16 research outputs found

    Enrollment management: Development of prediction model based on logistic regression

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    U radu je prikazan razvoj modela predviđanja zasnovanog na logističkoj regresiji. Predviđanje profesionalnog opredeljenja maturanata verifikovano je na uzorku od 159 učenika. Prediktorske veličine su grupisane u 9 ulaznih promenljivih, a potrebni podaci su dobijeni iz baze Jedinstvenog informacionog sistema u obrazovanju. Profesionalno opredeljenje maturanata po završetku srednje škole je grupisano u tri izlazne promenljive, a vrednosti su dobijene eksperimentalnim istraživanjem. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se primenom logističke regresije može predvideti broj i struktura učenika koji se upisuju na fakultete.This paper presents the development of a model for forecasting and decision-making by applying logistic regression. The prediction of professional choices for graduates has been verified on the sample of 159 graduates. Predictor variables are grouped in nine input variables and the data collected from the Unique Education Information System database. Professional choices of graduates after finishing vocational school are grouped into three output variables and the data collected in the survey. The obtained results show that the application of logistic regression can predict the number and structure of students enrolled in higher education

    Contribution to development of methodology for prediction and decision-making by applying artificial neural networks

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    У раду је приказан развој методологије предвиђања и одлучивања применом вештачких неуронских мрежа. Развијена методологија је верификована на примеру управљања уписом на високошколским установама. Неизвесност у процесу доношења одлука средњошколаца о свом будућем професионалном статусу је био разлог опредељења за коришћење вештачких неуронских мрежа као парадигме вештачке интелигенције. Извршена је упоредна анализа добијених резултата моделирања предикције уписа коришћењем система вештачких неуронских мрежа и регресионе анализе (логистичка регресија), као и анализа значајности улазних, предикторских величина. Спроведено је истраживање на узорку од 159 испитаника, матураната две београдске средње стручне школе. Креиран је упитник на бази идентификованих фактора који утичу на професионално опредељење средњошколаца. Све предикторске величине су груписане у 9 улазних параметара: пол, успех у другом, трећем и четвртом разреду средње школе, ниво образовања и радни стaтус родитеља, и финансијска подршка родитеља за наставак школовања. Професионално опредељење матураната по завршетку средње школе груписано је у три категорије представљене излазним параметрима: посао, наставак школовања на Машинском факултету, наставак школовања на неком другом факултету. У даљем току истраживања анализирана је база Јединственог информационог система који је у надлежности Министарства просвете и науке, са посебним освртом на могућност имплементације података за потребе развијања модела предикције уписа. Резултати спроведеног истраживања показују да је применом вештачких неуронских мрежа могуће предвидети број и структуру уписаних студената на високошколске установе и да су вештачке неуронске мреже успешније у предвиђању од класичне статистичке методе - регресионе анализе (логистичке регресије). Развијени модел може да пружи подршку одлучивању у процесу управљања уписом на високошколске институције.Development of methodologies for forecasting and decision-making by applying Artificial Neural Networks was presented is this study. An analytical predicting model of enrollement probability was desinged with acquisition and data processing for the target group of higher education institutions. Uncertainty in decision-making of high school students about their future professional status was the reason why the Artificial Neural Networks as a paradigm of artificial intelligence were used. Comparative analysis of modeling results using Artificial Neural Networks and Regression Analysis (Logistic Regression) was performed as well as significance analysis of input predictor variables. The prediction of professional choices for graduates has been verified on the sample of 159 graduates from two Belgrade VET (Vocation Education and Training) schools. Created questionnaire was based on factors which influence the professional choice of VET school students. Predictor variables are grouped in nine input variables: gender, success in the second, third and fourth grades of secondary school, level of education and work status of parents, schooling financial support. Professional choices of graduates after finishing VET school are grouped into three output variables: job, continuation of schooling at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade or at some other faculty. In further research the base of the Uniform informational system from Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia was analysed with special reference to the possibility of implementing the data for developing models to predict enrollment. Obtained results show that the application of Artificial Neural Networks can predict the number and structure of students enrolled in higher education and that Artificial Neural Networks are more successful in predicting than traditional statistical methods - Regression Analysis (Logistic Regression). The developed model can provide decision support in the process of admission to higher education institutions

    Enrollment management: Development of prediction model based on logistic regression

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    U radu je prikazan razvoj modela predviđanja zasnovanog na logističkoj regresiji. Predviđanje profesionalnog opredeljenja maturanata verifikovano je na uzorku od 159 učenika. Prediktorske veličine su grupisane u 9 ulaznih promenljivih, a potrebni podaci su dobijeni iz baze Jedinstvenog informacionog sistema u obrazovanju. Profesionalno opredeljenje maturanata po završetku srednje škole je grupisano u tri izlazne promenljive, a vrednosti su dobijene eksperimentalnim istraživanjem. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se primenom logističke regresije može predvideti broj i struktura učenika koji se upisuju na fakultete.This paper presents the development of a model for forecasting and decision-making by applying logistic regression. The prediction of professional choices for graduates has been verified on the sample of 159 graduates. Predictor variables are grouped in nine input variables and the data collected from the Unique Education Information System database. Professional choices of graduates after finishing vocational school are grouped into three output variables and the data collected in the survey. The obtained results show that the application of logistic regression can predict the number and structure of students enrolled in higher education

