8 research outputs found

    Do People with Type 2 Diabetes Think They are Unhealthy? A Cross-Sectional Study in Celaya, Mexico

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that presents a significant burden on health care systems in many countries. With the rise of obesity, the incidence of Type 2 diabetes has also been steadily increasing. A healthy lifestyle and understanding of diabetes management are important factors for delaying the onset of comorbidities associated with Type 2 diabetes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the self-perception of health in individuals with Type 2 diabetes as it relates to BMI status, which has important implications for the implementation of preventive programs. Methods: A cross-sectional lifestyle survey was implemented in the region of Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico, targeting 100 participants diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Anthropometric measurements and participant characteristics were also obtained. Fisher’s exact test was used to determine if the proportions of lifestyles perceptions differed by BMI status. Results:  Participants had a mean age of 56.12 ± 10.26, a mean BMI of 29.13 ± 5.48 kg/m2, were mostly married (67.0%), and female (70.0%). None of the normal weight participants perceived themselves as unhealthy. 95% of overweight/obese participants perceived themselves to be healthy, despite a diagnosis of diabetes and being overweight/obese, while only 5% perceived themselves to be unhealthy. However, these differences in the perceptions of health classified by BMI status were not statistically significant (p = 0.42).Conclusion: Our findings indicate that overweight and obese persons with Type 2 diabetes in Celaya, Mexico may have misperceptions about their own health, even though these findings were not statistically significant. These preliminary data highlight the importance of implementing prevention and educational programs among those with diabetes, in order to combat health misperceptions and raise awareness about the dangers of diabetes and obesity. Furthermore, more research with larger sample sizes is needed  in order to fully understand the effects of perception of health on actual health.

    Do People with Type 2 Diabetes Think They are Unhealthy? A Cross-Sectional Study in Celaya, Mexico

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that presents a significant burden on health care systems in many countries. With the rise of obesity, the incidence of Type 2 diabetes has also been steadily increasing. A healthy lifestyle and understanding of diabetes management are important factors for delaying the onset of comorbidities associated with Type 2 diabetes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the self-perception of health in individuals with Type 2 diabetes as it relates to BMI status, which has important implications for the implementation of preventive programs. Methods: A cross-sectional lifestyle survey was implemented in the region of Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico, targeting 100 participants diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Anthropometric measurements and participant characteristics were also obtained. Fisher’s exact test was used to determine if the proportions of lifestyles perceptions differed by BMI status. Results:  Participants had a mean age of 56.12 ± 10.26, a mean BMI of 29.13 ± 5.48 kg/m2, were mostly married (67.0%), and female (70.0%). None of the normal weight participants perceived themselves as unhealthy. 95% of overweight/obese participants perceived themselves to be healthy, despite a diagnosis of diabetes and being overweight/obese, while only 5% perceived themselves to be unhealthy. However, these differences in the perceptions of health classified by BMI status were not statistically significant (p = 0.42). Conclusion: Our findings indicate that overweight and obese persons with Type 2 diabetes in Celaya, Mexico may have misperceptions about their own health, even though these findings were not statistically significant. These preliminary data highlight the importance of implementing prevention and educational programs among those with diabetes, in order to combat health misperceptions and raise awareness about the dangers of diabetes and obesity. Furthermore, more research with larger sample sizes is needed  in order to fully understand the effects of perception of health on actual health

    Formación profesional y el desarrollo de capacidades de autocuidado, de estudiantes de Licenciatura en Enfermería

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    Background. Self-care require a complex set of behaviors focused on personal and intentional self-care, to make a decision on the state of health. Objective. To measure the relation between the degree of training and the capacity of developing self-care skills in nursing degree students. Methods. Correlational, cross-sectional study. 90 Nursing students from the Autonomous University of Nayarit were included in this study. Informed consent was obtained from participants. Data collection was performed with self-care capabilities (Cronbach’s alpha 0.92) instrument. Pearson r analysis (p 0.05) was found. Conclusions. Students have developed skills fairly self. This reflects that vocational training does not contribute significantly in this respect, by excessive academic load and activities do not allow meet the requirements of universal self-care.Antecedentes. El autocuidado requiere una compleja serie de conductas con enfoque personal e intencionado para tomar decisiones para la salud. Objetivo. Medir la relación entre el grado de formación profesional y el desarrollo de capacidades de autocuidado en estudiantes de Licenciatura en Enfermería. Metodos: Estudio correlacional, transversal. Se incluyeron 90 estudiantes de Licenciatura en Enfermería de la Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit, previo consentimiento informado por escrito. La recolección de datos se realizó con el instrumento Capacidades de Autocuidado (Alfa de Cronbach de 0.92). Análisis con r de Pearson (p0.05). Conclusiones. La formación profesional no contribuye significativamente en la formación de capacidades de autocuidado, por el exceso de carga académica y las actividades que no permiten satisfacer los requisitos de autocuidado universales

