22 research outputs found

    From winery by-product to healthy product: bioavailability, redox signaling and oxidative stress modulation by wine pomace product

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    The wine pomace is the main winery by-products that suppose an economic and environmental problem and their use as a functional ingredient are being increasingly recognized as a good and inexpensive source of bioactive compounds. In this sense, it is known the potential health properties of wine pomace products in the prevention of disorders associated with oxidative stress and inflammation such as endothelial dysfunction, hypertension, hyperglycemia, diabetes, obesity. Those effects are due to the bioactive compounds of wine pomace and the mechanisms concern especially modulation of antioxidant/prooxidant activity, improvement of nitric oxide bioavailability, reduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines and modulation of antioxidant/inflammatory signal pathways. This review mainly summarizes the mechanisms of wine pomace products as modulators of oxidative status involved in cell pathologies as well as their potential therapeutic use for cardiovascular diseases. For this purpose, the review provides an overview of the findings related to the wine pomace bioactive compounds profile, their bioavailability and the action mechanisms for maintaining the redox cell balance involved in health benefits. The review suggests an important role for wine pomace product in cardiovascular diseases prevention and their regular food intake may attenuate the development and progression of comorbidities associated with cardiovascular diseases.The authors thank the financial support of the Spain Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Ref. PGC2018-097113-B-I00)

    Wine pomace product modulates oxidative stress and microbiota in obesity high-fat diet-fed rats

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    Obesity is associated with inflammation and oxidative stress. Bioactive compounds can decrease obesity-related disorders by their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions. Wistar rats were fed with a high-fat diet during 14 weeks and received 100 mg of wine pomace product (WP)/kg body weight, from the 1st week or from the 7th week and standard diet fed rats were included. Food intake, body weight, blood pressure and plasma glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride were weekly measured. Antioxidant and lipid liver status, fat, adipocyte size, plasma interleukins and microbiota were also determined at 14th week. The results showed a significant reduction of body weight and abdominal fat area, lower blood glucose, decreased liver weight and lipids deposition with increased antioxidant status, lower adipocyte size and increased Lactobacillus spp./Bacteroides spp. ratio. Therefore, wine pomace product reduced obesity-related disorders by amelioration of inflammation and oxidative stress and by microbiota regulation suggesting potential preventive clinical benefits

    Wine pomace product ameliorates hypertensive and diabetic aorta vascular remodeling through antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions

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    Vascular remodeling in hypertension and diabetes is characterized by a low-grade inflammation of the arterial wall and enhanced oxidative stress. Wine pomace products attenuate hyperglycemia and hypertension through reduction of oxidative stress and inflammation by their polyphenol composition. The aim of the study was to assess the influence of the wine pomace product (WP) on morphometric parameters of the arterial wall in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) and streptozotocin-diabetic rats (STZ). Oxidative stress was also evaluated by determination of radical oxygen species (ROS) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) activation in thoracic aortas. Wine pomace reduces wall aortic thickness, cross sectional area and wall/lumen ratio, and decreases ROS and increases eNOS activation. In summary, the supplementation of hypertensive or diabetic rats with the wine pomace product exhibits a protective role against the endothelial dysfunction and vascular remodeling.Autonomous Government of Castilla y León (Research project BU282U1

    Wine pomace product inhibit listeria monocytogenes invasion of intestinal cell lines Caco-2 and SW-480

