders the practical realization of 2D heterostructures with large-area homogeneous superlattice morphology highly challenging

    Exfoliation of large-area transition metal chalcogenide single layers

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    Isolating large-areas of atomically thin transition metal chalcogenide crystals is an important but challenging task. The mechanical exfoliation technique can provide single layers of the highest structural quality, enabling to study their pristine properties and ultimate device performance. However, a major drawback of the technique is the low yield and small (typically 2single layers with typical lateral sizes of several hundreds of microns. The idea is to exploit the chemical affinity of the sulfur atoms that can bind more strongly to a gold surface than the neighboring layers of the bulk MoS2 crystal. Moreover, we found that our exfoliation process is not specific to MoS2, but can be generally applied for various layered chalcogenides including selenites and tellurides, providing an easy access to large-area 2D crystals for the whole class of layered transition metal chalcogenides

    Highly wear-resistant and low-friction Si3N4 composites by addition of graphene nanoplatelets approaching the 2D limit

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    Abstract Graphene nanoplatelets (GNPs) have emerged as one of the most promising filler materials for improving the tribological performance of ceramic composites due to their outstanding solid lubricant properties as well as mechanical and thermal stability. Yet, the addition of GNPs has so far enabled only a very limited improvement in the tribological properties of ceramics, particularly concerning the reduction of their friction coefficient. This is most likely due to the challenges of achieving a continuous lubricating and protecting tribo-film through a high GNP coverage of the exposed surfaces. Here we demonstrate that this can be achieved by efficiently increasing the exfoliation degree of GNPs down to the few-layer (FL) range. By employing FL-GNPs as filler material, the wear resistance of Si3N4 composites can be increased by more than twenty times, the friction coefficient reduced to nearly its half, while the other mechanical properties are also preserved or improved. Confocal Raman spectroscopy measurements revealed that at the origin of the spectacular improvement of the tribological properties is the formation of a continuous FL- GNP tribo-film, already at 5 wt% FL-GNP content

    Novel method for the production of SiC micro and nanopatterns

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    In this paper we report on a novel, large area method to produce SiC nano- and micro patterns at room temperature where the compound and pattern formation happens in one step. We have previously demonstrated that SiC can be produced by noble gas irradiation of a Si/C multilayer system utilizing the ion beam mixing (IBM) taking place at the interfaces. Here we show that by applying IBM in samples masked in any desired way patterned SiC surfaces, micro and nanostructures, result. Two different masking layers were applied to demonstrate the capabilities of the method; a Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film of 590 nm silica nanoparticles and a lithographic grid, of 2 ÎĽm periodicity, mounted to the surface of a Si/C multilayer system. The systems were irradiated by Xe+ ions of 120 keV. The samples before and after IBM have been analyzed by AFM, SEM and AES depth profiling, proving that patterning occurred: the non-covered areas became SiC rich regions, while the covered areas remained untouched. As a possible application for the patterned samples, the gold-coated LB patterned nanostructure was used for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopic detection of an organic dye molecule (R6G) demonstrating the efficiency of IBM for producing SERS substrates consisting of a very stable compound like SiC