295 research outputs found


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    В статье рассматривается анализ общих компетенций, предусмотренных федеральными государственными образовательными стандартами СПО по экономическим специальностям и предлагается формирование профессиональной экологической компетенции. Авторами предлагается скорректировать требования к результатам освоения программы подготовки специалистов среднего звена, рассматривать развитие экономики через призму экологической составляющейThis article discusses the analysis of general competencies stipulated by federal state educational standards for secondary vocational education in economic specialties and proposes the formation of professional environmental competence. The authors propose to adjust the requirements for the results of mastering the training program for mid-level specialists, to consider the development of the economy through the prism of the environmental componen

    Model socialization future specialist means physical education

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    The article reveals the technological model of socially active preparation of the future specialistВ статье раскрывается технологическая модель подготовки социально активной личности будущего специалист

    Professional retraining «High school teachers» with andragogical education

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    The article discusses the ways and means of additional professional education, pedagogical and andragogical model of learningВ статье рассматриваются пути и способы системы дополнительного профессионального образования, педагогические и андрагогические модели обучени

    Management of patients with back pain in outpatient practice

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    The authors studied the efficiency of drug therapy using the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) meloxicam (Movalis) for nonspecific back pain and radiculopathy in the outpatient practice (without physio-, reflex, and manual therapies). Examination of 156 patients revealed a specific cause of back pain only in 6 (3.8%). Drug therapy using Movalis in 150 patients with acute, subacute, chronic nonspecific back pain at various sites or radiculopathy resulted in a considerable reduction in pain (as high as 1-3 VAS scores) and its complete regression in 97.3% of cases within 2-3 weeks of treatment. Movalis therapy was found to be well tolerated and caused a low frequency of side effects (1.7%) as mild gastrointenstinal disorders; Movalis used in combination with antiepileptic agents (pregabalin and gabapentin), myorelaxants (Midocalm) and Milgamma in some patents was ascertained to be also well tolerated

    Channel matrix form impact on parameters of deformation of screw broadening pressing

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    Виконано аналіз впливу форми каналу матриці на параметри процесу деформування заготовок. Показано, що при проходженні заготовкою робочого каналу матриці накопичена деформація визначаеться сумарною по зонам деформування. Розподіл максимального рівня накопиченої інтенсивності деформацій по перерізу заготовки, залежить від геометричних параметрів матриці і практично не залежить від механічних властивостей та виду матеріалу заготовки. Дана оцінка ступеню реалізації характеристики матриці з урахуванням взаємодії механізмів гвинтового деформування та проковзування матеріалу при гвинтовому уширячому пресуванні в напрямку осі руху заготовки.The analysis of influence of form of channel of matrix is executed on the parameters of process of deformation. It is shown that at passing the accumulated deformation is determined the purveyance of working channel of matrix by total on zones deformation. Distribution of maximal level of the accumulated intensity of deformations on the section of purveyance, depends on the geometrical parameters of matrix and practically does not depend on mechanical properties and type of material of purveyance. This estimation of degree of realization of description of matrix taking into account cooperation of mechanisms screw of deformation and slipping of material at the screw broadening pressing in the direction of axis of motion of purveyance. It is set that the presence of mechanism of slipping for an elliptic matrix can decrease size of the accumulated deformation in a peripheral zone. Thus experimental distribution of deformations gives the error of determination no more 11% with a curve that takes into account two mechanisms of deformation.Выполнен анализ влияния формы канала матрицы на параметры процесса деформирования. Показано, что при прохождении заготовкой рабочего канала матрицы накопленная деформация определяется суммарной по зонам деформацией. Распределение максимального уровня накопленной интенсивности деформаций по сечению заготовки, зависит от геометрических параметров матрицы и практически не зависит от механических свойств и вида материала заготовки. Данна оценка степени реализации характеристики матрицы с учетом взаимодействия механизмов винтового деформирования и проскальзывания материала при винтовом уширяющем прессовании в направлении оси движения заготовки

    Statistical properties of a free-electron laser revealed by the Hanbury Brown and Twiss interferometry

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    We present a comprehensive experimental analysis of statistical properties of the self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) free-electron laser (FEL) FLASH at DESY in Hamburg by means of Hanbury Brown and Twiss (HBT) interferometry. The experiments were performed at the FEL wavelengths of 5.5 nm, 13.4 nm, and 20.8 nm. We determined the 2-nd order intensity correlation function for all wavelengths and different operation conditions of FLASH. In all experiments a high degree of spatial coherence (above 50%) was obtained. Our analysis performed in spatial and spectral domains provided us with the independent measurements of an average pulse duration of the FEL that were below 60 fs. To explain complicated behaviour of the 2-nd order intensity correlation function we developed advanced theoretical model that includes the presence of multiple beams and external positional jitter of the FEL pulses. By this analysis we determined that in most experiments several beams were present in radiating field and in one of the experiments external positional jitter was about 25% of the beam size. We envision that methods developed in our study will be used widely for analysis and diagnostics of the FEL radiation.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figures, 3 table

    Current risk factors and some aspects of prospective development of agro-industrial complex potential in tatarstan: Financial, investment, innovative

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    © 2015, Asian Social Science. All rights reserved. Aim: to define current risk factors and find out the ways to develop the agro-industrial complex potential in Tatarstan. Methods: in our research we have used the methods of synthesis, analysis and the method of management by objectives. Results: we have carried out the estimation of the influence of current risk factors on the development of agro-industrial complex in Tatarstan; we have given some recommendations on the choice of the ways how to improve its efficiency in modern conditions. Scientific novelty: we have found out and systematized key factors that influence the development of agro-industrial complex in modern conditions; we have described the principle on the basis of which the components are selected for the agro-industrial cluster with the estimation of their innovative potential taken as the ground for such research. Practical significance: having analyzed the key factors influencing the agro-industrial complex in modern conditions we have suggested the optimal current regional policy to develop and improve the agro-industrial potential in the Republic of Tatarstan

    Engagement in Online Learning Through the Lens of Adults' Learning Experience

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    The article aims to critically examine the role of engagement in the study of the educational experiences of adult learners in online learning. The authors highlight the existence of a gap between the nature of adult educational experiences and the lens through which these experiences are studied and evaluated. This lens is the learners' engagement. The authors highlight the complexity of the construct of learner engagement and point out the inadequacy of assessing it solely through behavioral markers. The theoretical framework of the article is the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model for studying the educational experiences of learners in the digital environment, based on the notion of the socially constructed nature of learning. The article shows how the idea of lifelong learning as the formation of a new professional identity of adults is consistent with the idea of an ontological turn in education. By conceptualizing the educational experiences of adults as active participants in the learning process, the authors propose to consider engagement as a characteristic of these experiences. The authors identify external and internal factors of learner engagement. Based on previous research, internal factors are proposed, namely learners’ prior experience, future self-image, and personal goals. External factors are based on the self-determination theory, where the needs for competence and belongingness become particularly salient for engagement in online learning