1,027 research outputs found

    Crossing a Narrow-In-Altitude Turbulent Auroral Acceleration Region

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    We report on the in situ identification of a narrow electrostatic acceleration layer (electrostatic shock) containing intense plasma turbulence in the upward current region, and its effect on auroral particles. Wave turbulence recorded in the center of the layer differs in character from that recorded above and beneath. It is concluded that the shock is sustained by different nonlinear waves which, at each level, act on the particles in such a way to produce a net upward directed electric field. The main power is in the ion acoustic range. We point out that anomalous resistivities are incapable of locally generating the observed parallel potential drop

    Seismic vulnerability assessment: Methodological elements and applications to the case of Romania

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    This paper is intended to present some studies undertaken in order to develop a seismic vulnerability estimation system to fit the needs of development of earthquake scenarios and of development of an integrated disaster risk management system for Romania. Methodological aspects are dealt with, in connection with the criteria of categorization of buildings, with the definition of parameters used for characterizing vulnerability, with the setting up of an inventory of buildings and with the calibration of parameters characterizing vulnerability. Action was initiated along the coordinates referred to in connection with the methodological aspects mentioned above. The approach was made, as far as possible, specific to the conditions of Romania. Some data on results obtained to date are presented.seismic vulnerability, vulnerability estimation, earthquake scenarios, categorization of buildings, inventory of buildings, expected earthquake impact

    On perturbations of Dirac operators with variable magnetic field of constant direction

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    We carry out the spectral analysis of matrix valued perturbations of 3-dimensional Dirac operators with variable magnetic field of constant direction. Under suitable assumptions on the magnetic field and on the pertubations, we obtain a limiting absorption principle, we prove the absence of singular continuous spectrum in certain intervals and state properties of the point spectrum. Various situations, for example when the magnetic field is constant, periodic or diverging at infinity, are covered. The importance of an internal-type operator (a 2-dimensional Dirac operator) is also revealed in our study. The proofs rely on commutator methods.Comment: 12 page

    The strange physics of low frequency mirror mode turbulence in the high temperature plasma of the magnetosheath

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    International audienceMirror mode turbulence is the lowest frequency perpendicular magnetic excitation in magnetized plasma proposed already about half a century ago by Rudakov and Sagdeev (1958) and Chandrasekhar et al. (1958) from fluid theory. Its experimental verification required a relatively long time. It was early recognized that mirror modes for being excited require a transverse pressure (or temperature) anisotropy. In principle mirror modes are some version of slow mode waves. Fluid theory, however, does not give a correct physical picture of the mirror mode. The linear infinitesimally small amplitude physics is described correctly only by including the full kinetic theory and is modified by existing spatial gradients of the plasma parameters which attribute a small finite frequency to the mode. In addition, the mode is propagating only very slowly in plasma such that convective transport is the main cause of flow in it. As the lowest frequency mode it can be expected that mirror modes serve as one of the dominant energy inputs into plasma. This is however true only when the mode grows to large amplitude leaving the linear stage. At such low frequencies, on the other hand, quasilinear theory does not apply as a valid saturation mechanism. Probably the dominant processes are related to the generation of gradients in the plasma which serve as the cause of drift modes thus transferring energy to shorter wavelength propagating waves of higher nonzero frequency. This kind of theory has not yet been developed as it has not yet been understood why mirror modes in spite of their slow growth rate usually are of very large amplitudes indeed of the order of |B/B0|2~O(1). It is thus highly reasonable to assume that mirror modes are instrumental for the development of stationary turbulence in high temperature plasma. Moreover, since the magnetic field in mirror turbulence forms extended though slightly oblique magnetic bottles, low parallel energy particles can be trapped in mirror modes and redistribute energy (cf. for instance, Chisham et al. 1998). Such trapped electrons excite banded whistler wave emission known under the name of lion roars and indicating that the mirror modes contain a trapped particle component while leading to the splitting of particle distributions (see Baumjohann et al., 1999) into trapped and passing particles. The most amazing fact about mirror modes is, however, that they evolve in the practically fully collisionless regime of high temperature plasma where it is on thermodynamic reasons entirely impossible to expel any magnetic field from the plasma. The fact that magnetic fields are indeed locally extracted makes mirror modes similar to "superconducting" structures in matter as known only at extremely low temperatures. Of course, microscopic quantum effects do not play a role in mirror modes. However, it seems that all mirror structures have typical scales of the order of the ion inertial length which implies that mirrors evolve in a regime where the transverse ion and electron motions decouple. In this case the Hall kinetics comes into play. We estimate that in the marginally stationary nonlinear state of the evolution of mirror modes the modes become stretched along the magnetic field with k||=0 and that a small number the order of a few percent of the particle density is responsible only for the screening of the field from the interior of the mirror bubbles

    Magnetospheric lion roars

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    International audienceThe Equator-S magnetometer is very sensitive and has a sampling rate normally of 128 Hz. The high sampling rate for the first time allows detection of ELF waves between the ion cyclotron and the lower hybrid frequencies in the equatorial dawnside magnetosphere. The characteristics of these waves are virtually identical to the lion roars typically seen at the bottom of the magnetic troughs of magnetosheath mirror waves. The magnetospheric lion roars are near-monochromatic packets of electron whistler waves lasting for a few wave cycles only, typically 0.2 s. They are right-hand circularly polarized waves with typical amplitudes of 0.5 nT at around one tenth of the electron gyrofrequency. The cone angle between wave vector and ambient field is nearly always smaller than 1°

    Magnetospheric lion roars

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    Interval valued (\in,\ivq)-fuzzy filters of pseudo BLBL-algebras

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    We introduce the concept of quasi-coincidence of a fuzzy interval value with an interval valued fuzzy set. By using this new idea, we introduce the notions of interval valued (\in,\ivq)-fuzzy filters of pseudo BLBL-algebras and investigate some of their related properties. Some characterization theorems of these generalized interval valued fuzzy filters are derived. The relationship among these generalized interval valued fuzzy filters of pseudo BLBL-algebras is considered. Finally, we consider the concept of implication-based interval valued fuzzy implicative filters of pseudo BLBL-algebras, in particular, the implication operators in Lukasiewicz system of continuous-valued logic are discussed

    A case study of a radially polarized Pc4 event observed by the Equator-S satellite

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    International audienceA 16 mHz Pc4 pulsation was recorded on March 17, 1998, in the prenoon sector of the Earth's magnetosphere by the Equator-S satellite. The event is strongly localized in radial direction at approximately L = 5 and exhibits properties of a field line resonance such as an ellipticity change as seen by applying the method of the analytical signal to the magnetic field data. The azimuthal wave number was estimated as m \approx 150. We discuss whether this event can be explained by the FLR mechanism and find out that the change in ellipticity is more a general feature of a localized Alfvén wave than indicative of a resonant process
