182 research outputs found

    The EU Emissions Trading System and Climate Policy towards 2050: Real incentives to reduce emissions and drive innovation? CEPS Special Reports, 12 January 2011

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    With the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) now entering in its seventh year of operation, this report takes stock of the largest multi-sector greenhouse gas trading scheme in the world. It reviews the experiences of the pilot phase from 2005-07, assesses the adjustments introduced in the second phase (2008-12) and looks ahead to the radical changes that will come into effect in the third phase starting in 2013. The assessment is based on a literature review of recently published ex-post analyses and ex-ante studies and draws as well on our own calculations. It investigates the main controversies surrounding the EU ETS, such as its environmental effectiveness, economic rents, windfall profits and fairness, the role of CDM and JI and its impact of on industrial competitiveness. It also evaluates the scheme’s ability to promote innovation and low-carbon technology deployment. Finally, the study addresses the fundamental question of whether the ETS has lived up to its promise to “promote reductions of greenhouse gas emissions in a cost-effective and economically efficient manner”, and if not, what are the prospects of its doing so in the future and what additional changes will be required

    Modelling, analysis and comparison of heat sink designs with improved natural convection

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    Carbon Market Opportunities in Southern Mediterranean Countries. MEDPRO Technical Report No. 8/March 2012

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    To date, Southern Mediterranean countries have hosted a limited number of projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). There are three challenges to the participation of middleincome countries in future carbon markets: the limited size of future demand for offsets or credits; restrictions on the use of CDM credits in Phase III of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme; and the lack of prompt preparation for the start of new market-based mechanisms. This study examines existing and emerging activities in Southern Mediterranean countries that could fit into new market based mechanisms. It explores options for the evolution of mechanisms and discusses the merits of post-2012 carbon funds in bridging the gap between the end of the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol and the entry into force of a new international agreement

    Modelling, analysis and comparison of heatsink designs with improved natural convection

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    The paper presents FEM based study of various heatsink designs. The main aim of the study is to determine and evaluate solutions with improved heat dissipation by utilization of natural convection. Seventeen different cases both classical and proposed by the authors are studied, where each case is examined under three different heat source (in the case with the proposed study a transistor) powers. Results for temperature of the power source and velocity magnitudes in the studied volume are presented and comparted. Experimental verification of the modeling is presented for selected cases

    Floods - a leading disaster for Bulgaria

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    The scientific literature on flood problems was reviewed and analyzed.The large-scale floods in Bulgaria are predominantly of the rain - river type, as there are conditions on the territory of the country for the formation of large water masses mainly in the river valleys.Organizational and emergency response to floods includes, first and foremost, first aid for all victims in the floodplain, evacuation of survivors in other settlements and hygiene and epidemic measures.The coordinator of the actions for rendering medical care, management and logistical functions for the out-of-hospital and inpatient healthcare facilities is the Director of the Regional Health Insurance Institute for the respective region.In floods it is extremely important to know, update and develop modern approaches to flood prevention and protection


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    According to official data from EM-DAT (the International Disaster Database for Disaster Epidemiology) in 2021, the number of catastrophic events related to natural disasters worldwide was 432, exceeding the average annual number of 347 from 2001 – 2020. In this context, a study involving 240 citizens from 31 different countries who were temporarily residing in the city of Pleven was conducted. This study aimed to gauge their willingness to take adequate action and provide medical assistance in various disasters. All foreign citizens temporarily residing in Pleven had experienced a disaster situation, with over half having experienced more than one. However, the awareness among these two analyzed groups about potential disaster threats was found to be very low. Our study revealed low awareness and a lack of willingness to act during disasters. Only 20% were familiar with early warning sirens; more than half did not have home or property insurance; 88% did not possess an evacuation backpack; and only 15% were knowledgeable about collective remedies. The study's results highlight the need for systematic, in-depth work from responsible institutions to prepare foreigners for potential disasters and accidents

    Modelling, analysis and comparison of heat sink designs with improved natural convection

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    The paper presents FEM based study of various heatsink designs. The main aim of the study is to determine and evaluate solutions with improved heat dissipation by utilization of natural convection. Seventeen different cases both classical and proposed by the authors are studied, where each case is examined under three different heat source (in the case with the proposed study a transistor) powers. Results for temperature of the power source and velocity magnitudes in the studied volume are presented and comparted. Experimental verification of the modeling is presented for selected cases

    Construction of biodentaplast upper partial removable protection of biodentaplast by the bredent system (ThermoPress 400)

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    Необходимостта от подобрена биопоносимост, функция и естетика налага използването на термопластични материали в зъбопротезирането. Разликата между акрилните пластмаси и термопластичните материали се свежда до това, че термоматериалите са полимеризирали при фабрични условия и ние ги получаваме под формата на гранулат. Поради тази причина те не съдържат остатъчен мономер. Частичната снемаема протеза не се фиксира неподвижно към естествените зъби на пациента. Което означава, че пациентът може сам да сваля и слага протезата при нужда. Този тип протези лежат върху лигавицата и се свързват с естествените зъби с помощта на разнообразни задръжно-опорни елементи. Целта на настоящата статия е да се представят технологичните етапи на изработване на горна частична протеза от материала Biodentaplast по системата на Bredent (thermopress 400) върху случай от реалната практика. Разгледан клиничен случай, отнасящ се до пациент от мъжки пол на 56 г., който започва лечение през м. май 2017 г. Частичното обеззъбяване е трети клас по Кенеди (дистално двустранно ограничен дефект). Biodentaplast е термопластичен материал на основата на полиоксиметилена с висока степен на кристалност и има универсално приложение в зъботехниката за изработване на безметални конструк ции. Високотехнологичният материал се отличава с твърдост, еластичност, биопоносимост и лекота. Някои от направените изводи са, че термопластичните протези са приложими при пациенти, които имат противопоказания за изпиляване на зъбите (епилепсия, остри ставни заболявания и др.). Проведено анкетно проучване сред пациенти показва, че 100% от анкетираните предпочитат гъвкавите протези пред конвенционалните РММА пластмаси. Биологичната поносимост е голяма поради липсата на остатъчен мономер и метал.The need for improved bioscience, function and aesthetics requires the use of thermoplastic materials in dental prostheses. The difference between acrylic plastics and thermoplastic materials is that the thermo-materials are polymerized under factory conditions and we get them in the form of granulates. For this reason, they do not contain a residual monomer. Partial removable prostheses are not fixed rigidly to the natural teeth of a patient. This means that the patient can remove and put the prosthesis himself, if necessary. This type of prosthesis rests on the mucous membrane and connects with the natural teeth with a variety of support elements. The purpose of this article is to present the technological steps of making an upper partial prosthesis from Biodentaplast material on the Bredent system (thermopress 400) on a real-life case. We present a case study involving a male patient, aged 56, who started in May, 2017. His partial teeth were third class by Kennedy (distal bilateral narrowing defect). Biodentaplast is a thermoplastic material based on polyoxymethylene with a high degree of crystallinity and is universally used in dentistry for the manufacture of non-metallic structures. The high-tech material is characterized by its hardness, elasticity, bio-portability and lightness. Some of the conclusions drawn are that thermoplastic dentures are useful in patients who have contraindications for dental scarring (epilepsy, acute joint diseases, etc.). A survey conducted among patients shows that 100% of respondents prefer flexible dentures to conventional PMMA plastics. Biological tolerance is high due to the lack of residual monomer and metal