52 research outputs found

    Placental CRH as a signal of pregnancy adversity and impact on fetal neurodevelopment

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    Early life is a period of considerable plasticity and vulnerability and insults during that period can disrupt the homeostatic equilibrium of the developing organism, resulting in adverse developmental programming and enhanced susceptibility to disease. Fetal exposure to prenatal stress can impede optimum brain development and deranged mother’s HPA axis stress responses can alter the neurodevelopmental trajectories of the offspring. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and glucocorticoids, regulate fetal neurogenesis and while CRH exerts neuroprotective actions, increased levels of stress hormones have been associated with fetal brain structural alterations such as reduced cortical volume, impoverishment of neuronal density in the limbic brain areas and alterations in neuronal circuitry, synaptic plasticity, neurotransmission and GPCR signalling. Emerging evidence highlight the role of epigenetic changes in fetal brain programming, as stress-induced methylation of genes encoding molecules that are implicated in HPA axis and major neurodevelopmental processes. These serve as molecular memories and have been associated with long term modifications of the offspring’s stress regulatory system and increased susceptibility to psychosomatic disorders later in life. This review summarises our current understanding on the roles of CRH and other mediators of stress responses on fetal neurodevelopment

    The Expression of Heat Shock Proteins 27 and 70 in Lupus Nephritis

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    Background: Heat shock protein (HSP ) up-regulation is a cytoprotective response following stress insults (toxic, ischemic, inflammatory and oxidative). Ob ject ive: To study the localization of HSP 27 and HSP 70 in the renal tissue of patients with lupus nephritis (LN) and correlate our findings with the severity of histological involvement (activity and chronicity indices) and the degree of renal function impairment. Pat ients and Methods: Seventy patients with LN (diffuse proliferative n=31, focal proliferative n=20, and membranous n=19) were included in the study. The distribution of HSP 27/HSP 70 was studied by immuno-histochemistry in renal biopsy sections. A double staining method for vimentin, a-smooth muscle actin, CD 34 and CD 68 (+) cells were performed to identify the type of glomerular cells expressing HSP s. The severity of immunostaining for HSP 27/70 was evaluated semiquantitively. Results : HSP 27 and HSP 70 were identified within the cytoplasm of tubular epithelial cells of all patients. Increased HSP 27 expression was noted within intrinsic glomerular cells in diffuse lupus nephritis whereas no glomerular expression was observed in focal proliferative and membranous LN. A significant positive correlation was found between HSP 27 expression in diffuse proliferative nephritis and the activity and total (activity + chronicity) indices. The severity of histological involvement was also related to the degree of renal function impairment. Conclusions: Up-regulation of heat shock protein expression was identified in patients with various types of LN, especially those with diffuse proliferative nephritis. The severity of HSP 27 expression was related to the activity and total indices. These results suggest a possible defensive role for HSP 27 in severe lupus nephritis

    Littoral cell angioma of the spleen accompanied by haemophagocytic syndrome in a dialysis patient suffering from aa amyloidosis

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    Littoral cell angioma (LCA) is a rare form of vascular tumor unique to the spleen that arises from the specialized endothelial cells that line the splenic sinuses (littoral cells). Haemophagocytic syndrome (HS) is also a rare hematologic disorder that some times accompanies LCA. The authors describe a young dialysis patient with a history of familiar mediteranean fever and secondary amyloidosis who was found to have this rare association of AA amyloidosis with LCA and haemophagocytic syndrome

    Dietary Influences on the Microbiota–Gut–Brain Axis

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    Over unimaginable expanses of evolutionary time, our gut microbiota have co-evolved with us, creating a symbiotic relationship in which each is utterly dependent upon the other. Far from confined to the recesses of the alimentary tract, our gut microbiota engage in complex and bi-directional communication with their host, which have far-reaching implications for overall health, wellbeing and normal physiological functioning. Amongst such communication streams, the microbiota–gut–brain axis predominates. Numerous complex mechanisms involve direct effects of the microbiota, or indirect effects through the release and absorption of the metabolic by-products of the gut microbiota. Proposed mechanisms implicate mitochondrial function, the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis, and autonomic, neuro-humeral, entero-endocrine and immunomodulatory pathways. Furthermore, dietary composition influences the relative abundance of gut microbiota species. Recent human-based data reveal that dietary effects on the gut microbiota can occur rapidly, and that our gut microbiota reflect our diet at any given time, although much inter-individual variation pertains. Although most studies on the effects of dietary macronutrients on the gut microbiota report on associations with relative changes in the abundance of particular species of bacteria, in broad terms, our modern-day animal-based Westernized diets are relatively high in fats and proteins and impoverished in fibres. This creates a perfect storm within the gut in which dysbiosis promotes localized inflammation, enhanced gut wall permeability, increased production of lipopolysaccharides, chronic endotoxemia and a resultant low-grade systemic inflammatory milieu, a harbinger of metabolic dysfunction and many modern-day chronic illnesses. Research should further focus on the colony effects of the gut microbiota on health and wellbeing, and dysbiotic effects on pathogenic pathways. Finally, we should revise our view of the gut microbiota from that of a seething mass of microbes to one of organ-status, on which our health and wellbeing utterly depends. Future guidelines on lifestyle strategies for wellbeing should integrate advice on the optimal establishment and maintenance of a healthy gut microbiota through dietary and other means. Although we are what we eat, perhaps more importantly, we are what our gut microbiota thrive on and they thrive on what we eat