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    Red wine pomace products (WPP) have antimicrobial activities against human pathogens, and it was suggested that they have a probable anti-Listeria effect. This manuscript evaluates the intestinal cell monolayer invasive capacity of Listeria monocytogenes strains obtained from human, salmon, cheese, and L. innocua treated with two WPP (WPP-N and WPP-C) of different polyphenol contents using Caco-2 and SW480 cells. The invasion was dependent of the cell line, being higher in the SW480 than in the Caco-2 cell line. Human and salmon L. monocytogenes strains caused cell invasion in both cell lines, while cheese and L. innocua did not cause an invasion. The phenolic contents of WPP-N are characterized by high levels of anthocyanin and stilbenes and WPP-C by a high content of phenolic acids. The inhibitory effect of the WPPs was dependent of the strain and of the degree of differentiation of the intestinal cells line. The inhibition of Listeria invasion by WPPs in the SW480 cell line, especially with WPP-C, were higher than the Caco-2 cell line inhibited mainly by WPP-N. This effect is associated with the WPPs’ ability to protect the integrity of the intestinal barrier by modification of the cell–cell junction protein expression. The gene expression of E-cadherin and occludin are involved in the L. monocytogenes invasion of both the Caco-2 and SW480 cell lines, while the gene expression of claudin is only involved in the invasion of SW480. These findings suggest that WPPs have an inhibitory L. monocytogenes invasion effect in gastrointestinal cells lines.Autonomous Government of Castilla y León (Researchproject BU056U16

    Nuevos horizontes para la Historia Antigua y Medieval: los videojuegos como desafíos para la investigación y la enseñanza

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    La interdisciplinariedad no es otra cosa que la saludable costumbre de transgredir los límites de la especialidad. Tanto el especialista de la Antigüedad como el medievalista que transitan con su mirada el recuerdo de las fuentes que sus palabras evocan, conocedores del oficio, del hacer cotidiano del historiador, saben que no existe mayor fortuna para aquel que pretende comprender el pasado que pensar en concierto. Pensar categóricamente auxiliados por los registros, de una u otra fuente, en búsqueda de los problemas que concitan su atención. Pensar en compañía, reflexionar en conjunto, criticar mordazmente y estimular la discusión, pues esa es la tarea del historiador singular, ese es el genio que se descubre tras la figura de hombres como Finley, Fergus Millar, Duby, Le Goff, E. P. Thompson o Hobsbawm. La virtud máxima a la que puede aspirar un historiador, en su más absoluta individualidad, es abastecer críticamente el trabajo de otro, señalando nuevos horizontes. Sin embargo, la imperfecta pero necesaria reunión de la historia con el resto de las ciencias sociales es acaso una consigna irresoluta antes que una certera práctica profesional. En los intersticios se cuantifica la influencia reciprocitaria que beneficia los trabajos que la comprenden en su mejor expresión. En efecto, la glosa del historiador que ahonda en categorías analíticas provenientes de otras ramas del conocimiento humano, profundiza en el ser en su más absoluta complejidad, pues desmitifica a la sociedad como universalmente determinada. De tal modo, resulta necesario, y desde todo punto de vista recomendable, profundizar en la aplicación de teorías que se encuentran en la intersección de distintas ciencias sociales, y ampliar los horizontes hacia nuevos objetos de estudios. Nuestra intención en esta presentación es reflexionar sobre los mal llamados medios de "ocio digital" (videojuegos), en tanto producto cultural factible de ser analizado históricamente como potencial objeto de investigación y su importancia relativa en la enseñanza de la historia.Fil: Gerardi, Juan Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; ArgentinaFil: Coronado Schwindt, Gisela Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mar del Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Humanidades. Departamento de Historia. Centro de Estudios Históricos; Argentin

    Sentidos con historia: proyecciones y avances historiográficos

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    En los últimos veinte años la historia de los sentidos se convirtió en un campo de investigación con identidad propia, a juzgar por la intensa labor realizada por especialistas de diversos períodos históricos, así como también, el número de publicaciones y encuentros académicos que mantienen una prolífica agenda de debates. El propósito del presente artículo es comentar los avances historiográficos y las proyecciones de la temática en historia antigua y medieval. En efecto, se trata de un enfoque multidisciplinar que renovó los estudios culturales de estos períodos, destinados a comprender las formas en que las sociedades percibían el mundo en el que vivían. Para ello, adoptó los aportes teóricos de diversas vertientes de la antropología sensorial y la musicología que le proporcionaron el andamiaje conceptual necesario para identificar las variaciones en la importancia atribuida a los sentidos y los significados que se construyeron en torno a ellos.Fil: Coronado-Schwindt, Gisela Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; Argentina.Fil: Gerardi, Juan Manuel. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata; Argentin

