30 research outputs found

    Incident Cancer Risk of Patients with Prevalent Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Hungary (Part 2)

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    (1) Background: Among the chronic complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus, cancer has become the leading cause of death in several countries. Our objective was to determine whether prevalent type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with a higher incidence of cancer. (2) Methods: This study comprised a nationwide analysis conducted in Hungary. The study population was divided into two groups: a type 2 diabetes mellitus group vs. a non-diabetic group. The primary outcome was the risk related to overall cancer incidence; a key secondary outcome was the overall incidence of cancer in distinct study years; and a further outcome was the annual percent changes. (3) Results: The odds ratio related to the overall incidence of cancer was 2.50 (95% confidence interval: 2.46–2.55, p < 0.0001) in patients with diabetes as related to non-diabetic controls. The odds ratio was higher in males than in females [ORmales: 2.76 (2.70–2.82) vs. ORfemales: 2.27 (2.22–2.33), p < 0.05 for male-to-female comparison]. The annual cancer incidence rate declined in non-diabetic controls, but not in patients with diabetes [−1.79% (−2.07–−1.52%), p < 0.0001] vs. −0.50% (−1.12–+0.10%), p = 0.0991]. Several types of cancer showed a decreasing tendency in non-diabetic controls, but not in patients with type 2 diabetes. (4) Conclusions: Type 2 diabetes is associated with a higher risk of cancer. While the cancer incidence decreased for non-diabetic individuals with time, it remained unchanged in patients with T2DM

    Rhabdomyolysis – Mikor vessük fel metabolikus myopathia lehetőségét? Esetismertetés és diagnosztikus algoritmus

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    We report the case of a 46-year-old female patient with recurrent rhabdomyolysis. In the background of her metabolic myopathy an inherited metabolic disorder of the fatty acid oxidation, very long-chain acyl-coenzyme A-dehydrogenase deficiency was diagnosed. The diagnosis was based on abnormal acyl-carnitine- and urine organic-acid profile in addition to low residual enzyme activity, and was confirmed by genetic testing. After introduction of dietotherapy metabolic crisis necessitating hospital admission has not occurred neither have fixed myopathic changes developed. We present here the differential diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis and exertional muscle complaints, with the metabolic myopathies in focus. The main features of fatty acid oxidation disorders are highlighted, acute and chronic managements of very long-chain acyl-coenzyme A-dehydrogenase deficiency are discussed. Metabolic myopathies respond well to treatment, so good quality of life can be achieved. However, especially in fatty acid oxidation disorders, a metabolic crisis may develop quickly and can be fatal, albeit rarely. Some of these disorders can be identified by newborn screening, but occasionally the symptoms may manifest only in adulthood. With the presentation of this case we would like to point out that in the differential diagnosis of recurrent rhabdomyolysis inherited metabolic disorders should be considered regardless of the patient's age. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(46): 1873-1882

    Elevated Vascular Level of ortho-Tyrosine Contributes to the Impairment of Insulin-Induced Arterial Relaxation.

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    Previous studies have shown that in diabetes mellitus, insulin-induced relaxation of arteries is impaired and the level of ortho-tyrosine (o-Tyr), an oxidized amino acid is increased. Thus, we hypothesized that elevated vascular level of o-Tyr contributes to the impairment of insulin-induced vascular relaxation. Rats were fed with o-Tyr for 4 weeks. Insulin-induced vasomotor responses of isolated femoral artery were studied using wire myography. Vascular o-Tyr content was measured by HPLC, whereas immunoblot analyses were preformed to detect eNOS phosphorylation. Sustained oral supplementation of rats with o-Tyr increased the content of o-Tyr in the arterial wall and significantly reduced the relaxations to insulin. Sustained supplementation of cultured endothelial cells with o-Tyr increased the incorporation of o-Tyr and mitigated eNOS Ser (1 177) phosphorylation to insulin. Increasing arterial wall o-Tyr level attenuates insulin-induced relaxation - at least in part - by decreasing eNOS activation. Elevated level of o-Tyr could be an underlying mechanism for vasomotor dysfunction in diabetes mellitus

    Magyar diabetológusok véleménye a 2-es típusú diabétesz inzulinkezeléséről – Delphi-konszenzus