    Partnership for Entrepreneurial Engineering Education

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    Entrepreneurship is identified as important development goal for the future of the modem industry. New technologies require greater entrepreneurial activity in order to further strengthen its economic position. Reformed technical and engineering education system in Serbia is directed to strengthening vocational knowledge and acquiring of key skills necessary to join the world of work and the whole society. The new concept of curriculum has been introduced which, among the others, contains teaching subject entrepreneurship as a novelty. Within this subject students acquire: skills of planning, organizing, analyzing, communicating, realizing and evaluating; abilities for team work; abilities for proactive behavior and positive reacting to changes; abilities for risk overtaking; positive attitude toward changes and innovation. This paper presents needs for model based on two-way communication and dialogue between learning and business environment. Main objectives of this partnership are: organization and joint efforts with the purpose of gaining wider public, making benefit of the enterprises of entrepreneurial education and development and improvement of the program of entrepreneurial education

    Teacher’s professional development - school management’s perception

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    Teachers and professional associates professional development is an important factor in improving and ensuring the quality of work of educational institutions and a significant factor in improving student learning outcomes. In order to improve the system of continuous professional development of employees in education, research was conducted on a representative sample of educational institutions in Serbia, obtained by random selection. The 103 primary schools, 22 gymnasiums and 33 secondary vocational schools participated in the research. The data were collected by questionnaires specially designed for the purposes of this research, which were filled out by the participants via the Internet. The research was carried out in two phases: in the first phase, the data were collected through a questionnaire, and in the second phase of the data collection a focus group interview was applied. The results of the research presented in this paper enable school management to see the main guidelines in which professional development should take place in the planned period, understanding of the contribution of some forms of professional development to improving the teaching process and examining the problems in applying novelties in teaching practice

    Time dependent system state probabilities of single server queuing system with infinite queue

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    Analitički izraz za verovatnoće stanja u zavisnosti od vremena, jednokanalnog sistema masovnog opsluživanja sa neograničenim redom M/M/1, je izveden. Izraz je izveden nalaženjem granične vrednosti izraza za verovatnoće stanja u zavisnosti od vremena jednokanalnog sistema masovnog opsluživanja sa ograničenim redom M/M/1/K, kada broj mesta u redu teži beskonačnosti, u slučaju kada je sistem na početku rada prazan. Pri izvođenju korišćene su samo elementarne matematičke operacije.Analytical expression for time dependent system state probabilities of single server queuing system with infinite queue capacity M/M/1 is derived. Expression is derived by finding the limit value of expression for time dependent system state probabilities of single server queuing system with finite queue capacity M/M/1/K, when number of places in the queue tens to infinity, in the case that system is empty at the beginning. Only elementary mathematical operations are used

    Collaborative partnership for vocational teachers’ professional development in mechatronics

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    The purpose of the research presented in this paper was to investigate possibilities of collaborative partnership between industry partners and vocational teachers for development professional experiences in mechatronics. Research was conducted on a sample of 25 industry representatives. The results have shown that there was considerable number of training and training courses that industry representatives can offer as a professional development for teachers in mechatronics. The research suggest that a significant improvement of professional competences of mechatronics teachers with the ultimate goal of obtaining competent workforce, can be achieved. These results could be used for building a new foundation upon which new type of collaborative partnership between vocational schools and industry partners could be built


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    Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a common ingredient in everyday products and activities and a part of all levels of education. Artificial intelligence is present as a separate subject in schools or as part of the different curriculum in the form of learning outcomes and content. This paper summarizes the design of the artificial intelligence curriculum structure for vocational schools in Serbia and possible challenges in the implementation process. Also, the paper proposes ways of popularizing and providing help to teachers as a response to possible challenges in the teaching of artificial intelligence topics. The paper is created to support the achievement of the goals of the Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence in the Republic of Serbia for period 2020–2025

    Time dependent system state probabilities of single server queuing system with infinite queue

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    Analitički izraz za verovatnoće stanja u zavisnosti od vremena, jednokanalnog sistema masovnog opsluživanja sa neograničenim redom M/M/1, je izveden. Izraz je izveden nalaženjem granične vrednosti izraza za verovatnoće stanja u zavisnosti od vremena jednokanalnog sistema masovnog opsluživanja sa ograničenim redom M/M/1/K, kada broj mesta u redu teži beskonačnosti, u slučaju kada je sistem na početku rada prazan. Pri izvođenju korišćene su samo elementarne matematičke operacije.Analytical expression for time dependent system state probabilities of single server queuing system with infinite queue capacity M/M/1 is derived. Expression is derived by finding the limit value of expression for time dependent system state probabilities of single server queuing system with finite queue capacity M/M/1/K, when number of places in the queue tens to infinity, in the case that system is empty at the beginning. Only elementary mathematical operations are used

    Output quality indicators in the vocational education – former students perspective

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    Vocational Education provides the acquisition of knowledge, skills and competences for further education as well as for the possible entry into the labor market. Vocational education quality assurance involves specifying the criteria and standards that are subject to periodic review and assessment. The objective of this research was to determine the reached levels of output indicators by examining the perception of students in regard to the pilot curricula they completed in the seven educational profiles in the field of food processing. The output indicators of the educational process that were evaluated in this study were: the number of students who have completed the educational process, the number of students who upon completion started to work or continued their studies, students perspective of their vocational competence at work and their competence to continue education