270 research outputs found

    Analisis Keuntungan Dan Kerugian Indonesia Terkait Opsi Penyelesaian Sengketa Investasi Indonesia Dengan Churchill Mining Plc Di Icsid

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    Churchill Mining plc is a British company that is now suing Indonesian government to the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Dispute (ICSID). This lawsuit is lodged because of a mining license revocation by Kutai Timur regional government to Ridlatama Group, affecting approximately 35 thousand hectares. This study elaborates on the success chance of Indonesian government to be careful and not lose in the dispute. Result of this study shows that the dispute settlement in ICSID have its upsides, such as the secrecy of the proceedings, and Indonesian government needs to prepare some aspects to avoid losing, such as strong evidences. IntisariChurchill Mining plc merupakan Perusahaan milik Inggris yang saat ini sedang menggugat Pemerintah Indonesia ke lembaga Arbitrase Internasional ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Dispute). Gugatan tersebut diajukan karena adanya pencabutan izin pertambangan Ridlatama Group oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Kutai Timur pada area sekitar 35 ribu hektare. Penelitian ini membahas tentang peluang keberhasilan Pemerintah Indonesia untuk berhati-hati dan tidak mengalami kekalahan dalam proses penyelesaian sengketa dengan pihak Churchill Mining Plc di ICSID. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyelesaian sengketa antara Pemerintah Indonesia dengan Churchill Mining melalui ICSID memiliki beberapa keuntungan, seperti kerahasiaan proses beracara, dan Pemerintah Indonesia perlu menyiapkanbeberapa hal agar dapat memenangkan sengketa yang sedang dihadapinya seperti bukti-bukti hukum yang kuat

    Investigations on offshore wind turbine inflow modelling using numerical weather prediction coupled with local-scale computational fluid dynamics

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    The computational power available nowadays to industry and research paves the way to increasingly more accurate systems for the wind resource prediction. A promising approach is to support the mesoscale numerical weather prediction (NWP) with high fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD). This approach aims at increasing the spatial resolution of the wind prediction by not only accounting for the complex and multiphysics aspects of the atmosphere over a large geographical region, but also including the effects of the fine scale turbulence and the interaction of the wind flow with the sea surface. In this work, we test a set of model setups for both the mesoscale (NWP) and local scale (CFD) simulations employed in a multi-scale modelling framework. The method comprises a one-way coupling interface to define boundary conditions for the local scale simulation (based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier–Stokes equations) using the mesoscale wind given by the NWP system. The wind prediction in an offshore site is compared with LiDAR measurements, testing a set of mesoscale planetary boundary layer schemes, and different model choices for the local scale simulation, which include steady and unsteady approaches for simulation and boundary conditions, different turbulence closure constants, and the effect of the wave motion of the sea surface. The resulting wind is then used for the simulation of a large wind turbine, showing how a realistic wind profile and an ideal exponential law profile lead to different predictions of wind turbine rotor performance and loads

    Mapping of QTLs associated with biological nitrogen fixation traits in soybean.

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    Biological nitrogen fi xation (BNF) is a key process, but despite the economic and environmental importance, few studies about quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling BNF traits are available, even in the economically important crop soybean Glycine max (L.) Merr. In this study, a population of 157 F 2:7 RILs derived from crossing soybean cultivars Bossier (high BNF capacity) and Embrapa 20 (medium BNF capacity) was genotyped with 105 simple sequence repeat markers (SSRs). The genetic map obtained has 1231.2 cM and covers about 50% of the genome, with an average interval of 18.1 cM. Three traits, nodule number (NN), the ratio nodule dry weight (NDW)/NN and shoot dry weight (SDW) were used to evaluate BNF performance. A composite interval mapping for multiple traits method (mCIM) analysis mapped two QTLs for SDW (LGs E and L), three for NN (LGs B1, E and I), and one for NDW/NN (LG I); all QTLs were of small effect (R 2 -values ranging from 1.7% to 10.0%) and explained 15.4%, 13.8% and 6.5% of total variation for these three traits, respectively

    Enhancing nonclassical bosonic correlations in a quantum walk network through experimental control of disorder

