816 research outputs found

    Process of gender socialization through encyclopedias for girls and for boys

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    В статье приводятся результаты исследования влияния энциклопедий для мальчиков и девочек на гендерную социализацию подростков. Рассмотрены те гендерные особенности, которые транслируются через энциклопедии.The article presents the results of studies of the effect of encyclopedias for boys and girls on gender socialization of adolescents. Considered those gender characteristics that are broadcast through encyclopedias

    Soil mapping in “Pochvovedenie” journal (review of publications since 1899)

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    The overview of publications on soil cartography in “Pochvovedenie”/“Eurasian Soil Science” journal for the period 1899–2020 demonstrates a high diversity of themes and certain trends in the number and dynamics of papers. Their total number (365), calculated per 5-year-long intervals, was distributed rather evenly among these 121 years: approximately 10–15 papers in each interval, although three maximums are rather clear. The first one fell on the post-war interval and was followed by 1965–1970 and 2010–2015 maximums. Discussion of large-scale maps dominated the early publications, many of them tackled soil surveys and applied problems; in the mid-century papers, soil maps of various regions of the country were described since it was time of extensive terrain investigations; numerous were also papers concerning methodology of soil mapping. New approaches and technique were actively discussed in the papers at the turn of centuries, such as remote sensing or digital soil mapping. Along with map compilation issues, there are publications on applying information provided by soil maps for both traditional and novel purposes: schemes of zoning in the former case and development of prognostic maps or assessment of pedodiversity in the latter case. The majority of papers on zoning, concern soil-geographical (later soil-ecological) schemes, whereas the derived types of zoning, for example, ameliorative or erosional, are discussed in few papers. The performed overview may be regarded as summing up the results of traditional soil mapping development with emphasizing its most valuable achievements, as well as indicating the initial signs of new trends

    The development of the digital economy in the Belgorod region

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    The concept of “digital economy” was considered, the characteristics of digitization within the Belgorod region were characterized, the main directions of digitization of the region and the region’s readiness to transition to a digital economy were identifie

    Hormonal and Barrier Methods of Contraception, Oncogenic Human Papillomaviruses, and Cervical Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion Development

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    We assessed the influence of hormonal (oral, injectable, or levonorgestrel [Norplant, Wyeth-Ayerst, Philadelphia, PA]) and barrier methods of contraception on the risk of cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions (SIL), while adjusting for high-risk (HR) HPV infection. Subjects were women receiving family planning services through the state health department clinics from 1995 to 1998. We selected 60 cases with high-grade cervical/SIL (HSIL) and 316 with low-grade cervical/SIL (LSIL) and controls (427 women with normal cervical cytology) and analyzed cervical DNA for HR-HPV, using Hybrid Capture I (Digene; Gaithersburg, MD).When assessing ever use, duration, recency, latency, and age at first use, neither oral contraceptives (OC), Norplant, nor injectable use was associated with an increased risk of SIL development after adjusting for age, age at first sexual intercourse, and HR-HPV positivity. Among HR-HPV-positive women, longer duration barrier method use was associated with a reduced risk of SIL. This finding has important clinical implications for SIL prevention among HR-HPV-infected women

    Dark-humus soils on the updated soil map of Russian Federation scale 1 : 2.5 M

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    The dark-humus soil type was included in the updated legend of the Soil Map of the Russian Federation at scale 1 : 2.5 M, converted to the system of Soil Classification of Russia. The soil profile starts with the dark-humus horizon gradually merging to the parent rock; any mid-profile diagnostic horizons are absent. Large areas of dark-humus soils are found in the forest-steppe, steppe and taiga zones of the European Russia, Western and Central Siberia, in the Trans-Baikal region, the Altai-Sayany Mountains, and the Caucasus. The type of dark-humus soils comprises both mesomorphic soils (of normal moisture conditions) and soils with additional surface or ground-water moisture. The main prerequisites for the formation of dark-humus soils are, on the one hand, the climatic conditions favorable for the dark-humus horizon formation, and, on the other hand, parent material - mostly derivates of hard rocks, restricting the development of mid-profile diagnostic horizons. In the updated map, the following initial legend units are partially or completely converted to dark-humus soils: several units of chernozems, dark-gray forest and gray forest non-podzolized soils, soddy-taiga base-saturated and slightly unsaturated soils, several mountain soils, a significant part of soddy-calcareous soils, as well as some mountainous forest-meadow soils. The diversity of dark-humus soils subtypes is determined by secondary carbonate features, weak signs of clay accumulation and podzolization, alteration of the mineral mass, gley and cryogenic phenomena

    Literary Experiences of Encyclopedist of 18th Century: Jean-Francois Marmontel

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    The article is devoted to identifying the features of the formation of Jean-Francois Marmontel as a writer, journalist and encyclopedist who made a significant contribution to the literary education of the French society. The relevance of the research topic is due to the study of the views of the scientist that influenced the reception of established and new literary genres of the 18th century. The research methodology is based on a narrative approach in the historiographical perspective, as well as a biographical (cultural-anthropocentric) method that reveals the writer's biography as a typical manifestation of the socio-cultural processes of the age of the Enlightenment. The use of these methods determined the novelty of the study, as it contributed to the consideration of the dynamics of the views of the French educator J.-F. Marmontel and the determination of the degree of his literary contribution to the development of new genres of the moralizing novel and the epic novel, as well as the French Encyclopedia (Encyclopédie, ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des metiers). It is proved that for J. F. Marmontel the task of the writer was to educate the reader through his introduction to “belle literacy” (belles lettres). The material of the study was the literary works of J. F. Marmontel in French and Russian: poetic works, moralizing stories, novels, including his articles on literature, published in the first edition of the Encyclopedia. An analysis of the content of the French writer's works shows that they are educational and critical in nature, since their author skillfully mastered many literary genres in practice

    Morphological soil description for classifying soils and interpteting their genesis

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    Morphological description of the soil profile must provide further hierarchical morphogenetic analysis and adequate diagnostic and classification of soil in any substantive-genetic taxonomic system. In a brief taxonomy-oriented description, priority should be given to soil properties having diagnostic significance; they may be different for different horizons, and those discriminating similar horizons should receive special attention. It is proposed to compile an updated field handbook for soil morphological description, supporting the recent classification system of soils of Russia