121 research outputs found

    Olfactory and gustatory dysfunction in patients with autoimmune encephalitis

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    OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that olfactory (OF) and gustatory function (GF) is disturbed in patients with autoimmune encephalitides (AE). METHODS: The orthonasal OF was tested in 32 patients with AE and 32 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HC) with the standardized Threshold Discrimination Identification (TDI) score. This validated olfactory testing method yields individual scores for olfactory threshold (T), odor discrimination (D), and identification (I), along with a composite TDI score. The GF was determined by the Taste Strip Test (TST). RESULTS: Overall, 24/32 (75%) of patients with AE, but none of 32 HC (p < 0.001) had olfactory dysfunction in TDI testing. The results of the threshold, discrimination and identification subtests were significantly reduced in patients with AE compared to HC (all p < 0.001). Assessed by TST, 5/19 (26.3%) of patients with AE, but none of 19 HC presented a significant limitation in GF (p < 0.001). The TDI score was correlated with the subjective estimation of the olfactory capacity on a visual analog scale (VAS; r(s) = 0.475, p = 0.008). Neither age, sex, modified Rankin Scale nor disease duration were associated with the composite TDI score. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study investigating OF and GF in AE patients. According to unblinded assessment, patients with AE have a reduced olfactory and gustatory capacity compared to HC, suggesting that olfactory and gustatory dysfunction are hitherto unrecognized symptoms in AE. Further studies with larger number of AE patients would be of interest to verify our results

    Olfactory dysfunction in patients with primary progressive MS

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    OBJECTIVE: We tested the hypothesis that olfactory function is more impaired in patients with primary progressive MS (PPMS) than that in relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS). METHODS: Standardized olfactory testing was performed in 32 patients with PPMS, 32 patients with RRMS, and 32 healthy controls (HCs). Patients with olfactory dysfunction due to an alternative primary etiology were excluded. The validated olfactory testing method yielded individual scores for olfactory threshold, odor discrimination, and odor identification, along with a composite Threshold Discrimination Identification (TDI) score. RESULTS: Olfactory dysfunction was identified in 27 (84%) patients with PPMS, 10 (31%) patients with RRMS, and 1 (3%) HC. While age and sex were similar between PPMS and HCs, the TDI score and all olfactory subscores were significantly worse in patients with PPMS compared with HCs (all p < 0.001). After adjustment for differences in age, sex, Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), and disease duration, odor discrimination, odor identification, and the composite TDI score were worse in patients with PPMS vs RRMS (p = 0.03, 0.04, and 0.02, respectively). Neither age, sex, EDSS, nor disease duration was significantly associated with the composite TDI score. CONCLUSIONS: Olfactory dysfunction was more frequent and severe in PPMS compared with RRMS, independent of disease duration and overall disability status. Further research on cellular level differences in olfactory neural pathways may lead to new insights about disease pathogenesis in MS

    Differentiation of cerebral neoplasms with vessel size imaging (VSI)

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    PURPOSE: Cerebral neoplasms of various histological origins may show comparable appearances on conventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Vessel size imaging (VSI) is an MRI technique that enables noninvasive assessment of microvasculature by providing quantitative estimates of microvessel size and density. In this study, we evaluated the potential of VSI to differentiate between brain tumor types based on their microvascular morphology. METHODS: Using aΒ clinical 3TΒ MRI scanner, VSI was performed on 25Β patients with cerebral neoplasms, 10Β with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), 8Β with primary CNS lymphoma (PCNSL) and 7Β with cerebral lung cancer metastasis (MLC). Following the postprocessing of VSI maps, mean vessel diameter (vessel size index, vsi) and microvessel densityΒ (Q) were compared across tumors, peritumoral areas, and healthy tissues. RESULTS: The MLC tumors have larger and less dense microvasculature compared to PCNSLs in terms of vsi andΒ Q (pβ€―= 0.0004 and pβ€―< 0.0001, respectively). GBM tumors have higher yet non-significantly different vsi values than PCNSLs (pβ€―= 0.065) and non-significant differences inΒ Q. No statistically significant differences in vsi orΒ QΒ were present between GBMs and MLCs. GBM tumor volume was positively correlated with vsi (rβ€―= 0.502, pβ€―= 0.0017) and negatively correlated with QΒ (rβ€―= -0.531, pβ€―= 0.0007). CONCLUSION: Conventional MRI parameters are helpful in differentiating between PCNSLs, GBMs, and MLCs. Additionally incorporating VSI parameters into the diagnostic protocol could help in further differentiating between PCNSLs and metastases and potentially between PCNSLs and GBMs. Future studies in larger patient cohorts are required to establish diagnostic cut-off values for VSI

