81 research outputs found

    Microdialysis of Drug and Drug Metabolite: a Comprehensive In Vitro Analysis for Voriconazole and Voriconazole N-oxide

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    Purpose Voriconazole is a therapeutically challenging antifungal drug associated with high interindividual pharmacokinetic variability. As a prerequisite to performing clinical trials using the minimally-invasive sampling technique microdialysis, a comprehensive in vitro microdialysis characterization of voriconazole (VRC) and its potentially toxic N-oxide metabolite (NO) was performed. Methods The feasibility of simultaneous microdialysis of VRC and NO was explored in vitro by investigating the relative recovery (RR) of both compounds in the absence and presence of the other. The dependency of RR on compound combination, concentration, microdialysis catheter and study day was evaluated and quantified by linear mixed-effects modeling. Results Median RR of VRC and NO during individual microdialysis were high (87.6% and 91.1%). During simultaneous microdialysis of VRC and NO, median RR did not change (87.9% and 91.1%). The linear mixed-effects model confirmed the absence of significant differences between RR of VRC and NO during individual and simultaneous microdialysis as well as between the two compounds (p > 0.05). No concentration dependency of RR was found (p = 0.284). The study day was the main source of variability (46.3%) while the microdialysis catheter only had a minor effect (4.33%). VRC retrodialysis proved feasible as catheter calibration for both compounds. Conclusion These in vitro microdialysis results encourage the application of microdialysis in clinical trials to assess target-site concentrations of VRC and NO. This can support the generation of a coherent understanding of VRC pharmacokinetics and its sources of variability. Ultimately, a better understanding of human VRC pharmacokinetics might contribute to the development of personalized dosing strategies

    Microdialysis of Voriconazole and its N-Oxide Metabolite: Amalgamating Knowledge of Distribution and Metabolism Processes in Humans

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    Purpose Voriconazole is an essential antifungal drug whose complex pharmacokinetics with high interindividual variability impedes effective and safe therapy. By application of the minimally-invasive sampling technique microdialysis, interstitial space fluid (ISF) concentrations of VRC and its potentially toxic N-oxide metabolite (NO) were assessed to evaluate target-site exposure for further elucidating VRC pharmacokinetics. Methods Plasma and ISF samples of a clinical trial with an approved VRC dosing regimen were analyzed for VRC and NO concentrations. Concentration-time profiles, exposure assessed as area-under-the-curve (AUC) and metabolic ratios of four healthy adults in plasma and ISF were evaluated regarding the impact of multiple dosing and CYP2C19 genotype. Results VRC and NO revealed distribution into ISF with AUC values being ≀2.82- and 17.7-fold lower compared to plasma, respectively. Intraindividual variability of metabolic ratios was largest after the first VRC dose administration while interindividual variability increased with multiple dosing. The CYP2C19 genotype influenced interindividual differences with a maximum 6- and 24-fold larger AUCNO/AUCVRC ratio between the intermediate and rapid metabolizer in plasma and ISF, respectively. VRC metabolism was saturated/auto-inhibited indicated by substantially decreasing metabolic concentration ratios with increasing VRC concentrations and after multiple dosing. Conclusion The feasibility of the simultaneous microdialysis of VRC and NO in vivo was demonstrated and provided new quantitative insights by leveraging distribution and metabolism processes of VRC in humans. The exploratory analysis suggested substantial dissimilarities of VRC and NO pharmacokinetics in plasma and ISF. Ultimately, a thorough understanding of target-site pharmacokinetics might contribute to the optimization of personalized VRC dosing regimens

    Towards Model-Informed Precision Dosing of Voriconazole: Challenging Published Voriconazole Nonlinear Mixed-Effects Models with Real-World Clinical Data