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    A T2DM (2-es típusú diabetes mellitus) inzulinkezelése az elmúlt néhány évben a fejlesztéseknek és az új terápiás lehetőségeknek köszönhetően sokat változott. Magyarországon is egyre elterjedtebb a korszerű inzulinkészítmények használata. A jelen kutatás célja, hogy a Delphi-módszer alapján összeállított kérdőív segítségével feltérképezze az orvosok jelenlegi terápiaválasztási preferenciáit, valamint az elmúlt évek inzulinkezelési gyakorlatának változását. A Delphi-módszer alapján készült kutatási kérdőív mentén megkértük a diabetológus kollégákat, hogy online felmérés formájában értékeljék az állításokat 1–5-ig terjedő skálán (1: egyáltalán nem ért egyet, 5: teljes mértékben egyetért). A kapott visszajelzések alapján vizsgáltuk a konszenzus létrejöttét, mértékét és egységességét. Az első fordulóban (2022. 06. 03. és 2022. 06. 27. között) 79 orvos 182 állításról nyilatkozott. 153 állításban konszenzus alakult ki (az összes állítás 84%-a). A második fordulóban (2022. 10. 03. és 2022. 11. 08. között) ismételten véleményezésre bocsátottuk azon állításokat, amelyekben korábban nem született konszenzus vagy pontosításra volt szükség, végül mindössze 5 állításnál nem alakult ki konszenzus. Az eredmények szerint egyetértés mutatkozott abban a tekintetben, hogy az elmúlt 5 évben a T2DM inzulinkezelési gyakorlata változott, az inzulin bevezetése későbbre tolódott. A diabetológusok több kiegészítő terápiát alkalmaznak és a kezelés megválasztásánál fontossá vált a kardiovaszkuláris kockázat csökkentése. Az inzulinterápia megválasztása során a legfontosabb szempontok: a glikémiás hatékonyság, a hipoglikémia kockázata, a testsúlyra gyakorolt hatás és a beteg önmenedzselési képessége. Ha a humán bázis-bólus terápián lévő beteg túlkezeltnek vagy alkalmatlannak bizonyul erre a kezelésre, változtatni kell a terápiáján. A bázisinzulin és GLP-1-receptoragonista fix kombináció alkalmazása T2DM-ben növelheti a terápiás adherenciát, javíthatja a beteg életminőségét és csökkenhet a hipoglikémia kockázata. Ez a kombináció a bázis-bólus kezelés alternatívájaként szerepel a klinikai gyakorlatban

    Effectiveness and Waning of Protection With Different SARS-CoV-2 Primary and Booster Vaccines During the Delta Pandemic Wave in 2021 in Hungary (HUN-VE 3 Study)

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    BackgroundIn late 2021, the pandemic wave was dominated by the Delta SARS-CoV-2 variant in Hungary. Booster vaccines were offered for the vulnerable population starting from August 2021.MethodsThe nationwide HUN-VE 3 study examined the effectiveness and durability of primary immunization and single booster vaccinations in the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infection, Covid-19 related hospitalization and mortality during the Delta wave, compared to an unvaccinated control population without prior SARS-CoV-2 infection.ResultsThe study population included 8,087,988 individuals who were 18–100 years old at the beginning of the pandemic. During the Delta wave, after adjusting for age, sex, calendar day, and chronic diseases, vaccine effectiveness (VE) of primary vaccination against registered SARS-CoV-2 infection was between 11% to 77% and 18% to 79% 14–120 days after primary immunization in the 16–64 and 65–100 years age cohort respectively, while it decreased to close to zero in the younger age group and around 40% or somewhat less in the elderly after 6 months for almost all vaccine types. In the population aged 65–100 years, we found high, 88.1%–92.5% adjusted effectiveness against Covid-19 infection after the Pfizer-BioNTech, and 92.2%–95.6% after the Moderna booster dose, while Sinopharm and Janssen booster doses provided 26.5%–75.3% and 72.9%–100.0% adjusted VE, respectively. Adjusted VE against Covid-19 related hospitalization was high within 14–120 days for Pfizer-BioNTech: 76.6%, Moderna: 83.8%, Sputnik-V: 78.3%, AstraZeneca: 73.8%, while modest for Sinopharm: 45.7% and Janssen: 26.4%. The waning of protection against Covid-19 related hospitalization was modest and booster vaccination with mRNA vaccines or the Janssen vaccine increased adjusted VE up to almost 100%, while the Sinopharm booster dose proved to be less effective. VE against Covid-19 related death after primary immunization was high or moderate: for Pfizer-BioNTech: 81.5%, Moderna: 93.2%, Sputnik-V: 100.0%, AstraZeneca: 84.8%, Sinopharm: 58.6%, Janssen: 53.3%). VE against this outcome also showed a moderate decline over time, while booster vaccine types restored effectiveness up to almost 100%, except for the Sinopharm booster.ConclusionsThe HUN-VE 3 study demonstrated waning VE with all vaccine types for all examined outcomes during the Delta wave and confirmed the outstanding benefit of booster vaccination with the mRNA or Janssen vaccines, and this is the first study to provide clear and comparable effectiveness results for six different vaccine types after primary immunization against severe during the Delta pandemic wave

    Abstracts from the 20th International Symposium on Signal Transduction at the Blood-Brain Barriers

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