22 research outputs found

    Opportunities for environmental sustainability in dentistry

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    Introduction: Life on Earth is at risk due to human activity. It is estimated that daily the world generates 3.5 million tons of plastic and other solid waste. The sea levels are rising, the pH level of the oceans is decreasing, deforestation is the main cause for the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Acknowledging these facts businesses, including dental practices, can make decisions for reducing the consequences on the climate.Aim: The aim of the present study is to examine the types of materials and methods contributing to the development of sustainable and resource-efficient dental practices.Materials and Methods: For the period September 2021–February 2022, in the available database (PubMed, BioMed Central, ScienceDirect, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase), a systematic analysis of scientific publications investigating the ecologically friendly resources methods used in dentistry was conducted.Results: In recent years, technology has developed rapidly, thus allowing the replacement of obsolete with new environmentally friendly methods. It is now possible to use computer technologies, new materials, and approaches in the treatment.Conclusion: It has been concluded from the conducted research that it is required to use sustainable materials and methods in dentistry. The correct approach and patient instruction aid in reducing the negative impact on the environment

    Stress-tolerance tests and postprandial low-grade inflammation response

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    Both tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF alpha) and interleukin 6 (IL-6) are considered as proinflammatory cytokines which display marked daily and postprandial variations. The low grade inflammation is known to contribute to the development of certain states such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and related disorders. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) has been applied to diagnose diabetes and is widely used to estimate the insulin sensitivity in the postprandial phase. Application of tolerance tests with high lipid content such as oral lipid tolerance test (OLTT), high-fat meal (HFM) and mixed meal tests are informative for the metabolic response to complex diets. Postprandial hyperlipidemia and hyperglycemia are important and residual risk factors especially in patients with diabetes mellitus and related metabolic disturbances. There are data suggesting that low grade inflammation could be mediated by hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia. The aim of the review is to summarize how different challenge tests influence the postprandial circulation levels of IL-6 and TNF alpha

    Mechanisms of Cyanotoxin Toxicity—Carcinogenicity, Anticancer Potential, and Clinical Toxicology

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    Cyanoprokaryotes are distributed worldwide and they produce various bioactive compounds, including cyanotoxins. The major route of human exposure to cyanotoxins is the oral intake by using contaminated drinking water, by incidental intake of contaminated water during recreational and professional activities, and by consuming contaminated food or dietary supplements prepared from cyanobacteria. The prolonged chronic exposure to low concentrations of cyanotoxins provokes cell damage and may increase the risk for cancer development. Due to the variety of cyanotoxin chemical structures, different mechanisms of their toxic effects are known. At the same time, some of the natural compounds produced by cyanoprokaryotes have anticancer potential and are promising sources for the development of novel drugs. This chapter is dedicated to the target mechanisms behind the effects of the widely distributed cyanotoxins with an impact on human health, microcystins, nodularins, and cylindrospermopsin

    Bacterial pulmonary colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis patients

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    Introduction: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the most common life-limiting autosomal recessive condition in Caucasians. Lung damage is the main determinant of morbidity and mortality. The most important factor for chronic lung infection is the colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Aim: Understanding the nature of the infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its factors of virulence and compiling statistics on age-related bacterial pulmonary colonization in patients with cystic fibrosis in Expert Center-Varna.Methods: Review of the medical literature and microbiological examination (sputum specimen, oropharyngeal swabs, BAL) of patients with cystic fibrosis at the Expert Center-Varna.Results: With increasing age of the patient with cystic fibrosis there has also been an increase in the rate of pulmonary colonization with Pseudomonas aeruginosa - up to 85% in patients over 18 years of age.Conclusion: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is largely responsible for morbidity and mortality in chronically infected cystic fibrosis patients. Therefore, prevention and early diagnosis are vital to the prognosis of these patients

    New developments in the diagnostics of celiac disease in children

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    Gluten enteropathy (or celiac disease) is the most common genetically related nutritional intolerance worldwide. Celiac disease is a multifactorial, autoimmune disease, which is observed in genetically predisposed individuals. It affects both children and adults leading to an atrophy of the small bowel mucosa of a varying degree. The article outlines the conclusion of the last guidelines on the topic. Finally, a summary and a conclusion on the topic are presented

