31 research outputs found

    Protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN22 regulates LFA-1 dependent Th1 responses

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    A missense C1858T single nucleotide polymorphism within PTPN22 is a strong genetic risk factor for the development of multiple autoimmune diseases. PTPN22 encodes a protein tyrosine phosphatase that negatively regulates immuno-receptor proximal Src and Syk family kinases. Notably, PTPN22 negatively regulates kinases downstream of T-cell receptor (TCR) and LFA-1, thereby setting thresholds for T-cell activation. Alterations to the quality of TCR and LFA-1 engagement at the immune synapse and the regulation of downstream signals can have profound effects on the type of effector T-cell response induced. Here we describe how IFNγ+ Th1 responses are potentiated in Ptpn22−/− T-cells and in T-cells from mice expressing Ptpn22R619W (the mouse orthologue of the human genetic variant) as they age, or following repeated immune challenge, and explore the mechanisms contributing to the expansion of Th1 cells. Specifically, we uncover two LFA-1-ICAM dependent mechanisms; one T-cell intrinsic, and one T-cell extrinsic. Firstly, we found that in vitro anti-CD3/LFA-1 induced Th1 responses were enhanced in Ptpn22−/− T-cells compared to WT, whereas anti-CD3/anti-CD28 induced IFNy responses were similar. These data were associated with an enhanced ability of Ptpn22−/− T-cells to engage ICAM-1 at the immune synapse when incubated on planar lipid bilayers, and to form conjugates with dendritic cells. Secondly, we observed a T-cell extrinsic mechanism whereby repeated stimulation of WT OT-II T-cells with LPS and OVA323-339 pulsed Ptpn22−/− bone marrow derived dendritic cells (BMDCs) was sufficient to enhance Th1 cell development compared to WT BMDCs. Furthermore, this response could be reversed by LFA-1 blockade. Our data point to two related but distinct mechanisms by which PTPN22 regulates LFA-1 dependent signals to enhance Th1 development, highlighting how perturbations to PTPN22 function over time to regulate the balance of the immune response

    Primed T Cell Responses to Chemokines Are Regulated by the Immunoglobulin-Like Molecule CD31

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    CD31, an immunoglobulin-like molecule expressed by leukocytes and endothelial cells, is thought to contribute to the physiological regulation T cell homeostasis due to the presence of two immunotyrosine-based inhibitory motifs in its cytoplasmic tail. Indeed, loss of CD31 expression leads to uncontrolled T cell-mediated inflammation in a variety of experimental models of disease and certain CD31 polymorphisms correlate with increased disease severity in human graft-versus-host disease and atherosclerosis. The molecular mechanisms underlying CD31-mediated regulation of T cell responses have not yet been clarified. We here show that CD31-mediated signals attenuate T cell chemokinesis both in vitro and in vivo. This effect selectively affects activated/memory T lymphocytes, in which CD31 is clustered on the cell membrane where it segregates to the leading edge. We provide evidence that this molecular segregation, which does not occur in naïve T lymphocytes, might lead to cis-CD31 engagement on the same membrane and subsequent interference with the chemokine-induced PI3K/Akt signalling pathway. We propose that CD31-mediated modulation of memory T cell chemokinesis is a key mechanism by which this molecule contributes to the homeostatic regulation of effector T cell immunity

    Tissue Specific Deletion of Inhibitor of Kappa B Kinase 2 with OX40-Cre Reveals the Unanticipated Expression from the OX40 Locus in Skin Epidermis

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    NF-κB signalling plays an essential role in T cell activation and generation of regulatory and memory populations in vivo. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the role of NF-κB signalling in post-activation T cells using tissue specific ablation of inhibitor of kappa-B kinase 2 expression, an important component of the inhibitor of kappa-B kinase complex in canonical NF-κB signalling. The OX40 antigen is expressed on activated T cells. Therefore, we used previously described mouse strain expressing Cre recombinase from the endogenous OX40 locus. Ablation of IKK2 expression using OX40Cre mice resulted in the development of an inflammatory response in the skin epidermis causing wide spread skin lesions. The inflammatory response was characterised by extensive leukocytic infiltrate in skin tissue, hyperplasia of draining lymph nodes and widespread activation in the T cell compartment. Surprisingly, disease development did not depend on T cells but was rather associated with an unanticipated expression of Cre in skin epidermis, and activation of the T cell compartment did not require Ikbk2 deletion in T cells. Employment of Cre reporter strains revealed extensive Cre activity in skin epidermis. Therefore, development of skin lesions was rather more likely explained by deletion of Ikbk2 in skin keratinocytes in OX40Cre mice

