55 research outputs found

    Online Time Series Analysis of Land Products over Asia Monsoon Region via Giovanni

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    Time series analysis is critical to the study of land cover/land use changes and climate. Time series studies at local-to-regional scales require higher spatial resolution, such as 1km or less, data. MODIS land products of 250m to 1km resolution enable such studies. However, such MODIS land data files are distributed in 10ox10o tiles, due to large data volumes. Conducting a time series study requires downloading all tiles that include the study area for the time period of interest, and mosaicking the tiles spatially. This can be an extremely time-consuming process. In support of the Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS) program, NASA GES DISC (Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center) has processed MODIS land products at 1 km resolution over the Asia monsoon region (0o-60oN, 60o-150oE) with a common data structure and format. The processed data have been integrated into the Giovanni system (Goddard Interactive Online Visualization ANd aNalysis Infrastructure) that enables users to explore, analyze, and download data over an area and time period of interest easily. Currently, the following regional MODIS land products are available in Giovanni: 8-day 1km land surface temperature and active fire, monthly 1km vegetation index, and yearly 0.05o, 500m land cover types. More data will be added in the near future. By combining atmospheric and oceanic data products in the Giovanni system, it is possible to do further analyses of environmental and climate changes associated with the land, ocean, and atmosphere. This presentation demonstrates exploring land products in the Giovanni system with sample case scenarios

    Analysis of Vegetation Index Variations and the Asian Monsoon Climate

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    Vegetation growth depends on local climate. Significant anthropogenic land cover and land use change activities over Asia have changed vegetation distribution as well. On the other hand, vegetation is one of the important land surface variables that influence the Asian Monsoon variability through controlling atmospheric energy and water vapor conditions. In this presentation, the mean and variations of vegetation index of last decade at regional scale resolution (5km and higher) from MODIS have been analyzed. Results indicate that the vegetation index has been reduced significantly during last decade over fast urbanization areas in east China, such as Yangtze River Delta, where local surface temperatures were increased significantly in term of urban heat Island. The relationship between vegetation Index and climate (surface temperature, precipitation) over a grassland in northern Asia and over a woody savannas in southeast Asia are studied. In supporting Monsoon Asian Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS) program, the data in this study have been integrated into Giovanni, the online visualization and analysis system at NASA GES DISC. Most images in this presentation are generated from Giovanni system

    Estimation of Surface Air Temperature from MODIS 1km Resolution Land Surface Temperature Over Northern China

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    Surface air temperature is a critical variable to describe the energy and water cycle of the Earth-atmosphere system and is a key input element for hydrology and land surface models. It is a very important variable in agricultural applications and climate change studies. This is a preliminary study to examine statistical relationships between ground meteorological station measured surface daily maximum/minimum air temperature and satellite remotely sensed land surface temperature from MODIS over the dry and semiarid regions of northern China. Studies were conducted for both MODIS-Terra and MODIS-Aqua by using year 2009 data. Results indicate that the relationships between surface air temperature and remotely sensed land surface temperature are statistically significant. The relationships between the maximum air temperature and daytime land surface temperature depends significantly on land surface types and vegetation index, but the minimum air temperature and nighttime land surface temperature has little dependence on the surface conditions. Based on linear regression relationship between surface air temperature and MODIS land surface temperature, surface maximum and minimum air temperatures are estimated from 1km MODIS land surface temperature under clear sky conditions. The statistical errors (sigma) of the estimated daily maximum (minimum) air temperature is about 3.8 C(3.7 C)

    Updates of Land Surface and Air Quality Products in NASA MAIRS and NEESPI Data Portals

