208 research outputs found

    Coherent beam superposition of ten diode lasers with a Dammann grating

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    We demonstrate the use of a binary diffractive optical element in a very simple setup to convert the multilobed beam from a low fill factor array of coherent laser diodes into a quasi-Gaussian beam. The phase profile of the grating is determined with a phase retrieval algorithm. Experimentally, the conversion efficiency reaches more than 44%. We also establish that this setup can be used to make an effective measurement of the coherency of the laser array

    Narrow-line coherently combined tapered laser diodes in a Talbot external cavity with a volume Bragg grating

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    We present the phase locking of an array of index-guided tapered laser diodes. An external cavity based on the self-imaging Talbot effect has been built. A volume Bragg grating is used as the output coupler to stabilize and narrow the spectrum at 976 nm. A power of 1.7 W is achieved in the in-phase single main lobe mode with a high visibility. We have checked that each emitter is locked to the Bragg wavelength with a 100 pm spectrum linewidth. The experimental results compare well with numerical simulations performed with two-dimensional wide-angle finite difference beam propagation method

    Tunable Single-frequency operation of a diode-pumped Vertical-External Cavity Laser at the Caesium D2 line

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    International audienceWe report on a diode-pumped vertical external-cavity surface-emitting laser emitting around 852 nm for Cesium atomic clocks experiments. We have designed a 7-quantum-well semiconductor structure optimized for low laser threshold. An output power of 330 mW was achieved for 1.1 W of incident pump power. Furthermore a compact setup was built for low-power single-requency emission. We obtained an output power of 17 mW in a single longitudinal mode, exhibiting both broad (9 nm) and continuous (14 GHz) tunability around the Cesium D2 line. The laser frequency has been stabilized on an atomic transition with residual frequency fluctuations ~ 300 kHz. Through a beatnote experiment the -3 dB laser linewidth has been measured to < 500 kHz over 10 ms

    Coherent beam combining of high power quasi continuous wave tapered amplifiers

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    International audienceWe demonstrate coherent beam combining of four high brightness tapered amplifiers in pulsed, quasi continuous wave (QCW) operation, seeded by a 976 nm laser diode. The maximum power of 22.7 W was achieved with > 64 % combining efficiency in a close to diffraction limited beam. We discuss turn-on dynamics of tapered amplifiers operated in pulsed mode in detail


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    This work reports on an optically-pumped vertical external-cavity surface­emitting laser emitting around 852 nm dedicated to atomic physics experiments with cold Cs atoms. The design of the semiconductor active structure has been optimized to provide a low threshold. A low-power diode-pumped compact prototype has been developed with improved stability. With this setup, we obtained a 17-mW single frequency emission exhibiting large tunability around the Cesium D2 line. The laser linewidth has been measured to less than 500 kHz on a 10 ms time

    900 nm Emission of a Nd:ASL Laser Pumped by an Extended-Cavity Tapered Laser Diode

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    PosterWe describe here the use of a 798-nm-stabilized high-brightness tapered laser diode to pump a Nd:ASL crystal for 900 nm laser operation. An output power of 150 mW is obtained

    Diode pumping of Nd:ASL and its frequency doubling for blue emission around 450 nm

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    International audienceWe present the diode pumping of a Nd-doped strontium and lanthanum (Nd:ASL) crystal Sr1-xLax-yNdyMgxAl12-xO19 (0.05 ≤ x ≤ 0.5; y = 0.05) for second harmonic generation around 450 nm. In order to fulfill the pumping requirements of this crystal, we have developed a high-brightness pump source based on a tapered amplifier in an extended cavity with a volume Bragg grating for wavelength stabilization. A pump brightness of 110 MW.cm-2sr-1 has been obtained with a linewidth lower than 80 pm at 798 nm. This laser source has been used to pump a Nd:ASL crystal to obtain 300 mW at 906 nm and 53 mW at 453 nm by intracavity doubling with a LBO crystal

    Dual frequency emission in a compact semiconductor laser for coherent population trapping cesium atomic clocks

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    We present the dual-frequency emission of a diode-pumped vertical external-cavity semiconductor laser at 852 nm dedicated to coherent population trapping experiments. With a compact cavity more than 10mW is demonstrated in each polarization, with a frequency difference in the GHz range. One polarization has been stabilized on an atomic transitio

    Coherent combining of high brightness tapered lasers in Master Oscillator Power Amplifier configuration

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    International audienceImproved diode laser beam combining techniques are in strong demand for applications in material processing. Coherent beam combining (CBC) is the only combining approach that has the potential to maintain or even improve all laser properties, and thus has high potential for future systems. As part of our ongoing studies into CBC of diode lasers, we present recent progress in the coherent superposition of high-power single-pass tapered laser amplifiers. The amplifiers are seeded by a DFB laser at λ = 976 nm, where the seed is injected into a laterally single-mode ridge-waveguide input section. The phase pistons on each beam are actively controlled by varying the current in the ridge section of each amplifier, using a sequential hill-climbing algorithm, resulting in a combined beam with power fluctuations of below 1%. The currents into the tapered sections of the amplifiers are separately controlled, and remain constant. In contrast to our previous studies, we favour a limited number of individual high-power amplifiers, in order to preserve a high extracted power per emitter in a simple, low-loss coupling arrangement. Specifically, a multi-arm interferometer architecture with only three devices is used, constructed using 6 mm-long tapered amplifiers, mounted junction up on C-mounts, to allow separate contact to single mode and amplifier sections. A maximum coherently combined power of 12.9 W is demonstrated in a nearly diffraction-limited beam, corresponding to a 65% combining efficiency, with power mainly limited by the intrinsic beam quality of the amplifiers. Further increased combined power is currently sought

    Coherent dual-frequency emission of a vertical external-cavity semiconductor laser at the cesium D2 line

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    International audienceWe describe the dual-frequency and dual-polarization emission of a diode-pumped vertical external-cavity semiconductor laser at 852 nm dedicated to the coherent population trapping of cesium atoms. The output power reaches ∼20 mW on each frequency, with a frequency difference in the GHz range