46 research outputs found

    Research Infrastructure Megaproject (RIMPS) management in an ecosystem perspective

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    As the economic, technological and social challenges of creating national and regional competitiveness have become increasingly difficult to address in a valuable way, growth-friendly factors like research infrastructure need to be exploited in their full capacity and capabilities. This paper outlines the principal characteristics of megaprojects in the field of research infrastructure in an ecosystem perspective. The paper is considered to be an empirically informing positioning paper that seeks to encapsulate the success factors required for RIMPs. The analysis of the RIMPs is based on a range of methods (deduction, synthesis, case study analysis; systemic and holistic approaches) used in order to address the issues under examination. The paper discusses the role of research infrastructure megaprojects for creating the European Research Area and boosting the innovation potential of the European economy. The well-defined profile of RIMPs with clear understanding of their specific characteristics, considered within the ecosystem framework, are the most important precondition for successful project management. research limitations in this paper are predetermined by the lack of comprehensive analyses in the field of RIs, comparing different practices and national models and discussing the challenges for their effective management

    Wirtschaftliche Verhältnisse zwischen Bulgarien und Jugoslawien in der Periode 1944-48 und die Idee der Gründung einer Gemeinsamen Föderation auf der Balkanhalbinsel

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    Ein Meilenstein in der Entwicklung der Beziehungen zwischen Bulgarien und Jugoslawien, zwischen der Bulgarischen Arbeiterpartei (Kommunisten) (BKP (k)) und der Kommunistischen Partei Jugoslawiens (KPJ) nach dem Regierungsstürz von 9. September 1944 war der Versuch, einen Bündnisvertrag zu schließen, welcher zur Gründung einer Föderation der südslawischen Völker führen sollte. Dieser sollte der Errichtung einer bedeutsamen staatlichen Vereinigung dienen, gestützt auf der Sowjetunion, welche durch ihr zunehmendes wirtschaftliches und militärisches Potential in der Lage sein würde, sich effektiver an der Endphase des Krieges zum Sieg über NS-Deutschland zu beteiligen, sowie gegen die Pläne von Großbritannien und den Vereinigten Staaten auf dem Balkan entgegenzutreten. Der Bündnisvertrag sollte die internationale Position von Bulgarien stärken, die Durchsetzung der volksdemokratischen Macht von den Vaterländischn Front


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    Although it is widely recognized that simulations based on particular scenarios are the best Measures of Force Effectiveness (MoFE) and Measures of Command and Control Systems (C2) Effectiveness (MoCE), a generalized assessment of the entire C2 system or certain it’s parameters for particular practical and research purposes is required. Current report presents a screening method for C2 expert assessment, built on the basis of a detailed analysis of the Doctrine of the Bulgarian armed forces in its chapter "Leadership, command and control of the armed forces". The Measures of Performance (MoP), namely the focus on internal system structure, characteristics and behaviour and the Dimensional Parameters (DP) - the focus on the properties or characteristics inherent in the physical C2 systems are used as underlying, intrinsic principles. The purpose of constructing and applying the method is to present a general rough picture of the state of C2 and to mark the areas of its strengths and weaknesses. Through changes in the instruction and in certain items, the questionnaire can be applied to different contexts. The separate structural blocks of the questionnaire assess aspects of the three levels of commands and the complex capabilities of their bodies, the practical and technical parameters of the available Communication and Information system (CIS), etc. After a validation process, the method can be used as a convenient tool for educational, scientific and practical purposes

    Staff-related disclosures as an element of social policies on the model of Bulgarian black sea hotels

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    The main aim of the study is to analyse published information on staff-related social policies on the websites and in the annual financial statements of enterprises that manage hotels and provide hotel services in the territory of Varna and Burgas Black Sea regions in Bulgaria. In addition, analysed are some factors that impact disclosures in the financial statements of enterprises. The adopted research methods are the logical, deductive and comparative methods, as well as the methods of analysis and synthesis. To verify the author's hypotheses the IBM – SPSS Statistics software, ver. 19 has been used. The main results of the study show that the analysed hotel enterprises disclose scarce or no information on staff related data and social policies on their websites or in their financial statements. Disclosures mainly focus on compliance with legal requirements and they are most significantly influenced by available audit control and selected accounting basis. This could lead to asymmetry in the data, lowering the prestige of the organisation, problems with recruitment of qualified staff and unjustified economic decisions by data user