    Anti-tumour activity of tachykinin NK1receptor antagonists on human glioma U373 MG xenograft

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    Astrocytes harbour functional receptors to many neurotransmitters, including substance P (SP), an undecapeptide belonging to the tachykinin family of peptide transmitters. SP activates malignant glial cells to induce cytokine release and proliferation, both responses being relevant for tumour progression. In tumours developed in nude mice transplanted subcutaneously (s.c.) to U373 MG human glioma cells, the presence of SP was observed at immunohistochemistry. Although the administration of exogenous SP did not significantly affect the size or development of U373 MG xenograft, a role of SP in supporting glioma progression in vivo was highlighted by the tumour growth inhibition induced by highly specific and selective human tachykinin NK1receptor antagonists (MEN 11467 and MEN 11149). The anti-tumour activity of MEN 11467 was observed both with s.c. or intravenous treatments and was partially reverted by the concomitant administration of exogenous SP. Doxorubicin did not show any activity in controlling U373 MG growth in this in vivo model. A novel therapeutic approach to treat malignant gliomas with tachykinin NK1receptor antagonists is suggested by these findings. Β© 2000 Cancer Research Campaig

    Conjugated docosahexaenoic acid suppresses KPL-1 human breast cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo: potential mechanisms of action

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    Introduction The present study was conducted to examine the effect of conjugated docosahexaenoic acid (CDHA) on cell growth, cell cycle progression, mode of cell death, and expression of cell cycle regulatory and/or apoptosis-related proteins in KPL-1 human breast cancer cell line. This effect of CDHA was compared with that of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Methods KPL-1 cell growth was assessed by colorimetric 3- (4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay; cell cycle progression and mode of cell death were examined by flow cytometry; and levels of expression of p53, p21Cip1/Waf1, cyclin D1, Bax, and Bcl-2 proteins were examined by Western blotting analysis. In vivo tumor growth was examined by injecting KPL-1 cells subcutaneously into the area of the right thoracic mammary fat pad of female athymic mice fed a CDHA diet. Results CDHA inhibited KPL-1 cells more effectively than did DHA (50% inhibitory concentration for 72 hours: 97 ΞΌmol/l and 270 ΞΌmol/l, respectively). With both CDHA and DHA growth inhibition was due to apoptosis, as indicated by the appearance of a sub-G1 fraction. The apoptosis cascade involved downregulation of Bcl-2 protein; Bax expression was unchanged. Cell cycle progression was due to G0/G1 arrest, which involved increased expression of p53 and p21Cip1/Waf1, and decreased expression of cyclin D1. CDHA modulated cell cycle regulatory proteins and apoptosis-related proteins in a manner similar to that of parent DHA. In the athymic mouse system 1.0% dietary CDHA, but not 0.2%, significantly suppressed growth of KPL-1 tumor cells; CDHA tended to decrease regional lymph node metastasis in a dose dependent manner. Conclusion CDHA inhibited growth of KPL-1 human breast cancer cells in vitro more effectively than did DHA. The mechanisms of action involved modulation of apoptosis cascade and cell cycle progression. Dietary CDHA at 1.0% suppressed KPL-1 cell growth in the athymic mouse system.</p

    High Levels of Exosomes Expressing CD63 and Caveolin-1 in Plasma of Melanoma Patients

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    BACKGROUND: Metastatic melanoma is an untreatable cancer lacking reliable and non-invasive markers of disease progression. Exosomes are small vesicles secreted by normal as well as tumor cells. Human tumor-derived exosomes are involved in malignant progression and we evaluated the presence of exosomes in plasma of melanoma patients as a potential tool for cancer screening and follow-up. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We designed an in-house sandwich ELISA (Exotest) to capture and quantify exosomes in plasma based on expression of housekeeping proteins (CD63 and Rab-5b) and a tumor-associated marker (caveolin-1). Western blot and flow cytometry analysis of exosomes were used to confirm the Exotest-based findings. The Exotest allowed sensitive detection and quantification of exosomes purified from human tumor cell culture supernatants and plasma from SCID mice engrafted with human melanoma. Plasma levels of exosomes in melanoma-engrafted SCID mice correlated to tumor size. We evaluated the levels of plasma exosomes expressing CD63 and caveolin-1 in melanoma patients (n = 90) and healthy donors (n = 58). Consistently, plasma exosomes expressing CD63 (504+/-315) or caveolin-1 (619+/-310) were significantly increased in melanoma patients as compared to healthy donors (223+/-125 and 228+/-102, respectively). While the Exotest for CD63+ plasma exosomes had limited sensitivity (43%) the Exotest for detection of caveolin-1+ plasma exosomes showed a higher sensitivity (68%). Moreover, caveolin-1+ plasma exosomes were significantly increased with respect to CD63+ exosomes in the patients group. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We describe a new non-invasive assay allowing detection and quantification of human exosomes in plasma of melanoma patients. Our results suggest that the Exotest for detection of plasma exosomes carrying tumor-associated antigens may represent a novel tool for clinical management of cancer patients

