428 research outputs found

    Dynamical Response of Nanomechanical Oscillators in Immiscible Viscous Fluid for in vitro Biomolecular Recognition

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    Dynamical response of nanomechanical cantilever structures immersed in a viscous fluid is important to in vitro single-molecule force spectroscopy, biomolecular recognition of disease-specific proteins, and the detection of microscopic dynamics of proteins. Here we study the stochastic response of biofunctionalized nanomechanical cantilevers beam in a viscous fluid. Using the fluctuation-dissipation theorem we derive an exact expression for the spectral density of the displacement and a linear approximation for the resonance frequency shift. We find that in a viscous solution the frequency shift of the nanoscale cantilever is determined by surface stress generated by biomolecular interaction with negligible contributions from mass loading.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, RevTex4. See http://nano.bu.edu/ for related paper

    Liquid-like behaviour of gold nanowire bridges

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    A combination of Focused Ion Beam (FIB) and Reactive Ion Etch (RIE) was used to fabricate free standing gold nanowire bridges with radii of 30 nm and below. These were subjected to point loading to failure at their mid-points using an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), providing strength and deformation data. The results demonstrate a dimensionally dependent transition from conventional solid metallic properties to liquid-like behaviour including the unexpected reformation of a fractured bridge. The work reveals mechanical and materials properties of nanowires which could have significant impact on nanofabrication processes and nanotechnology devices such as Nano Electro Mechanical Systems (NEMS)
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