    Validity and reliability of electroacoustic probe for diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip

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    Abstract Background Sound transmission is used in the diagnosis of hip dysplasia since the end of the 80’s. Aim of this study is to quantify the validity and reliability of electroacoustic probe for the diagnosis of hip dysplasia in neonates. Methods Diagnostic study included neonates aged 4–28 days, whose parents signed an informed consent. The probe was used three times for comparative sound transmission and with extension/flexion; hip ultrasound was performed with Graf technique as gold standard. Kappa was determined for intraobserver and interobserver reliability; validity was calculated with sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values. Results 100 neonates were included. For the comparative sound transmission, 0.80 and 0.81 Kappa were obtained for the intraobserver and interobserver respectively; with extension/flexion, Kappa 0.98 and 0.95 were obtained for the intraobserver and interobserver respectively. With comparative sound transmission, 44.8%, 97.7%, 76.5% and 91.3% for sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, respectively; with extension/flexion test, the sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values: 82.8%, 99.4%, 96.0%, and 97.1%, respectively. Conclusion The electroacoustic probe is moderate valid and reliable for the diagnosis of developmental dysplasia of the hip. Trial registration Open Science framework https://osf.io/kpf5s/?view_only=0a9682c6w1c842ad8e1d9a66e8dcf03

    Mercado Laboral de Enfermería en el Estado de Guanajuato Mercado Laboral de Enfermería en el Estado de Guanajuato

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    A descriptive, prospective and transversal type investigation was undertaken in order to identify the needs of the nursing labor market. The study shows the characteristics of the nursing labor market in the state of Guanajuato, referred to the potential and actual demands of this working force in the principal hiring institutions, their requirements on training skills and the potential working areas. The findings demonstrate a rising demand for the undergraduate nursing degree in the private health services institutions, civil associations, companies and educational services, it is worthwhile noting the demand for the specialization within the nursing field. The hiring perspectives in the studied institutions are focused towards general nurses and the undergraduate nursing degree. As far as the required profile by the DES-E of the University, the nursing graduates are up to the requirements.Con el objeto de identificar las necesidades del mercado laboral para Enfermería, se realizó una investigación de tipo descriptivo, prospectivo y transversal. El estudio muestra las características del Mercado Laboral de Enfermería en el Estado de Guanajuato, referidas a la demanda real y potencial de este personal en las principales instituciones empleadoras, sus requerimientos sobre la formación y las áreas actuales y potenciales de desempeño. Entrelos principales hallazgos resaltan el aumento de la demanda potencial para el nivel licenciatura en las instituciones de servicios de salud privados, asociaciones civiles, empresas productoras de bienes y de servicios educativos, haciéndose notoria la diversificación del campo de trabajo de la profesión de enfermería, tanto por tipo de institución como por servicios a atender. Las perspectivas de contratación en las instituciones estudiadas se enfocan hacia los niveles de formación de Enfermera General y Licenciada en Enfermería. En relación al perfil requerido, los egresados de la DES-E cubren estos requerimientos

    Retos del espacio habitable, sostenible y la movilidad

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    La discusión del diseño y su objetivo de lograr espacios habitables es la temática principal de este libro a partir de 3 ópticas generales, la habitabilidad, la sustentabilidad y la movilidad; que engloban la práctica, la investigación y la propuesta para hacer de este espacio vital, uno con características que lo transformen en uno habitable para sus ocupantes quienes de manera importante les dan sentido y razón de ser a través de su interacción en ellos y con la demás gente