    Amiloride-sensitive channels in type I fungiform taste cells in mouse

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Taste buds are the sensory organs of taste perception. Three types of taste cells have been described. Type I cells have voltage-gated outward currents, but lack voltage-gated inward currents. These cells have been presumed to play only a support role in the taste bud. Type II cells have voltage-gated Na<sup>+ </sup>and K<sup>+ </sup>current, and the receptors and transduction machinery for bitter, sweet, and umami taste stimuli. Type III cells have voltage-gated Na<sup>+</sup>, K<sup>+</sup>, and Ca<sup>2+ </sup>currents, and make prominent synapses with afferent nerve fibers. Na<sup>+ </sup>salt transduction in part involves amiloride-sensitive epithelial sodium channels (ENaCs). In rodents, these channels are located in taste cells of fungiform papillae on the anterior part of the tongue innervated by the chorda tympani nerve. However, the taste cell type that expresses ENaCs is not known. This study used whole cell recordings of single fungiform taste cells of transgenic mice expressing GFP in Type II taste cells to identify the taste cells responding to amiloride. We also used immunocytochemistry to further define and compare cell types in fungiform and circumvallate taste buds of these mice.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Taste cell types were identified by their response to depolarizing voltage steps and their presence or absence of GFP fluorescence. TRPM5-GFP taste cells expressed large voltage-gated Na<sup>+ </sup>and K<sup>+ </sup>currents, but lacked voltage-gated Ca<sup>2+ </sup>currents, as expected from previous studies. Approximately half of the unlabeled cells had similar membrane properties, suggesting they comprise a separate population of Type II cells. The other half expressed voltage-gated outward currents only, typical of Type I cells. A single taste cell had voltage-gated Ca<sup>2+ </sup>current characteristic of Type III cells. Responses to amiloride occurred only in cells that lacked voltage-gated inward currents. Immunocytochemistry showed that fungiform taste buds have significantly fewer Type II cells expressing PLC signalling components, and significantly fewer Type III cells than circumvallate taste buds.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The principal finding is that amiloride-sensitive Na<sup>+ </sup>channels appear to be expressed in cells that lack voltage-gated inward currents, likely the Type I taste cells. These cells were previously assumed to provide only a support function in the taste bud.</p

    In vivo and in vitro evaluation of combretastatin A-4 and its sodium phosphate prodrug

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    The anti-tumour effects and mechanism of action of combretastatin A-4 and its prodrug, combretastatin A-4 disodium phosphate, were examined in subcutaneous and orthotopically transplanted experimental colon tumour models. Additionally, the ability of these compounds to directly interfere with endothelial cell behaviour was also examined in HUVEC cultures. Combretastatin A-4 (150 mg kg–1, intraperitoneally (i.p.)) and its water-soluble prodrug (100 mg kg–1, i.p.) caused almost complete vascular shutdown (at 4 h), extensive haemorrhagic necrosis which started at 1 h after treatment and significant tumour growth delay in MAC 15A subcutaneous (s.c.) colon tumours. Similar vascular effects were obtained in MAC 15 orthotopic tumours and SW620 human colon tumour xenografts treated with the prodrug. More importantly, in the orthotopic models, necrosis was seen in vascularized metastatic deposits but not in avascular secondary deposits. The possible mechanism giving rise to these effects was examined in HUVEC cells. Here cellular networks formed in type I calf-skin collagen layers and these networks were completely disrupted when incubated with a non-cytotoxic concentration of combretastatin A-4 or its prodrug. This effect started at 4 h and was complete by 24 h. The same non-cytotoxic concentrations resulted in disorganization of F-actin and Ξ²-tubulin at 1 h after treatment. In conclusion, combretastatin A-4 and its prodrug caused extensive necrosis in MAC 15A s.c. and orthotopic colon cancer and metastases, resulting in anti-tumour effects. Necrosis was not seen in avascular tumour nodules, suggesting a vascular mechanism of action. Β© 1999 Cancer Research Campaig
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