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    Following successful support of the Northern Eurasia Earth Sciences Partner Initiative (NEESPI) project with NASA satellite remote sensing data, from Spring 2009 the NASA GES DISC (Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center) has been working on collecting more satellite and model data to support the Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS) project. The established data management and service infrastructure developed for NEESPI has been used and improved for MAIRS support.Data search, subsetting, and download functions are available through a single system. A customized Giovanni system has been created for MAIRS.The Web-based on line data analysis and visualization system, Giovanni (Goddard Interactive Online Visualization ANd aNalysis Infrastructure) allows scientists to explore, quickly analyze, and download data easily without learning the original data structure and format. Giovanni MAIRS includes satellite observations from multiple sensors and model output from the NASA Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS), and from the NASA atmospheric reanalysis project, MERRA. Currently, we are working on processing and integrating higher resolution land data in to Giovanni, such as vegetation index, land surface temperature, and active fire at 5km or 1km from the standard MODIS products. For data that are not archived at the GESDISC,a product metadata portal is under development to serve as a gateway for providing product level information and data access links, which include both satellite, model products and ground-based measurements information collected from MAIRS scientists.Due to the large overlap of geographic coverage and many similar scientific interests of NEESPI and MAIRS, these data and tools will serve both projects

    Exploring Remote Sensing Products Online with Giovanni for Studying Urbanization

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    Recently, a Large amount of MODIS land products at multi-spatial resolutions have been integrated into the online system, Giovanni, to support studies on land cover and land use changes focused on Northern Eurasia and Monsoon Asia regions. Giovanni (Goddard Interactive Online Visualization ANd aNalysis Infrastructure) is a Web-based application developed by the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES-DISC) providing a simple and intuitive way to visualize, analyze, and access Earth science remotely-sensed and modeled data. The customized Giovanni Web portals (Giovanni-NEESPI and Giovanni-MAIRS) are created to integrate land, atmospheric, cryospheric, and social products, that enable researchers to do quick exploration and basic analyses of land surface changes and their relationships to climate at global and regional scales. This presentation documents MODIS land surface products in Giovanni system. As examples, images and statistical analysis results on land surface and local climate changes associated with urbanization over Yangtze River Delta region, China, using data in Giovanni are shown

    Visualization and Analysis of Multi-scale Land Surface Products via Giovanni Portals

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    Large volumes of MODIS land data products at multiple spatial resolutions have been integrated into the Giovanni online analysis system to support studies on land cover and land use changes,focused on the Northern Eurasia and Monsoon Asia regions through the LCLUC program. Giovanni (Goddard Interactive Online Visualization ANd aNalysis Infrastructure) is a Web-based application developed by the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC), providing a simple and intuitive way to visualize, analyze, and access Earth science remotely-sensed and modeled data.Customized Giovanni Web portals (Giovanni-NEESPI andGiovanni-MAIRS) have been created to integrate land, atmospheric,cryospheric, and societal products, enabling researchers to do quick exploration and basic analyses of land surface changes, and their relationships to climate, at global and regional scales. This presentation shows a sample Giovanni portal page, lists selected data products in the system, and illustrates potential analyses with imagesand time-series at global and regional scales, focusing on climatology and anomaly analysis. More information is available at the GES DISCMAIRS data support project portal: http:disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.govmairs

    The NASA NEESPI Data Portal: Products, Information, and Services

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    Studies have indicated that land cover and use changes in Northern Eurasia influence global climate system. However, the procedures are not fully understood and it is challenging to understand the interactions between the land changes in this region and the global climate. Having integrated data collections form multiple disciplines are important for studies of climate and environmental changes. Remote sensed and model data are particularly important die to sparse in situ measurements in many Eurasia regions especially in Siberia. The NASA GES DISC (Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center) NEESPI data portal has generated infrastructure to provide satellite remote sensing and numerical model data for atmospheric, land surface, and cryosphere. Data searching, subsetting, and downloading functions are available. ONe useful tool is the Web-based online data analysis and visualization system, Giovanni (Goddard Interactive Online Visualization ANd aNalysis Infrastructure), which allows scientists to assess easily the state and dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems in Northern Eurasia and their interactions with global climate system. Recently, we have created a metadata database prototype to expand the NASA NEESPI data portal for providing a venue for NEESPI scientists fo find the desired data easily and leveraging data sharing within NEESPI projects. The database provides product level information. The desired data can be found through navigation and free text search and narrowed down by filtering with a number of constraints. In addition, we have developed a Web Map Service (WMS) prototype to allow access data and images from difference data resources

