75 research outputs found

    How important are parents and partners for smoking cessation in adulthood? An event history analysis

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    Background. The aim of this study is to assess the effect of parental and partner’s education and smoking behavior on an individual’s chance of smoking cessation over the life course. Methods. Self-reported life histories of smoking behavior, education, and relationships were recorded in face-to-face interviews with a random general-population sample of 850 respondents and their partners (if present). The data were collected in 2000. A discrete-time event history model is applied in the analyses of cessation over the life course. Results. Parents’ education and smoking behavior (during adolescence) and partners’ education have no significant influence on cessation. Living with an ex-smoker or never-smoker increases the likelihood of quitting, compared to being single or living with a partner who smokes. Respondents whose partners were ex-smokers are almost five times more likely to quit smoking than single respondents. They are almost twice as likely to quit compared to those living with a never-smoker. Conclusions. The difference between having and not having a partner seems as important for cessation as the difference between having a partner who smokes, has never smoked, or has stopped smoking. An ex-smoking partner stimulates cessation more than a partner who has never smoked. Studies into cessation should take into account partners’ smoking histories.

    Partner’s and own education: does who you live with matter for self-assessed health, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption?

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    This study analyses the importance of partner status and partner’s education, adjusted for own education, on selfassessed health, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. The relationship between socio-economic factors and health-related outcomes is traditionally studied from an individual perspective. Recently, applying social–ecological models that include socio-economic factors on various social levels is becoming popular. We argue that partners are an important influence on individual health and health-related behaviour at the household level. Therefore, we include partners in the analysis of educational health inequalities. Using data of almost 40,000 individuals (with almost 15,000 Dutch cohabiting couples), aged 25–74 years, who participated in the Netherlands Health Interview Survey between 1989 and 1996, we test hypotheses on the importance of own and partner’s education. We apply advanced logistic regression models that are especially suitable for studying the relative influence of partners’ education. Controlled for own education, partner’s education is significantly associated with self-assessed health and smoking, for men and women. Accounting for both partners’ education the social gradient in self-assessed health and smoking is steeper than based on own or partner’s education alone. The social gradient in health is underestimated by not considering partner’s education, especially for women.