    Challenge tests and their application in nutrition research to investigate phenotypic flexibility

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    От гледна точка на метаболизма оптималното здраве се характеризира като способността на организма да поддържа и възстановява хомеостаза в непрекъснато променящата се околна среда и особено в отговор на широк спектър от стресови фактори. Капацитетът на организма да се адаптира във времето и пространството към всички променливи, особено към вариациите в диетата, се нарича `фенотипна пластичност`. Проследяването на метаболитните промени в биологични проби в хода на стрес тестове би предоставило информация за способността на организма да се справя с ежедневните промени в храненето. Стрес тестове, базирани на суплементиране с въглехидрати, липиди, протеини и/или комбинация от тях, се използват в клиничната практика за диагностика на метаболитни нарушения. Общото в тях е, че те водят до временно нарушаване на хомеостазата на тялото. Степента на нарушенията и скоростта, с която се възстановява хомеостазата, се използват като индикатори за здравния статус. Счита се, че нормалният глюкозен толеранс е показател за добра фенотипна пластичност. Оралният глюкозотолерантен тест (ОГТТ) е най-често прилаганият стрес тест, използван от десетилетия за диагностициране на диабет. Въпреки че триглицеридите на гладно са независим рисков фактор за някои заболявания, редица автори предлагат проследяването на постпрандиалните им нива и промяната в метаболитите в хода на приложен орален липидотолерантнен тест (ОЛТТ) за по-точна диагностика. Настоящото проучване разглежда възможността и потенциала на ОГТТ, ОЛТТ, тестове със смесено хранене и техни вариации да бъдат използвани като индикатори за оценка на фенотипната пластичност при проучвания в областта на храненето и оценка на здравния статус на индивида.From a metabolic point of view, the optimum health is the ability of the organism to maintain and regain homeostasis in ever-changing environmental conditions and to a wide spectrum of stressors. The capacity of the organism to adapt to all the variables, especially to the dietary variations is called `phenotypic flexibility`. Metabolic profiling of biological samples during a challenge response phase should offer a profound view on the flexibility of a phenotype to cope with daily stressors. Stress tests based on supplementation with carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and/or combination aim temporary disturbance of body`s homeostasis. Clinical diagnostics takes advantage of such tests using them to detect metabolic impairment. The degree of disturbance and the rate of recover are indicative for the health status. The normal glucose tolerance is considered as a sign for a good phenotypic flexibility. The oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) is the most commonly used stress test and has been applied in diabetes diagnosis for decades. Although the fasting triacylglycerol levels are an independent risk factor for certain conditions, some authors suggest measuring the postprandial levels of metabolites with an oral lipid tolerance test (OLTT) for more precise diagnostics. Thus current study explores the possible application and potential of OGTT, OLTT, mixed-meal challenge and combination of them to assess phenotypic flexibility in nutrition research and to evaluate individual`s health status.

    Metabolite Profile and Antioxidant Activity of Some Species of Genus Scutellaria Growing in Bulgaria

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    Until now, the interest to plants from genus Scutellaria in Bulgaria has been focused mainly on the terpenes in them. The purpose of this study is to enrich the information on the composition of the Bulgarian Scutellaria species in terms of both polyphenolic content as well as primary metabolites such as mono-, oligosaccharides and organic acids. An aerial part of three Scutellaria species growing in four low mountain regions of Southern Bulgaria was used. The flavonoids scutellarin, baicalin, baicalein, wogonin, wogonoside, luteolin, chrysin and a caffeoyl phenylethanoid glycoside-verbascoside have been identified via HPLC in different extracts from Scutellaria altissima, Scutellaria albida and Scutellaria galericulata. The antioxidant activity of the extracts has been evaluated. The Scutellaria altissima from Mezek and Scutellaria galericulata from Parvenets we studied, which are the richest in flavonoids (represented mainly by baicalin, scutellarin and wogonoside), show the highest Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity. Hydroxyl Radical Averting Capacity of Scutellaria albida from Mezek and Scutellaria altissima from Bachkovo is the most pronounced, probably due to the content of scutellarin and luteolin and chrysin, respectively. Antioxidant activity of aqueous, methanolic and 70% and 96% ethanol extracts were also determined by the electrochemical method

