
Updates of Land Surface and Air Quality Products in NASA MAIRS and NEESPI Data Portals


Following successful support of the Northern Eurasia Earth Sciences Partner Initiative (NEESPI) project with NASA satellite remote sensing data, from Spring 2009 the NASA GES DISC (Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center) has been working on collecting more satellite and model data to support the Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS) project. The established data management and service infrastructure developed for NEESPI has been used and improved for MAIRS support.Data search, subsetting, and download functions are available through a single system. A customized Giovanni system has been created for MAIRS.The Web-based on line data analysis and visualization system, Giovanni (Goddard Interactive Online Visualization ANd aNalysis Infrastructure) allows scientists to explore, quickly analyze, and download data easily without learning the original data structure and format. Giovanni MAIRS includes satellite observations from multiple sensors and model output from the NASA Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS), and from the NASA atmospheric reanalysis project, MERRA. Currently, we are working on processing and integrating higher resolution land data in to Giovanni, such as vegetation index, land surface temperature, and active fire at 5km or 1km from the standard MODIS products. For data that are not archived at the GESDISC,a product metadata portal is under development to serve as a gateway for providing product level information and data access links, which include both satellite, model products and ground-based measurements information collected from MAIRS scientists.Due to the large overlap of geographic coverage and many similar scientific interests of NEESPI and MAIRS, these data and tools will serve both projects

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