    Influence of obesity-related risk factors in the aetiology of glioma

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity and related factors have been implicated as possible aetiological factors for the development of glioma in epidemiological observation studies. We used genetic markers in a Mendelian randomisation framework to examine whether obesity-related traits influence glioma risk. This methodology reduces bias from confounding and is not affected by reverse causation. METHODS: Genetic instruments were identified for 10 key obesity-related risk factors, and their association with glioma risk was evaluated using data from a genome-wide association study of 12,488 glioma patients and 18,169 controls. The estimated odds ratio of glioma associated with each of the genetically defined obesity-related traits was used to infer evidence for a causal relationship. RESULTS: No convincing association with glioma risk was seen for genetic instruments for body mass index, waist-to-hip ratio, lipids, type-2 diabetes, hyperglycaemia or insulin resistance. Similarly, we found no evidence to support a relationship between obesity-related traits with subtypes of glioma-glioblastoma (GBM) or non-GBM tumours. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides no evidence to implicate obesity-related factors as causes of glioma

    Functional antibody and T-cell immunity following SARS-CoV-2 infection, including by variants of concern, in patients with cancer: the CAPTURE study

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    Patients with cancer have higher COVID-19 morbidity and mortality. Here we present the prospective CAPTURE study (NCT03226886) integrating longitudinal immune profiling with clinical annotation. Of 357 patients with cancer, 118 were SARS-CoV-2-positive, 94 were symptomatic and 2 patients died of COVID-19. In this cohort, 83% patients had S1-reactive antibodies, 82% had neutralizing antibodies against WT, whereas neutralizing antibody titers (NAbT) against the Alpha, Beta, and Delta variants were substantially reduced. Whereas S1-reactive antibody levels decreased in 13% of patients, NAbT remained stable up to 329 days. Patients also had detectable SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells and CD4+ responses correlating with S1-reactive antibody levels, although patients with hematological malignancies had impaired immune responses that were disease and treatment-specific, but presented compensatory cellular responses, further supported by clinical. Overall, these findings advance the understanding of the nature and duration of immune response to SARS-CoV-2 in patients with cancer

    Expression of Transcription Factor AML-2 (RUNX3, CBFα-3) Is Induced by Epstein-Barr Virus EBNA-2 and Correlates with the B-Cell Activation Phenotype

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    To identify cell proteins regulated by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) transcription factor EBNA-2, we analyzed a cell line with conditional EBNA-2 activity by using microarray expression profiling. This led to the identification of two novel target genes induced by EBNA-2. The first of these, interleukin-16, is an immunomodulatory cytokine involved in the regulation of CD4 T cells. The second, AML-2, is a member of the Runt domain family of transcription factors. Quiescent B cells initially expressed AML-1 but, 48 h after virus infection, the levels of AML-1 decreased dramatically, whereas the amount of AML-2 protein increased. Analysis of a panel of B-cell lines indicated that AML-2 expression is normally predominant in EBV latency III, whereas AML-1 is associated with EBV latency I or EBV-negative cells. The AML genes are the first example of cell transcription factors whose expression correlates with the latency I/III phenotype

    Skin pathology in <i>OX40<sup>Cre</sup> Ikbk2<sup>fx/fx</sup></i> mice is associated with TNF production and increased apoptosis.

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    <p>(A) Confocal images of skins sections from 12–16 week old mice of the indicated strain were analysed for EYFP expression (green), stained with DAPI (blue) and for expression of TNF (red). White scale bar indicates 10 µm size. (B) Apoptosis was assessed in skin sections from <i>OX40<sup>Cre</sup> Ikbk2<sup>fx/fx</sup> and OX40<sup>Cre</sup> Ikbk2<sup>fx/wt</sup></i> mice by TUNNEL assay and counterstained with eosin. Light microscopy was performed at 10× magnification.</p

    <i>OX40<sup>Cre</sup> Ikbk2<sup>fx/fx</sup></i> mice exhibit skin epidermis hyperplasia.

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    <p>(A) Images show skin sections from 12–16 wk old mice of the indicated strain stained with H&E and taken at 10× magnification. White dotted line indicates the border between dermis and epidermis. (B) Confocal images of skins sections from 12–16 week old mice of the indicated mice stained for expression of CD45, cytokeratin 5 or cytokeratin 6 (red) and counter stained with DAPI. White scale bar indicates 10 µm size. Data are representative of 3 independent experiments and at least two mice per strain experiment.</p