5 research outputs found

    Socioeconomic position, lifestyle habits and biomarkers of epigenetic aging: A multi-cohort analysis

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    Differences in health status by socioeconomic position (SEP) tend to be more evident at older ages, suggesting the involvement of a biological mechanism responsive to the accumulation of deleterious exposures across the lifespan. DNA methylation (DNAm) has been proposed as a biomarker of biological aging that conserves memory of endogenous and exogenous stress during life. We examined the association of education level, as an indicator of SEP, and lifestyle-related variables with four biomarkers of age-dependent DNAm dysregulation: the total number of stochastic epigenetic mutations (SEMs) and three epigenetic clocks (Horvath, Hannum and Levine), in 18 cohorts spanning 12 countries. The four biological aging biomarkers were associated with education and different sets of risk factors independently, and the magnitude of the effects differed depending on the biomarker and the predictor. On average, the effect of low education on epigenetic aging was comparable with those of other lifestyle-related risk factors (obesity, alcohol intake), with the exception of smoking, which had a significantly stronger effect. Our study shows that low education is an independent predictor of accelerated biological (epigenetic) aging and that epigenetic clocks appear to be good candidates for disentangling the biological pathways underlying social inequalities in healthy aging and longevity

    Socioeconomic position, lifestyle habits and biomarkers of epigenetic aging: A multi-cohort analysis

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    Differences in health status by socioeconomic position (SEP) tend to be more evident at older ages, suggesting the involvement of a biological mechanism responsive to the accumulation of deleterious exposures across the lifespan. DNA methylation (DNAm) has been proposed as a biomarker of biological aging that conserves memory of endogenous and exogenous stress during life.We examined the association of education level, as an indicator of SEP, and lifestyle-related variables with four biomarkers of age-dependent DNAm dysregulation: the total number of stochastic epigenetic mutations (SEMs) and three epigenetic clocks (Horvath, Hannum and Levine), in 18 cohorts spanning 12 countries.The four biological aging biomarkers were associated with education and different sets of risk factors independently, and the magnitude of the effects differed depending on the biomarker and the predictor. On average, the effect of low education on epigenetic aging was comparable with those of other lifestyle-related risk factors (obesity, alcohol intake), with the exception of smoking, which had a significantly stronger effect.Our study shows that low education is an independent predictor of accelerated biological (epigenetic) aging and that epigenetic clocks appear to be good candidates for disentangling the biological pathways underlying social inequalities in healthy aging and longevity

    Socioeconomic position, lifestyle habits and biomarkers of epigenetic aging: A multi-cohort analysis

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    Differences in health status by socioeconomic position (SEP) tend to be more evident at older ages, suggesting the involvement of a biological mechanism responsive to the accumulation of deleterious exposures across the lifespan. DNA methylation (DNAm) has been proposed as a biomarker of biological aging that conserves memory of endogenous and exogenous stress during life. We examined the association of education level, as an indicator of SEP, and lifestyle-related variables with four biomarkers of age-dependent DNAm dysregulation: the total number of stochastic epigenetic mutations (SEMs) and three epigenetic clocks (Horvath, Hannum and Levine), in 18 cohorts spanning 12 countries. The four biological aging biomarkers were associated with education and different sets of risk factors independently, and the magnitude of the effects differed depending on the biomarker and the predictor. On average, the effect of low education on epigenetic aging was comparable with those of other lifestyle-related risk factors (obesity, alcohol intake), with the exception of smoking, which had a significantly stronger effect. Our study shows that low education is an independent predictor of accelerated biological (epigenetic) aging and that epigenetic clocks appear to be good candidates for disentangling the biological pathways underlying social inequalities in healthy aging and longevity

    Mise en place et évaluation d'une stratégie alimentaire en vue de la réduction de l'anémie ferriprive en milieu scolaire à Cotonou (Bénin). Rapport final

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    La stratégie mise en oeuvre, axée sur l'alimentation et une démarche s'appuyant sur la participation active des différents acteurs (directeurs d'école et enseignants, vendeuses, parents d'élèves et élèves), comportait un volet d'amélioration de la qualité nutritionnelle de l'offre d'aliments par les vendeuses de l'école ainsi que des conditions de présentation hygiénique des produits et un volet de stimulation de la demande, par les enfants, d'aliments riches en fer. La créativité culinaire des vendeuses a été sollicitée suite à une information sur la teneur en fer des aliments disponibles à Cotonou. Un programme pédagogique visant à créer chez les enfants une attitude favorable et un comportement conscient d'orientation de leurs achats vers des produits riches en fer a été conçu par les inspecteurs, conseillers pédagogiques et enseignants. Il a été mis en oeuvre et soutenu par un concours de dessins d'enfants. Des dosages d'hémoglobine ont été réalisés chez un peu plus de 150 enfants du groupe scolaire où la stratégie était testée ainsi que d'un nombre équivalent d'enfants d'un groupe scolaire témoin. Divers autres indicateurs ont été mesurés (argent de poche, attitudes et connaissances des enfants, apports nutritionnels à et hors du domicile) et diverses observations réalisée

    Welfare Gains from Quality Certification of Infant Foods: Results from a Market Experiment in Mali

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    In low-income countries, malnutrition is often most severe among infants of six to twenty-four months. They need higher-density foods than the family diet, but density is a credence attribute. We hypothesize that the premium now paid for heavily advertised brands reflects demand for quality assurance, which could be provided at lower cost to competing firms through third-party certification. We use a new market experiment to find that mothers' average willingness-to-pay for certification is about 1.75/kg,orfourtimesitscost,sothattotaleconomicsurplusgainsfromintroducingcertificationtoMaliwouldbeontheorderof1.75/kg, or four times its cost, so that total economic-surplus gains from introducing certification to Mali would be on the order of 1 million annually. Copyright 2002, Oxford University Press.