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    Background and Objectives Model-informed precision dosing (MIPD) frequently uses nonlinear mixed-effects (NLME) models to predict and optimize therapy outcomes based on patient characteristics and therapeutic drug monitoring data. MIPD is indicated for compounds with narrow therapeutic range and complex pharmacokinetics (PK), such as voriconazole, a broad-spectrum antifungal drug for prevention and treatment of invasive fungal infections. To provide guidance and recommendations for evidence-based application of MIPD for voriconazole, this work aimed to (i) externally evaluate and compare the predictive performance of a published so-called ‘hybrid’ model for MIPD (an aggregate model comprising features and prior information from six previously published NLME models) versus two ‘standard’ NLME models of voriconazole, and (ii) investigate strategies and illustrate the clinical impact of Bayesian forecasting for voriconazole. Methods A workflow for external evaluation and application of MIPD for voriconazole was implemented. Published voriconazole NLME models were externally evaluated using a comprehensive in-house clinical database comprising nine voriconazole studies and prediction-/simulation-based diagnostics. The NLME models were applied using different Bayesian forecasting strategies to assess the influence of prior observations on model predictivity. Results The overall best predictive performance was obtained using the aggregate model. However, all NLME models showed only modest predictive performance, suggesting that (i) important PK processes were not sufficiently implemented in the structural submodels, (ii) sources of interindividual variability were not entirely captured, and (iii) interoccasion variability was not adequately accounted for. Predictive performance substantially improved by including the most recent voriconazole observations in MIPD. Conclusion Our results highlight the potential clinical impact of MIPD for voriconazole and indicate the need for a comprehensive (pre-)clinical database as basis for model development and careful external model evaluation for compounds with complex PK before their successful use in MIPD

    Towards the Elucidation of the Pharmacokinetics of Voriconazole: A Quantitative Characterization of Its Metabolism

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    The small-molecule drug voriconazole (VRC) shows a complex and not yet fully understood metabolism. Consequently, its in vivo pharmacokinetics are challenging to predict, leading to therapy failures or adverse events. Thus, a quantitative in vitro characterization of the metabolism and inhibition properties of VRC for human CYP enzymes was aimed for. The Michaelis–Menten kinetics of voriconazole N-oxide (NO) formation, the major circulating metabolite, by CYP2C19, CYP2C9 and CYP3A4, was determined in incubations of human recombinant CYP enzymes and liver and intestine microsomes. The contribution of the individual enzymes to NO formation was 63.1% CYP2C19, 13.4% CYP2C9 and 29.5% CYP3A4 as determined by specific CYP inhibition in microsomes and intersystem extrapolation factors. The type of inhibition and inhibitory potential of VRC, NO and hydroxyvoriconazole (OH–VRC), emerging to be formed independently of CYP enzymes, were evaluated by their effects on CYP marker reactions. Time-independent inhibition by VRC, NO and OH–VRC was observed on all three enzymes with NO being the weakest and VRC and OH–VRC being comparably strong inhibitors of CYP2C9 and CYP3A4. CYP2C19 was significantly inhibited by VRC only. Overall, the quantitative in vitro evaluations of the metabolism contributed to the elucidation of the pharmacokinetics of VRC and provided a basis for physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling and thus VRC treatment optimization

    Diclofenac does not interact with codeine metabolism in vivo: A study in healthy volunteers

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    BACKGROUND: Previously, we have demonstrated a marked inhibition of codeine glucuronidation by diclofenac in human liver tissue homogenate. We therefore aimed to investigate whether diclofenac inhibits glucuronidation of codeine also in vivo in healthy volunteers. METHODS: In a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, cross-over study, 12 healthy volunteers received a singe of 100 mg codeine phosphate plus 50 mg diclofenac sodium or codeine phosphate plus placebo. Over a 36 hour period serum concentrations of codeine and its metabolites as well as urinary excretion were analysed using LC-mass spectrometry. Side effects were recorded and analgesic efficacy was determined using the cold pressor test (0–6 h). RESULTS: A single dose of diclofenac did not alter the formation of codeine-6-glucuronide in healthy volunteers. Metabolic clearance of codeine to morphine was not affected by diclofenac. In terms of side effects, both treatments were well tolerated. Diclofenac did not significantly influence the analgesic effects of codeine in the cold pressor test. CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to recent in vitro data, a single oral dose of diclofenac did not alter the glucuronidation of codeine in healthy volunteers

    Does the circulating ketoconazole metabolite N-deacetyl ketoconazole contribute to the drug-drug interaction potential of the parent compound?