    Metabolite Profile and Antioxidant Activity of Some Species of Genus Scutellaria Growing in Bulgaria

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    Until now, the interest to plants from genus Scutellaria in Bulgaria has been focused mainly on the terpenes in them. The purpose of this study is to enrich the information on the composition of the Bulgarian Scutellaria species in terms of both polyphenolic content as well as primary metabolites such as mono-, oligosaccharides and organic acids. An aerial part of three Scutellaria species growing in four low mountain regions of Southern Bulgaria was used. The flavonoids scutellarin, baicalin, baicalein, wogonin, wogonoside, luteolin, chrysin and a caffeoyl phenylethanoid glycoside-verbascoside have been identified via HPLC in different extracts from Scutellaria altissima, Scutellaria albida and Scutellaria galericulata. The antioxidant activity of the extracts has been evaluated. The Scutellaria altissima from Mezek and Scutellaria galericulata from Parvenets we studied, which are the richest in flavonoids (represented mainly by baicalin, scutellarin and wogonoside), show the highest Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity. Hydroxyl Radical Averting Capacity of Scutellaria albida from Mezek and Scutellaria altissima from Bachkovo is the most pronounced, probably due to the content of scutellarin and luteolin and chrysin, respectively. Antioxidant activity of aqueous, methanolic and 70% and 96% ethanol extracts were also determined by the electrochemical method

    In silico study of the toxicity of hyperforin and its metabolites

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    St. John’s wort is a medicinal herb well-known for its antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, antimycotic, and wound-healing properties. Hyperforin, the major phloroglucinol derivative, has been implicated as one of the main contributors to these therapeutic effects. Because of its high reactivity, this phytochemical can cause various adverse effects, such as allergic reactions, dizziness, dry mouth, and fatigue. To predict critical parameters of hyperforin’s possible behavior after oral administration, in silico methods were applied. The pharmacokinetic profile, bioactivity, and toxicity of the phytochemical were analyzed by applying Molinspiration cheminformatics, SwissADME, PreADME/Tox, and OECD QSAR Toolbox software. The results showed adequate absorption, a high affinity for plasma proteins, and a prolonged renal excretion of the acylphloroglucinol. The high metabolic activity, a reason for potential cyto- and genotoxicity, and the predicted carcinogenicity and mutagenicity of hyperforin, necessitate further in vitro and in vivo tests

    Stock dynamics and predator-prey effects of bonito and bluefish as top predators in the Black Sea

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    This study uses surplus production model based methods for data-poor stocks (BSM and CMSY) to assess the stocks and estimate key reference points of bonito and bluefish in the Black Sea. Our results demonstrate that the CMSY method, using catch data only, yields similar results to the more accurate BSM method, fitted with CPUE data, and therefore is suitable in assessing of data-poor stocks. We explore the ecological impacts of the two stocks on other commercial species and compare impacts of predation and fishing. Prior to 1995, the consumption of bonito and bluefish on anchovy, horse mackerel, and sprat, exceeded the removal of those prey species by the fisheries. Later on, the trends reversed, with catches of prey species becoming more than three times higher than their predation by bonito and bluefish. Horse mackerel, the main prey of bluefish has declined to critical levels since 1995, which is likely contributing to the general decline of bluefish, along with overfishing. Our results demonstrate, that heavy fishing of bonito and bluefish, have contributed to their current depleted states. The biomass trajectories of the two stocks display regime shift-likedynamics. Due to the present steady positioning of low stock regimes, the recovery of the two stocks, would need decisive and possibly prolonged measures, including reduction of fishing pressure, efficient control of under-sized catch, as well as insuring sufficient prey biomass availability, by keeping small pelagic prey stocks at safe levels