34 research outputs found

    Thresholding in Learning Theory

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    In this paper we investigate the problem of learning an unknown bounded function. We be emphasize special cases where it is possible to provide very simple (in terms of computation) estimates enjoying in addition the property of being universal : their construction does not depend on a priori knowledge on regularity conditions on the unknown object and still they have almost optimal properties for a whole bunch of functions spaces. These estimates are constructed using a thresholding schema, which has proven in the last decade in statistics to have very good properties for recovering signals with inhomogeneous smoothness but has not been extensively developed in Learning Theory. We will basically consider two particular situations. In the first case, we consider the RKHS situation. In this case, we produce a new algorithm and investigate its performances in L_2(ρ^_X)L\_2(\hat\rho\_X). The exponential rates of convergences are proved to be almost optimal, and the regularity assumptions are expressed in simple terms. The second case considers a more specified situation where the X_iX\_i's are one dimensional and the estimator is a wavelet thresholding estimate. The results are comparable in this setting to those obtained in the RKHS situation as concern the critical value and the exponential rates. The advantage here is that we are able to state the results in the L_2(ρ_X)L\_2(\rho\_X) norm and the regularity conditions are expressed in terms of standard H\"older spaces

    Heat kernel generated frames in the setting of Dirichlet spaces

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    Wavelet bases and frames consisting of band limited functions of nearly exponential localization on Rd are a powerful tool in harmonic analysis by making various spaces of functions and distributions more accessible for study and utilization, and providing sparse representation of natural function spaces (e.g. Besov spaces) on Rd. Such frames are also available on the sphere and in more general homogeneous spaces, on the interval and ball. The purpose of this article is to develop band limited well-localized frames in the general setting of Dirichlet spaces with doubling measure and a local scale-invariant Poincar\'e inequality which lead to heat kernels with small time Gaussian bounds and H\"older continuity. As an application of this construction, band limited frames are developed in the context of Lie groups or homogeneous spaces with polynomial volume growth, complete Riemannian manifolds with Ricci curvature bounded from below and satisfying the volume doubling property, and other settings. The new frames are used for decomposition of Besov spaces in this general setting

    Radon needlet thresholding

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    We provide a new algorithm for the treatment of the noisy inversion of the Radon transform using an appropriate thresholding technique adapted to a well-chosen new localized basis. We establish minimax results and prove their optimality. In particular, we prove that the procedures provided here are able to attain minimax bounds for any Lp\mathbb {L}_p loss. It s important to notice that most of the minimax bounds obtained here are new to our knowledge. It is also important to emphasize the adaptation properties of our procedures with respect to the regularity (sparsity) of the object to recover and to inhomogeneous smoothness. We perform a numerical study that is of importance since we especially have to discuss the cubature problems and propose an averaging procedure that is mostly in the spirit of the cycle spinning performed for periodic signals

    Atomic and molecular decomposition of homogeneous spaces of distributions associated to non-negative self-adjoint operators

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    We deal with homogeneous Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces in the setting of a doubling metric measure space in the presence of a non-negative self-adjoint operator whose heat kernel has Gaussian localization and the Markov property. The class of almost diagonal operators on the associated sequence spaces is developed and it is shown that this class is an algebra. The boundedness of almost diagonal operators is utilized for establishing smooth molecular and atomic decompositions for the above homogeneous Besov and Triebel-Lizorkin spaces. Spectral multipliers for these spaces are established as well

    Spin Needlets for Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Data Analysis

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    Scalar wavelets have been used extensively in the analysis of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature maps. Spin needlets are a new form of (spin) wavelets which were introduced in the mathematical literature by Geller and Marinucci (2008) as a tool for the analysis of spin random fields. Here we adopt the spin needlet approach for the analysis of CMB polarization measurements. The outcome of experiments measuring the polarization of the CMB are maps of the Stokes Q and U parameters which are spin 2 quantities. Here we discuss how to transform these spin 2 maps into spin 2 needlet coefficients and outline briefly how these coefficients can be used in the analysis of CMB polarization data. We review the most important properties of spin needlets, such as localization in pixel and harmonic space and asymptotic uncorrelation. We discuss several statistical applications, including the relation of angular power spectra to the needlet coefficients, testing for non-Gaussianity on polarization data, and reconstruction of the E and B scalar maps.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Concentration Inequalities and Confidence Bands for Needlet Density Estimators on Compact Homogeneous Manifolds

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    Let X1,...,XnX_1,...,X_n be a random sample from some unknown probability density ff defined on a compact homogeneous manifold M\mathbf M of dimension d1d \ge 1. Consider a 'needlet frame' {ϕjη}\{\phi_{j \eta}\} describing a localised projection onto the space of eigenfunctions of the Laplace operator on M\mathbf M with corresponding eigenvalues less than 22j2^{2j}, as constructed in \cite{GP10}. We prove non-asymptotic concentration inequalities for the uniform deviations of the linear needlet density estimator fn(j)f_n(j) obtained from an empirical estimate of the needlet projection ηϕjηfϕjη\sum_\eta \phi_{j \eta} \int f \phi_{j \eta} of ff. We apply these results to construct risk-adaptive estimators and nonasymptotic confidence bands for the unknown density ff. The confidence bands are adaptive over classes of differentiable and H\"{older}-continuous functions on M\mathbf M that attain their H\"{o}lder exponents.Comment: Probability Theory and Related Fields, to appea

    Gaussian bounds for the heat kernelson the ball and the simplex: classical approach

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    International audienceTwo-sided Gaussian bounds are established for the weighted heat kernels on the unit ball and the simplex in Rd generated by classical differential operators whose eigenfunctions are algebraic polynomials