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    Ketoconazole is a strong inhibitor of cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) and of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and is often used as an index inhibitor especially for CYP3A4-mediated drug metabolism. A preliminary physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model for drug-drug interactions indicated possible involvement of a metabolite to the perpetrator potential of ketoconazole. Still unknown for humans, in rodents, N-deacetyl ketoconazole (DAK) has been identified as the major ketoconazole metabolite. We therefore investigated in vitro, whether DAK also inhibits the human CYPs and drug transporters targeted by ketoconazole and quantified DAK in human plasma from healthy volunteers after receiving a single oral dose of 400 mg ketoconazole. Our data demonstrated that DAK also inhibits CYP3A4 (2.4-fold less potent than ketoconazole), CYP2D6 (13-fold more potent than ketoconazole), CYP2C19 (equally potent), P-gp (3.4-fold less potent than ketoconazole), breast cancer resistance protein (more potent than ketoconazole) and organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B1 and 1B3 (7.8-fold and 2.6-fold less potent than ketoconazole). After a single oral dose of 400 mg ketoconazole, maximum concentrations of DAK in human plasma were only 3.1 ‰ of the parent compound. However, assuming that DAK also highly accumulates in the human liver as demonstrated for rodents, inhibition of the proteins investigated could also be conceivable in vivo. In conclusion, DAK inhibits several CYPs and drug transporters, which might contribute to the perpetrator potential of ketoconazole

    Time Course of the Interaction Between Oral Short-Term Ritonavir Therapy with Three Factor Xa Inhibitors and the Activity of CYP2D6, CYP2C19, and CYP3A4 in Healthy Volunteers

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    Background We investigated the effect of a 5-day low-dose ritonavir therapy, as it is used in the treatment of COVID-19 with nirmatrelvir/ritonavir, on the pharmacokinetics of three factor Xa inhibitors (FXaI). Concurrently, the time course of the activities of the cytochromes P450 (CYP) 3A4, 2C19, and 2D6 was assessed. Methods In an open-label, fixed sequence clinical trial, the effect and duration of a 5-day oral ritonavir (100 mg twice daily) treatment on the pharmacokinetics of three oral microdosed FXaI (rivaroxaban 25 ”g, apixaban 25 ”g, and edoxaban 50 ”g) and microdosed probe drugs (midazolam 25 ”g, yohimbine 50 ”g, and omeprazole 100 ”g) was evaluated in eight healthy volunteers. The plasma concentrations of all drugs were quantified using validated liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) methods and pharmacokinetics were analysed using non-compartmental analyses. Results Ritonavir increased the exposure of apixaban, edoxaban, and rivaroxaban, but to a different extent the observed area under the plasma concentration–time curve (geometric mean ratio 1.29, 1.46, and 1.87, respectively). A strong CYP3A4 inhibition (geometric mean ratio > 10), a moderate CYP2C19 induction 2 days after ritonavir (0.64), and no alteration of CYP2D6 were observed. A CYP3A4 recovery half-life of 2.3 days was determined. Conclusion This trial with three microdosed FXaI suggests that at most the rivaroxaban dose should be reduced during short-term ritonavir, and only in patients receiving high maintenance doses. Thorough time series analyses demonstrated differential effects on three different drug-metabolising enzymes over time with immediate profound inhibition of CYP3A4 and only slow recovery after discontinuation. Clinical Trial Registration EudraCT number: 2021-006643-39

    Perspectives on Model-Informed Precision Dosing in the Digital Health Era: Challenges, Opportunities, and Recommendations

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    Drug approval is based on exposure, response, and variability of studied populations, typically excluding comorbidities/medications and very ill patients, thus not representing real‐world populations. This results in wide variability in therapeutic outcome for individual patients. Model‐informed precision dosing (MIPD) can characterize/quantify this variability, support optimal dose selection, and enable individualized therapy. The aim of this perspective is to raise awareness for MIPD, identify challenges hindering its implementation in clinical practice, provide recommendations, and highlight opportunities
