354 research outputs found

    Statement By The Honorable Gerald R. Ford Minority Leader of The House of Representatives Before The House Committee on the Judiciary

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    Prepared remarks of Gerald Ford to the House Committee on the Judiciary on the first day of the committee’s hearings to consider Ford’s nomination to be 40th Vice President of the United. President Richard Nixon had nominated Ford pursuant to Section 2 of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment following Vice President Spiro Agnew’s resignation.https://ir.lawnet.fordham.edu/twentyfifth_amendment_watergate_era/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Ralph Bunche Awards Program, 2 July [1974]

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    Copy printed invitation of Vice-President & Mrs. Ford to Ralph Bunche Awards Program of Community Relations Service on 2 July [1974]. Attached: copy printed program of event with handwritten notations; 2 pages.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/joecorr_f/1020/thumbnail.jp

    President Gerald R. Ford to Senator James O. Eastland, 24 May 1975

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    Typed letter signed dated 24 May 1975 from Ford to Eastland, re: thanks for vote on S. 200, consumer programs; envelope. Originals removed to VIP Restricted Access location.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/joecorr_g/1040/thumbnail.jp

    President Gerald R. Ford to \u27The Congress of the United States,\u27 22 September 1976

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    Copy typed letter dated 22 September 1976 from Ford to The Congress of the United States, re: rescissions of the 1977 budget affecting the Corps of Engineers and the Departments of the Interior and Transportation.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/joecorr_g/1079/thumbnail.jp

    President Gerald R. Ford to Nelson A. Rockefeller, 23 March 1976

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    Copy typed letter signed dated 23 March 1976 from Ford to Nelson A. Rockefeller, President of the U.S. Senate, re: foreign intelligence, electronic surveillance; 2 pages.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/joecorr_g/1067/thumbnail.jp

    President Gerald R. Ford to Senator James O. Eastland, 19 December 1975

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    Typed letter signed dated 19 December 1975 from Ford to Eastland, re: confirmation of John Paul Stevens as Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court; envelope.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/joecorr_g/1053/thumbnail.jp

    President Gerald R. Ford to Senator James O. Eastland, 30 August 1974

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    Copy typed letter signed dated 30 August 1974 from Ford to Eastland, re: Senate Concurrent Resolution 108; envelope. Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/joecorr_g/1039/thumbnail.jp

    President Gerald R. Ford to Senator James O. Eastland, 21 February 1976

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    Copy typed letter signed dated 21 February 1976 from Ford to Eastland, re: enclosed pen used in presidential signing of H.R. 8529 (Rice Production Act of 1975). Original removed to VIP Restricted Access location.https://egrove.olemiss.edu/joecorr_g/1061/thumbnail.jp
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