468 research outputs found

    All-loop anomalous dimensions in integrable λ\lambda-deformed σ\sigma-models

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    We calculate the all-loop anomalous dimensions of current operators in λ\lambda-deformed σ\sigma-models. For the isotropic integrable deformation and for a semi-simple group GG we compute the anomalous dimensions using two different methods. In the first we use the all-loop effective action and in the second we employ perturbation theory along with the Callan-Symanzik equation and in conjunction with a duality-type symmetry shared by these models. Furthermore, using CFT techniques we compute the all-loop anomalous dimensions of bilinear currents for the isotropic deformation case and a general GG. Finally we work out the cases of anisotropic SU(2)SU(2) and the two coupling, corresponding to the symmetric coset G/HG/H and a subgroup HH, splitting of a group GG.Comment: 1+26 pages, Latex; v2: minor corrections; v3: few minor changes, NPB version; v4: clarifications in section 2.

    All-loop correlators of integrable λ\lambda-deformed σ\sigma-models

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    We compute the 2- and 3-point functions of currents and primary fields of λ\lambda-deformed integrable σ\sigma-models characterized also by an integer kk. Our results apply for any semisimple group GG, for all values of the deformation parameter λ\lambda and up to order 1/k1/k. We deduce the OPEs and equal-time commutators of all currents and primaries. We derive the currents' Poisson brackets which assume Rajeev's deformation of the canonical structure of the isotropic PCM, the underlying structure of the integrable λ\lambda-deformed σ\sigma-models. We also present analogous results in two limiting cases of special interest, namely for the non-Abelian T-dual of the PCM and for the pseudodual model.Comment: 30 pages plus appendices; v2: few minor changes, NPB versio

    Integrable flows between exact CFTs

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    We explicitly construct families of integrable σ\sigma-model actions smoothly interpolating between exact CFTs. In the ultraviolet the theory is the direct product of two current algebras at levels k1k_1 and k2k_2. In the infrared and for the case of two deformation matrices the CFT involves a coset CFT, whereas for a single matrix deformation it is given by the ultraviolet direct product theories but at levels k1k_1 and k2k1k_2-k_1. For isotropic deformations we demonstrate integrability. In this case we also compute the exact beta-function for the deformation parameters using gravitational methods. This is shown to coincide with previous results obtained using perturbation theory and non-perturbative symmetries.Comment: 1+27 pages, text improvements, version published in JHE

    The most general λ\lambda-deformation of CFTs and integrability

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    We show that the CFT with symmetry group Gk1×Gk2××GknG_{k_1}\times G_{k_2}\times \cdots \times G_{k_n} consisting of WZW models based on the same group GG, but at arbitrary integer levels, admits an integrable deformation depending on 2(n1)2(n-1) continuous parameters. We derive the all-loop effective action of the deformed theory and prove integrability. We also calculate the exact in the deformation parameters RG flow equations which can be put in a particularly simple compact form. This allows a full determination and classification of the fixed points of the RG flow, in particular those that are IR stable. The models under consideration provide concrete realizations of integrable flows between CFTs. We also consider non-Abelian T-duality type limits.Comment: 27 page

    Novel all loop actions of interacting CFTs: Construction, integrability and RG flows

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    We construct the all loop effective action representing, for small couplings, simultaneously self and mutually interacting current algebra CFTs realized by WZW models. This non-trivially generalizes our previous works where such interactions were, at the linear level, not simultaneously present. For the two coupling case we prove integrability and calculate the coupled RG flow equations. We also consider non-Abelian T-duality type limits. Our models provide concrete realisations of integrable flows between exact CFTs and exhibit several new features which we discuss in detail.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figures, typos corrected in version 2, version published in Nucl. Phys.

    Quantum aspects of doubly deformed CFTs

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    We study quantum aspects of the recently constructed doubly lambda-deformed sigma-models representing the effective action of two WZW models interacting via current bilinears. We show that although the exact beta-functions and current anomalous dimensions are identical to those of the lambda-deformed models, this is not true for the anomalous dimensions of generic primary field operators in accordance with the fact that the two models differ drastically. Our proofs involve CFT arguments, as well as effective sigma-model action and gravity calculations.Comment: 1+26 pages, Late