21 research outputs found


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    Studies on pancreatic acinar cells provided the original evidence for the Ca(2+) releasing action of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3)). Ironically, this system has presented problems for the general theory that IP(3) acts primarily on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), because the IP(3)-elicited Ca(2+) release occurs in the apical pole, which is dominated by zymogen granules (ZGs) and apparently contains very little ER. Using confocal and two-photon microscopy and a number of different ER-specific fluorescent probes, we have now investigated in detail the distribution of the ER in living pancreatic acinar cells. It turns out that although the bulk of the ER, as expected, is clearly located in the baso-lateral part of the cell, there is significant invasion of ER into the granular pole and each ZG is in fact surrounded by strands of ER. This structural evidence from living cells, in conjunction with recent functional studies demonstrating the high Ca(2+) mobility in the ER lumen, provides the framework for a coherent and internally consistent theory for cytosolic Ca(2+) signal generation in the apical secretory pole, in which the primary Ca(2+) release occurs from ER extensions in the granular pole supplied with Ca(2+) from the main store at the base of the cell by the tunnel function of the ER

    Clinical and pathogenetic importance of exogenous metals included into the joint prosthesis in knee osteoarthritis

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    Background. The course of knee osteoarthritis is closely related to the content of metals in the environment of patients, which has a significant additional effect on the nature of microelementosis in patients after joint arthroplasty. Purpose of the study: to evaluate the nature of the effect of cobalt (Co), chromium (Cr), molybdenum (Mo), nickel (Ni), thallium (Ti), and vanadium (V) in the soil of the patients’ regions of residence on the course of knee osteoarthritis and micro­elementosis of such metals in blood and hair. Materials and me­thods. Eighty seven patients with knee osteoarthritis aged 32 to 76 years were examined, 45 % of them were men and 55 % — women. SolAAr­Mk2­MOZe (Great Britain) spectrometer with electrographite atomizer was used. Results. Microelementosis of metals in the blood of patients with knee osteoarthritis is observed in 41% of cases, and in hair — in 23%. The level of Ti in the soil directly correlates with the concentrations of Fe and Mo in the blood serum, and the hair levels of Al, Co, Cr, Mo, Ni, Ti and V depend on the content of Co, Cr, Ni and V in the soil, the integral indexes of the severity of microelementosis in the blood and hair of patients with knee osteoarthritis has direct dispersion­correlation links, respectively, with the indices of Cr and V in the soil, while Co, Ti and V affect the formation of epiphyseal osteoporosis, ligamentitis, trabecular edema of the femur and patella, and damage to the anterior cruciate ligament. Living of patients in territorial zones with Cr level in the soil > 270 mg/kg refers to an unfavorable criterion for the development of chromic microelementosis in the blood, and V > 160 mg/kg — vanadic in the hair. Conclusions. Residence of patients with knee osteoarthritis with high content of Co, Ni and V in the soil is the risk factor for Mo, Ti, and V microelementosis, which must be taken into account when planning the program of arthroplasty

    Gaming industry trends in new generation specialist training in university environment

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    © 2020, Dorma Journals. All rights reserved. The research urgency is caused by the search for effective approaches to interactive transformation of a new generation specialist training process in the conditions of innovative interaction between educational environment of the University and the video game sphere. In this regard, this article is aimed at revealing the features and technologies of implementing priority trends in the gaming industry in the training of a new generation specialists in the educational environment of the University. In the course of pedagogical monitoring – the leading method of research, the structure and content of trends in the gaming industry in the interactive transformation of University student training are determined. The article reveals the modern understanding of the concept of the gaming industry, defines its priorities in the fields of education. The authors have established the structure and content of the classifier of functional posts in the gaming industry in the training of a new generation specialist in higher education. Based on the results of the research, an interactive model for implementing priority trends in the gaming industry in the training of a new generation specialists in the educational environment of a University is substantiated. The materials of the article can be useful in the development and implementation of various methods and practices in the services of the gaming industry and in the educational process of the University

    On doctor's criticism: An interdisciplinary approach

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    The round table "Doctor's criticism in the establishment of diagnosis and perceptions of the profile information" held on February 28, 2018, in Moscow in the framework of the Annual Inter-Disciplinary Vein Conference gathered experts in various scientific fields and with different experience. Inter-disciplinary character of the discussion tied different social aspects to doctor's criticism and acute medical problems of the entire society. © 2019 Russian Public Opinion Research Center, VCIOM. All rights reserved


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    The round table “Doctor’s criticism in the establishment of diagnosis and perceptions of the profile information” held on February 28, 2018, in Moscow in the framework of the Annual Inter-Disciplinary Vein Conference gathered experts in various scientific fields and with different experience. Interdis-ciplinary character of the discussion tied different social aspects to doctor’s criticism and acute medical problems of the entire society.Круглый стол «Критичность врача при постановке диагноза и восприятии профильной информации», состоявшийся 28 февраля 2019 г. в рамках 15-й Ежегодной междисциплинарной конференции «Вейновские чтения» в Москве, собрал экспертов из разных областей науки и практики. Междисцпинарный характер обсуждения связал различные социальные аспекты с критичностью мышления врача, острыми проблемами медицины, касающимися всего обществ