    Maternal chronic stress correlates with serum levels of cortisol, glucose and C-peptide in the fetus, and maternal non chronic stress with fetal growth

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    Introduction: During pregnancy, maternal stressors cause changes in both maternal and fetal HPA axes. We therefore investigated the impact of maternal non chronic and chronic stress on fetal glucose metabolism and growth, and serum levels of cortisol in the fetus. Materials and methods: Normal weight pregnant women (n = 192; mean ± SD 27.9 ± 4.2 years old, and; 26.9 ± 2.4 kg/m²) were assessed during the 2nd and 3rd trimester with anthropometry, fetal ultrasound, blood samples for serum CRH, cortisol and IL6, and STAI trait and state stress questionnaires. We measured serum cortisol, insulin and c-peptide, and plasma glucose from cord blood. Neonates underwent anthropometry at the 3rd post-delivery day. Results: In both 2nd and 3rd trimesters, women with STAI trait scores ≥40 had significantly greater levels of fasting serum CRH and cortisol than those with STAI trait scores<40. 2nd trimester: STAI trait scores correlated positively with cord blood glucose and c-peptide. Maternal serum CRH correlated negatively with U/S fetal biparietal head diameter, while serum cortisol correlated positively with abdominal circumference. Maternal serum IL6, CRH and cortisol all correlated positively with birth waist circumference. 3rd trimester: Women with STAI state scores ≥40 had fetuses with larger U/S abdominal and smaller head circumferences compared to those of women with STAI scores <40. Women with STAI trait scores ≥40 had greater levels of cord blood cortisol, glucose, and c-peptide compared to women with STAI scores <40. STAI state scores ≥40 correlated positively with maternal CRH and U/S fetal abdominal circumference, and negatively with fetal head circumference and biparietal diameter. STAI trait scores correlated positively with cord blood c-peptide, glucose, insulin and cortisol. Maternal serum levels of CRH correlated positively with U/S fetal abdominal circumference and cord blood cortisol, and negatively with fetal head circumference and biparietal head diameter. Maternal serum levels of both CRH and cortisol correlated positively with cord blood c-peptide, glucose, and insulin. STAI trait was the best positive predictor of cord blood cortisol, glucose and c-peptide, whilst STAI state was the best positive and negative predictor, respectively of fetal abdominal circumference and fetal head circumference or biparietal diameter. Conclusions: Increased maternal chronic stress (reflected by the STAI trait score) associates with increased fetal cortisol, glucose, c-peptide secretion and thus, insulin resistance. Maternal non chronic stress (STAI state) in the 3rd trimester associates with changes in fetal growth pattern, including increased and decreased measurements of fetal abdominal and head growth respectively

    Maternal Undernutrition and Long-term Effects on Hepatic Function

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    Undernutrition in utero, regardless of the source, can impair proper liver development leading to long-term metabolic dysfunction. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying how nutritional deficits during perinatal life lead to permanent alterations in hepatic gene expression will provide better therapeutic strategies to alleviate the undernourished liver in postnatal life. This chapter addresses the different experimental models of undernutrition in utero, and highlights the direct and indirect mechanisms involved leading to metabolic diseases in the liver. These include hypoxia, oxidative stress, epigenetic alterations, and endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. In addition, promising perinatal nutritional and pharmaceutical interventions are highlighted which illustrate how the placidity of the developing liver can be exploited to prevent the onset of long-term metabolic disease

    Metabolic syndrome: definitions and controversies

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a complex disorder defined by a cluster of interconnected factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular atherosclerotic diseases and diabetes mellitus type 2. Currently, several different definitions of MetS exist, causing substantial confusion as to whether they identify the same individuals or represent a surrogate of risk factors. Recently, a number of other factors besides those traditionally used to define MetS that are also linked to the syndrome have been identified. In this review, we critically consider existing definitions and evolving information, and conclude that there is still a need to develop uniform criteria to define MetS, so as to enable comparisons between different studies and to better identify patients at risk. As the application of the MetS model has not been fully validated in children and adolescents as yet, and because of its alarmingly increasing prevalence in this population, we suggest that diagnosis, prevention and treatment in this age group should better focus on established risk factors rather than the diagnosis of MetS

    The endocannabinoid system as a target for the treatment of visceral obesity and metabolic syndrome

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    The endogenous cannabinoid system is a novel, remarkably elaborate physiological signaling system, comprising the recently identified endogenous cannabinoid ligands, their corresponding selective receptors, and the machinery of proteins and enzymes that is involved in their biosynthesis, release, transport, and degradation. This system extends widely in both the central nervous system (CNS) and the periphery and exhibits a variety of actions implicated in vital functions (e.g., behavioral, antinociceptive, neuroprotective, immunosuppressive, cardiovascular, and metabolic). Particular interest has been focused on the apparent participation of endocannabinoids in metabolic homeostasis by modulating the activity of CNS circuits that control food intake and energy expenditure, the neuroendocrine response of the stress system, and the metabolic functions of crucial peripheral tissues, such as the adipose tissue, the gastrointestinal tract, the liver, and the skeletal muscles. These effects are predominantly CB1 receptor mediated and, thus, selective antagonists of this receptor subtype are being vigorously investigated as potential therapeutic agents for the treatment of various metabolic derangements (e.g., obesity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and metabolic syndrome). The first selective CB1 receptor antagonist, rimonabant, has already successfully completed phase III clinical trials as adjunctive obesity treatment, with significant improvements in several associated metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors that led to the recent approval of its clinical use by the Food and Drug Administration