    White Wine Pomace Mitigates Hyperglycemia-Induced Cell Damage and Oxidative Stress in Caco-2 Cells

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    Hyperglycemia is a significant risk factor in metabolic syndrome, contributing to the development of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes mellitus. Hyperglycemia increases ROS (reactive oxygen species) production via glucose oxidation and protein glycosylation, leading to cell damage. Our previous studies have highlighted the antioxidant properties of wine pomace products (wWPPs), a co-product of winemaking, and their ability to modulate oxidative stress. The objective of this study was to evaluate the protective effect of wWPPs against oxidative stress in hyperglycemic Caco-2 cells. They were treated with 1.5 μg GAE/mL of wWPP bioaccessible fractions, obtained from gastrointestinal digestion (WPGI) and colonic fermentation (WPF), under normoglycemic or hyperglycemic (35 mM glucose) conditions. After 24 h of treatment, cell viability, oxidative stress biomarkers and the expression of transcription factors and enzymes involved in cellular oxidation balance were evaluated. Hyperglycemia induced a 30% reduction in cell viability, which was restored to normoglycemic levels by WPF treatment. The bioaccessible fractions were able to counteract hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress in intestinal cells, as evidenced by significant decreases in carbonyl groups and MDA levels (10 and 40%, respectively). Furthermore, hyperglycemia-induced NF-κB overexpression was also significantly reduced by WPGI and WPF pre-treatment (between 15 and 53%), modulating the redox activity. In conclusion, the bioaccessible fractions of wWPP, particularly WPF, demonstrated significant potential in mitigating hyperglycemia-induced oxidative stress and enhancing cell viability in Caco-2 cells

    Optimization of Enzymatic Extraction of Melanoidins from Bread by-Products: Bioactivity and Microbiota Modulation

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    The bakery industry generates substantial food waste, leading to global environment pollution and economic losses. However, these by-products contain valuable bioactive compounds, such as melanoidins, which are brown pigmented compounds with significant antioxidant, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, making them ideal functional ingredient. This study aimed to evaluate the optimal enzymatic extraction of melanoidins from bread crust using different proteolytic enzymes: pronase E, serine-endo-protease (SP), metalloenzyme protease (MP) and endoprotease papain enzyme (EP). While the yield of melanoidins from MP and EP was lower than that of pronase E, SP yield was significantly higher. No cytotoxicity of bioaccessible, gastrointestinal and colonic fractions was observed in the cell lines Caco-2, HUVEC and SHSY5Y. The antioxidant properties and ability to stabilize the hydroxyl radical were characterized in bioaccessible fractions of the four melanoidins extracts. Moreover, melanoidins positively influenced the intestinal microbiota by increasing beneficial bacteria like Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, while reducing non-beneficial bacteria such as Bacteroides spp. and Clostridium leptum, with particularly significant results for SP and EP enzyme extracts. In conclusion, SP and EP enzymes appear to be viable alternatives to pronase E for obtaining melanoidin extracts as functional ingredients. These enzymes offer potential cost advantages and contribute to the sustainable utilization of bakery by-product melanoidins in various food applications. Implementing these alternatives could help to reduce food waste, environmental pollution and economic losses in the bakery industry while promoting the use of valuable bioactive compounds

    Obtención de un extracto de melanoidinas de cortezas de pan, caracterización y evaluación de su actividad moduladora de estrés oxidativo en células intestinales y endoteliales