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    The presence of disorder and inhomogeneities in quantum networks has often been unexpectedly beneficial for both quantum and classical resources. Here we experimentally realize a controllable inhomogenous quantum walk (QW) dynamics, which can be exploited to investigate the effect of coherent disorder on the quantum correlations between two indistinguishable photons. Through the imposition of suitable disorder configurations, we observe two-photon states that exhibit an enhancement in the quantum correlations between two selected modes of the network, compared to the case of an ordered QW. Different configurations of disorder can steer the system toward different realizations of such an enhancement, thus allowing spatial and temporal manipulation of quantum correlations between remote modes of QW networks

    Avaliação de cruzamentos dialélicos para produção de grãos e caracteres agronômicos, e perspectivas de melhoramento em soja.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar os parâmetros da capacidade geral e específica de combinação, identificando genitores e combinações promissoras para gerar populações segregantes que atendam a um programa de melhoramento genético de soja no Estado de São Paulo

    Exploring the front-end of project management

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    This paper is a multi-case study exploratory investigation into the earliest stages of projects and their management. We refer to this throughout the paper as the ‘front-end’. We provide a definition of this phase of the project life cycle and conduct a literature review of the various topics that would suggest themselves to be apposite to the front-end. This includes governance and strategy; requirements and technology; estimating; risk and value; people and learning and development. Following this review of literature, we set out the approach taken in the empirical study. The context for the study was the UK, although many of the organizations investigated had a global presence and some of their projects were multinational in nature. We detail the research methods, the multi-case study route taken and the nature of the in-depth interviews with senior project management representatives from nine extremely credible organizations experienced in managing projects. Our findings are presented so as to identify the key set of findings determined after multiple passes of the interview details. These findings reflect both what comprises the front-end of projects and what management does in the front-end. Some of this would be expected of project management, but we found aspects of the front-end management that are not within the normal remit of what is considered to be traditional project management. These findings both reinforce the literature and offer new insights, for example, showing the strong influence of the commercial and economic non-project players in leading or influencing the front-end of projects. A considered set of conclusions are presented together with recommendations for further research

    Intercruzamento em uma população de soja derivada de um retrocruzamento e perspectivas de melhoramento.

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    Os efeitos de uma geração de intercruzamento em uma população de soja foram avaliados através das médias, variâncias genéticas e respostas à seleção, para o caráter produtividade de grãos. A partir de um cruzamento biparental entre duas linhagens foi realizado um retrocruzamento para a linhagem mais produtiva (RC1). Em seguida esta população foi recombinada, dando origem à população de retrocruzamento intercruzada (RC1#). Na sequência foram obtidas progênies de plantas individuas das duas populações (RC1 e RC1#), via autofecundação natural, num total de 118 progênies por população, que correspondem às progênies RC1F2 e RC1#F2. As progênies das duas populações foram avaliadas no ano agrícola de 2008/09, em experimentos em látice 11x11 com quatro repetições. As parcelas foram colhidas em bulk (gerações RC1F3 e RC1#F3) e avaliadas novamente no ano agrícola 2010/11, utilizando o mesmo delineamento experimental e número de repetições. As médias foram similares entre as populações RC1 e RC1# dentro de cada ano; entretanto, houve um acréscimo nas variâncias genéticas nas populações intercruzadas (RC1#F2 e RC1#F3) e, devido a isso, a resposta esperada com seleção foi 39% superior, em média, para estas. Estes resultados ressaltam a importância do intercruzamento em programas que utilizam populações derivadas de retrocruzamentos

    Avaliação de genitores de soja adaptados ao Estado de São Paulo em cruzamentos dialélicos.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar os parâmetros da capacidade geral e específica de combinação entre seis cultivares de soja adaptadas às condições de cultivo do Estado de São Paulo, identificando genitores e combinações promissoras. Os seis genitores e os 15 cruzamentos foram avaliados em um experimento em blocos casualizados com 20 repetições, utilizando parcelas lineares de 2 m espaçadas de 0,5 m, contendo 30 plantas após o desbaste