    A study of social policies based on the example of the Bulgarian hotels on the Black Sea coast

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    Research background: The implications of globalisation for social policy have been highly debated at the specialised literature. Social policies as an element of corporate responsibility reports (CSR) is neglected compared to environmental information. This can have a negative effect on the sustainability and development of industries directly dependent on their staff. Such sector in Bulgaria is the tourism where at the national level, the main challenge is the adequate parallel development of human resources as they underlie tourist product construction and development. Purpose of the article: The main aim of the study is to analyse factors that impact on the disclosed staff-related social policies at the financial statements of hotel enterprises in the territory of Varna and Burgas Black Sea regions in Bulgaria. The factors under analyses are the size of the organisation, available external audit control, available foreign participation in the capital, applicable accounting standards, accounted result (profit or loss); enterprise category. Methods: The adopted research methods are logical, deductive and comparative methods, methods of analysis and synthesis. To verify the author hypotheses the IBM – SPSS Statistics software is used. Findings & Value added: The results of the study show that comparatively high percentage of the enterprises do not publish staff-related information. This could lead to harmful effects to globalisation based on asymmetry in the data, problems with recruitment of qualified staff, unjustified economic decisions by data users. From all factors, under review, the strongest calculated statistic relationship is between the external audit control and staff-related disclosures

    Creatine kinase activity in dogs with experimentally induced acute inflammation

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    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of acute inflammation on total creatine kinase (CK) activity in dogs. In these animals, CK is an enzyme found predominantly in skeletal muscle and significantly elevated serum activity is largely associated with muscle damage. Plasma increases in dogs are associated with cell membrane leakage and will therefore be seen in any condition associated with muscular inflammation. The study was induced in 15 mongrel male dogs (n=9 in experimental group and n=6 in control group) at the age of two years and body weight 12-15 kg. The inflammation was reproduced by inoculation of 2 ml turpentine oil subcutaneously in lumbar region. The plasma activity of creatine kinase was evaluated at 0, 6, 24, 48, 72 hours after inoculation and on days 7, 14 and 21 by a kit from Hospitex Diagnostics. In the experimental group, the plasma concentrations of the CK-activity were increased at the 48th hour (97.48±6.92 U/L) and remained significantly higher (p<0.05) at the 72 hour (97.43±2.93 U/L) compared to the control group (77.08±5.27 U/L). The results of this study suggest that the evaluation of creatine kinase in dogs with experimentally induced acute inflammation has a limited diagnostic value. It was observed that the creatine kinase activity is slightly affected by the experimentally induced acute inflammation in dogs

    Глобалните вериги на стойността в селското стопанство по примера на Българските земеделски производители

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    Политическата и здравна обстановка в националени глобален аспект доведе до силната зависимост на Европа от чужди пазари, най-вече в ключови сектори като земеделието. Визия на Европейският съюз е развитието на местни вериги за създаване на стойност, с цел да се създадат по-тесни връзки между селските и градските общности. В този контекст възможностите на технологиите за изкуствен интелект са перспективата за развитие на селското стопанство и веригата за доставка на храни. По отношение на веригата за доставки ЕС очертава необходимост от иновации (например в прецизно земеделие), чрез които да се намалят „високите разходи“ при разработването и употребата на някои технологии. Основна цел на настоящата разработка е да се проучат нагласите на български земеделски производители относно прилагането на иновации, като фактор за участието им в глобална верига на стойността. Възприетите изследователски методи се основават на логическия, дедуктивния и сравнителен методи, както и на методите на анализ и синтез. За целите на емпиричното изследване са осъществени индивидуални, дълбочинни, неструктурирани интервюта на земеделски производители в България. Резултатите от интервютата са показателни за това, че българските земеделски производители, обект на анализ, произвеждат продукция в количество достатъчно за местния пазар, поради което те нямат необходимост да участват във глобална верига на стойността. Съществува обаче липса на осведоменост относно ползите от внедряването на иновации и ефективността в дългосрочен план от участието на производителите в глобалните вериги. Основни бариери пред въвеждане на иновации са липсата на финансов ресурс, липсата на „необходимост“ или липсата на достатъчно компетенции за използването им. Очертаните препоръки в края на разработката са насочени към конкретни предложения относно увеличаване на информираността по проблематиката, предлагане на нововъведения и дигитални инструменти, които да са съобразени с нивото на дигитални компетенции и умения на земеделските производители. В допълнение е необходимо и предлаганите на пазара технологии и иновативни решения да бъдат съобразени с потребностите на микро, малките и средни стопанства, така че те да са достъпни и ефективни за производителите