    Air Quality Satellite Monitoring by TROPOMI on Sentinel-5P

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    The recently launched Sentinel satellite mission, the Sentinel-5 Precursor (Sentinel-5P), is one of the European Space Agency's (ESA) new mission family Sentinels. The sole payload on Sentinel-5P is the TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI), a nadir-viewing 108 field-of-view push-broom grating hyperspectral spectrometer, covering the wavelengths of ultraviolet-visible (270 nm - 495 nm), near infrared (675 nm - 775 nm), and shortwave infrared (2305 nm - 2385 nm). Sentinel-5P is the first of the Atmospheric Composition Sentinels, and is providing measurements of atmospheric chemistry, aerosols, and clouds at high spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution. The NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) supports over a thousand data collections in the focus areas of Atmospheric Composition, Water & Energy Cycles, and Climate Variability. Sentinel-5P TROPOMI Level-1B (L1B) and Level-2 (L2) products are curated at the GES DISC. Sentinel-5P data are provided by the European Union and the European Space Agency (ESA) through an agreement between ESA and NASA. Through its convenient and enhanced tools/services, such as OPeNDAP and L2 Subsetting, GES DISC offers the air quality remote sensing user community facile solutions for using complex Earth science data and applications. This presentation will demonstrate up-to-date TROPOMI products including EarthView (EV) radiance, solar irradiance, Aerosol Index, Carbon Monoxide, Total column Ozone, Nitrogen Dioxide, and cloud, as well as easy ways to access, visualize and subset TROPOMI data

    Determining the Completeness of the Nimbus Meteorological Data Archive

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    NASA launched the Nimbus series of meteorological satellites in the 1960s and 70s. These satellites carried instruments for making observations of the Earth in the visible, infrared, ultraviolet, and microwave wavelengths. The original data archive consisted of a combination of digital data written to 7-track computer tapes and on various film media. Many of these data sets are now being migrated from the old media to the GES DISC modern online archive. The process involves recovering the digital data files from tape as well as scanning images of the data from film strips. Some of the challenges of archiving the Nimbus data include the lack of any metadata from these old data sets. Metadata standards and self-describing data files did not exist at that time, and files were written on now obsolete hardware systems and outdated file formats. This requires creating metadata by reading the contents of the old data files. Some digital data files were corrupted over time, or were possibly improperly copied at the time of creation. Thus there are data gaps in the collections. The film strips were stored in boxes and are now being scanned as JPEG-2000 images. The only information describing these images is what was written on them when they were originally created, and sometimes this information is incomplete or missing. We have the ability to cross-reference the scanned images against the digital data files to determine which of these best represents the data set from the various missions, or to see how complete the data sets are. In this presentation we compared data files and scanned images from the Nimbus-2 High-Resolution Infrared Radiometer (HRIR) for September 1966 to determine whether the data and images are properly archived with correct metadata

    Exploring NASA OMI Level 2 Data With Visualization

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    Satellite data products are important for a wide variety of applications that can bring far-reaching benefits to the science community and the broader society. These benefits can best be achieved if the satellite data are well utilized and interpreted, such as model inputs from satellite, or extreme events (such as volcano eruptions, dust storms,... etc.). Unfortunately, this is not always the case, despite the abundance and relative maturity of numerous satellite data products provided by NASA and other organizations. Such obstacles may be avoided by allowing users to visualize satellite data as "images", with accurate pixel-level (Level-2) information, including pixel coverage area delineation and science team recommended quality screening for individual geophysical parameters. We present a prototype service from the Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC) supporting Aura OMI Level-2 Data with GIS-like capabilities. Functionality includes selecting data sources (e.g., multiple parameters under the same scene, like NO2 and SO2, or the same parameter with different aggregation methods, like NO2 in OMNO2G and OMNO2D products), user-defined area-of-interest and temporal extents, zooming, panning, overlaying, sliding, and data subsetting, reformatting, and reprojection. The system will allow any user-defined portal interface (front-end) to connect to our backend server with OGC standard-compliant Web Mapping Service (WMS) and Web Coverage Service (WCS) calls. This back-end service should greatly enhance its expandability to integrate additional outside data/map sources
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