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    El consumo de pan tradicionalmente ha sido muy importante en la cultura española, incluso en la actualidad ya que siempre ha estado presente en el acompañamiento de las comidas, por lo tanto, es un alimento básico. En el 2020 la compra de pan se incrementó un 5,7 % con una media de consumo de pan de 32,78 Kg/año según datos publicados por Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación de 2021. Ello está asociado a un incremento en la generación de residuos de la industria de panificación que llegan a constituir entre un 20 % y un 30% del producto procesado, lo que supone una pérdida de recursos en la producción y un problema de gestión ambiental. Uno de los compuestos finales formados durante el procesamiento térmico del pan son las melanoidinas. Las melanoidinas se forman durante la reacción de Maillard que es una reacción de pardeamiento no enzimático entre los grupos amino y carbonilo presentes en los alimentos dando lugar a gran cantidad compuestos intermedios los cuales reaccionan entre sí. Las melanoidinas se caracterizan por ser compuestos de alto peso molecular, muy complejos y marrones que contribuyen no solo a mejorar las propiedades organolépticas (color, aroma, sabor) de los alimentos, sino que aportan numerosos beneficios sobre la salud. Entre las numerosas propiedades beneficiosas de las melanoidinas destacan la actividad antioxidante, antimicrobiana, antihipertensiva, prebiótica, quelante de metales, etc. Teniendo en cuenta toda esta información el objetivo de este estudio es la obtención de un extracto acuoso de melanoidinas obtenido a partir de residuos de la industria de panificación (cortezas de pan de molde) y evaluar su actividad moduladora del estrés oxidativo en las líneas celulares Caco-2 y HUVEC. La obtención del extracto de melanoidinas se realizó mediante ultrafiltración en celdas de agitación con membranas de polisulfona de 10 kDa. Para la obtención de concentrado las melanoidinas se realizaron ultrafiltraciones trabajando a distintas condiciones de presión y modos de operación (continuo y discontinuo). Se observaron diferentes densidades de flujo y selectividad de la membrana para los distintos compuestos. La diafiltración permite un retenido de melanoidinas de alto peso molecular, caracterizado por sus propiedades saludables, consiguiendo reducir los compuestos de la reacción de Maillard de bajo peso molecular que son citotóxicos. Se caracterizó el extracto, presentando un alto contenido de melanoidinas evaluado por el índice de pardeamiento y la absorbancia a 345 nm indicador de la presencia de melanoidinas y con pesos moleculares entre 20 y 82 kDa. El extracto de melanoidinas presentó una alta capacidad antioxidante evaluada por los métodos de ABTS y FRAP y una alta actividad quelante característica de estos compuestos. Su actividad biológica se evaluó en la fracción bioaccesible, obtenida por digestión gastrointestinal, en la línea celular intestinal Caco-2 y en la línea endotelial HUVEC. El extracto bioaccesible presenta bioactividad en ambas líneas celulares modulando el estrés oxidativo como indica la reducción de los niveles de ROS (especies reactivas de oxígeno) y el aumento de los niveles de glutatión (GSH/GSSG) observada.Los autores agradecen la financiación de la Junta de Castilla y León a través de proyecto JCyL/FEDER- BU243P18

    Bioaccessibility and Genoprotective Effect of Melanoidins Obtained from Common and Soft Bread Crusts: Relationship between Melanoidins and Their Bioactivity

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    Bread crust constitutes an important by-product of the bakery industry, and its utilization for the isolation of melanoidins to be used as a functional ingredient can enhance its added value and contribute to health. The aim of this study was to evaluate the bioaccessibility, bioactivity, and genoprotective effect of melanoidins derived from bread crust. Bioaccessibility was assessed in gastric, intestinal digestion, and colonic fermentation fractions. The results revealed a relationship between bioaccessible melanoidins and their type (common or soft bread). No cytotoxicity effects were observed for bioaccessible fractions, as assessed by MTT and RTA methods, and they did not affect the distribution of E-cadherin in Caco-2 cells, confirming their ability to maintain membrane integrity. Furthermore, our study demonstrated that the gastrointestinal and colonic fermentation fractions successfully transported across the intestinal barrier, without affecting cell permeability, and showed antioxidant activity on the basolateral side of the cell monolayer. Remarkably, both fractions displayed a significant genoprotective effect in Caco-2 cells. Our findings provide crucial insights into the relationship between the melanoidins and their bioactivity and genoprotective effect. These results demonstrated the potential of bioaccessible melanoidins as valuable bioactive compounds for the development of functional foods, without showing toxic effects on gastrointestinal cells.This research was funded by the Autonomous Government of Castilla y Leon and Feder (JCyL/FEDER), grant number BU243P18