    Prevalence of dental decay and periodontal diseases among children suffering from congenital heart diseases. A literature review - part III

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    Congenital heart diseases (CHDs) are known to be related to structural and developmental disturbances of teeth, such as anodontia, microdontia, enamel hypoplasia, affected normal form of teeth. A recent research points out that enamel and dentin of primary teeth of children with CHD are structurally and chemically altered, with low calcium and phosphorus levels.Tooth decay and periodontal diseases have low morbidity rates, but they both have high prevalence and cause oral pain. They are risk factors for other systemic complications, most likely in children. Children with CHD are at higher risk of complications, because their main disease may worsen due to oral diseases. The main risk is life-threatening systemic conditions such as infectious endocarditis and brain abscess, caused by odontogenic bacteremia.The available information, concerning oral manifestations and specifics in the dental clinics and prophylaxis of children with CHD, is still scarce and insufficient despite the social significance of this problem

    Prevalence of dental decay and periodontal diseases among children suffering from congenital heart diseases. A literature review - part II

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    Dental decay is one of the most prevalent chronic and infectious diseases for mankind. It is defined as `a dynamic process, taking place in the tooth bacterial biofilm (plaque), which results in a disturbance of equilibrium between tooth substance and the surrounding plaque fluid and finally results in a loss of minerals from the tooth surface - demineralisation.` Fluoride plays an important role in dental decay prevention and stimulates self-healing of minor cavities by reducing the demineralisation process and promoting the remineralization process. Remineralisation occurs frequently, especially when the biofilm pH is restored by saliva, which acts as a buffer. The adequate salivary production is of great importance for maintaining a normal physiology in the oral cavity.It is known that children with congenital heart disease (CHD) frequently require regular long-term medication, but the knowledge of oral health effects caused by long-term medication in medically compromised children is sparse. Many medications used on a long-term basis may contain sugar, have a low pH or high acidity. There is a strong correlation between xerostomia and pharmacological treatment and a number of drugs have been listed as xerogenic. These drugs include ones with a directly damaging to salivary glands function, such as cytotoxic drugs, medications with anticholinergic activity, drugs which deplete fluid as diuretics, and drugs acting on the sympathetic system, like antihypertensive drugs. Only a few clinical studies have been carried out on the outcome of salivary function with antihypertensive drugs, and the outcome is not clear-cut.A number of studies have been carried out on the caries prevalence in children with CHD but only five of them were controlled. Children with CHD had higher mean values of dmft /DMFT indices than healthy children and only a few of them had experienced fillings, indicating an unmet need for operative treatment

    Awareness of the visitors of solar studios in Varna and Dobrich about the health risks from their use

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    Bulgaria is one of the countries with the highest number of cases of skin cancer worldwide. The consequences of intensive exposure to UV radiation are an important health and social issue. Artificial indoor tanning has been offered widely during the last years and this has lead to plenty of discussions mainly related to the risks of the uncontrolled offer of such services, and to the need of safety and health regulations. The purpose of the study is to determine the levels of health risk awareness amongst the clients of solar studios in Varna and Dobrich. A survey was conducted involving 116 people of which 97 women and 19 men. According to the results, only 57.9% have been informed by a cosmetician. Only 70% of the clients have been given regularly instructions for the use of the solarium. Almost one quarter of the participants in the survey stated that they chose a solar studio because of the radiation parameters. More than 50% of the interviewed exposed to artificial UV radiation the zones of their bodies with pigmentary formations while 55.3% of the clients of artificial tan studios naturally have light skin, which means they are exposed to a higher risk of malignant new formations. Based on these results, activities aimed at raising the population`s awareness about the effects of UV radiation and about protection measures, as well as at building habits of safe behavior when using artificial UV radiation sources, should be planned and implemented