132 research outputs found

    An efficient null space-based Homomorphic MAC scheme against tag pollution attacks in RLNC

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    This letter proposes an efficient null space-based homomorphic message authentication code scheme providing resistance against tag pollution attacks in random linear network coding, where these attacks constitute a severe security threat. In contrast to data pollution attacks, where an adversary injects into the network corrupted packets, in tag pollution attacks the adversary corrupts (i.e. pollutes) tags appended to the end of the coded packets to prevent the destination nodes from decoding correctly. Our results show that the proposed scheme is more efficient compared to other competitive tag pollution immune schemes in terms of computational complexity

    An OAuth2-based protocol with strong user privacy preservation for smart city mobile e-Health apps

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    In the context of the Smart City concept, mobile e-Health applications can play a pivotal role towards the improvement of citizens’ quality of life, since they can enable citizens to access personalized e-Health services, without limitations on time and location. However, accessing personalized e-Health services through citizens’ mobile e-Health applications, running on their mobile devices, raises many privacy issues in terms of citizens’ identity and location. These privacy issues should be addressed so that citizens, concerned about privacy leakage, will embrace Smart City mobile e-Health applications and reap their benefits. Hence, in this paper we propose an OAuth2-based protocol with strong user privacy preservation that addresses these privacy issues. Our proposed protocol follows the OAuth2 protocol flow and integrates a pseudonym-based signature scheme and a delegation signature scheme into the user authentication phase of the OAuth2 protocol. The proposed protocol enables citizens authentication towards the servers providing personalized e-Health services, while preserving their privacy from malicious mobile applications and/or eavesdroppers. Moreover, the proposed protocol does not require to store sensitive information in the citizens’ mobile devices

    Analysis of the impact of denial of service attacks on centralized control in smart cities

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    The increasing threat of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks targeting Smart City systems impose unprecedented challenges in terms of service availability, especially against centralized control platforms due to their single point of failure issue. The European ARTEMIS co-funded project ACCUS (Adaptive Cooperative Control in Urban (sub) Systems) is focused on a centralized Integration and Coordination Platform (ICP) for urban subsystems to enable real-time collaborative applications across them and optimize their combined performance in Smart Cities. Hence, any outage of the ACCUS ICP, due to DoS attacks, can severely affect not only the interconnected subsystems but also the citizens. Consequently, it is of utmost importance for ACCUS ICP to be protected with the appropriate defense mechanisms against these attacks. Towards this direction, the measurement of the performance degradation of the attacked ICP server can be used for the selection of the most appropriate defense mechanisms. However, the suitable metrics are required to be defined. Therefore, this paper models and analyzes the impact of DoS attacks on the queue management temporal performance of the ACCUS ICP server in terms of system delay by using queueing theory

    A Lightweight Privacy-Preserving OAuth2-Based Protocol for Smart City Mobile Apps

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    In the forthcoming Smart City scenario, users' mobile applications will be of fundamental role towards supporting the envisioned functionalities and services. Mobile users, provided with a smartphone, will be capable of ubiquitously connecting to service providers through their installed mobile applications. However, this connection must be authenticated, which threatens the citizen privacy rights. Privacy-preserving mechanisms have already been proposed in the past; nevertheless, they are based on RSA groups or groups with bilinear pairings, which are inefficient in mobile devices due to its computational complexity. Thus, in this paper, we integrate a lightweight anonymous credential mechanism, suitable for computationally-limited mobile devices, into the user authentication phase of the OAuth2 protocol, which has become a de facto solution for user authentication in mobile applications. The proposed protocol enables citizen's authentication towards service providers, while preserving their privacy. Additionally, the protocol is compliant with the OAuth2 specification, which enables an easy integration in current mobile application implementations

    Profile Management System in Ubiquitous Healthcare Cloud Computing Environment

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    A shift from the doctor-centric model to a patient-centric model is required to face the challenges of the healthcare sector. The vision of patient-centric model can be materialized integrating ubiquitous healthcare and the notion of personalization in services. Cloud computing can be the underlying technology for ubiquitous healthcare. The use of profiles enables the personalization in healthcare services and the use of profile management systems facilitates the deployment of these services. In this paper, we propose a profile management system in ubiquitous healthcare cloud computing environment. The proposed system exploits the cloud computing technology and the smart card technology to increase the efficiency and the quality of the provided healthcare services in the context of the patient-centric model. Furthermore, we propose generic healthcare profile structures corresponding to the main classes of the participating entities in a ubiquitous healthcare cloud computing environment

    A null space-based MAC scheme against pollution attacks to random linear network coding

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    Network Coding has significantly shown the achievable throughput and robustness in wireless Networks. However, network coding-enabled networks are susceptible to pollution attacks where a small number of polluted messages will propagate due to recoding and corrupt bunches of legitimate messages. Several lightweight Homomorphic Message Authentication Code (HMAC) schemes have been proposed for protecting the transmitted data against pollution attacks; however, most of them are not appropriate for wireless networks or cannot resist tag pollution attacks. In this paper, we present a computationally efficient null space-based homomorphic MAC scheme, for network coding-enabled wireless networks. The proposed scheme makes use of two types of tags (i.e., MACs and D-MACs) to provide resistance against data pollution and tag pollution attacks. Furthermore, we demonstrate that due to its lightweight nature, our proposed scheme incurs a minimal complexity compared to other related schemes
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